『 Weigh 2 Go: #02 』 - A slow & steady start

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Good morning Steemit! 😊

Starting Weight: 195 pounds, 88.5 kg
Goal Weight: 123 pounds, 55.8 kg

Today, I spent some time eating with some of my former co-workers at a law firm I used to work at. It was such a pleasant experience seeing old faces! I tried my best not to overeat (because we all know when eating out with friends, we just order without thinking about the caloric consequences), and I think I did a good job staying in my 1400 calorie limit!

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 █  Today's Statistics

  • Date: o7.19.2o17
  • Weight: 189.4 pounds | 85.9 kg
  • Weight Lost: -0.6 lbs.
  • Total Weight Lost: -5.6 lbs.
  • Calories: 1,274
    • Breakfast - 1% (15 cal)
    • Lunch - 40% (512 cal)
    • Dinner - 39% (497 cal)
    • Snacks - 20% (250 cal)
  • Exercise: None
  • Mood: Disappointed 😔

 █  Schedule

07:00 a.m.  |  Wake up
10:30 a.m.  |  Weigh-in
12:45 p.m.  |  Lunch
03:30 p.m.  |  Coffee
08:00 p.m.  |  Dinner
02:30 a.m.  |  Sleep

█  Food

Today, I had gone out to eat with my friends at a Burger restaurant. I know, not the healthiest place to choose, but I hadn't seen my colleagues in almost a year! I wanted to go to some place they wanted to go. I would just have to watch what I eat. Out of the menu, I thought their fish fillet burger would be the best option. Thankfully, I normally don't drink any soda, so that was no problem. I also opted out of their side orders! Woot!

In the afternoon, I grabbed my daily dose of coffee at Starbucks with another friend of mine: my beloved Grande Vanilla Latte to satisfy my needs. 

And for dinner, I had more of the extremely delicious, oh-so-spicy kimchi fried rice my mother had cooked from yesterday! Along with it I had a big bowl of cherry tomatoes. These are my favorite vegetables in the entire world! Yum~ They are all naturally grown in our backyard, so no chemicals were applied. What I found to be most adorable was how much they varied in size! Cute, huh? Plucking them was a lot of fun.

Also, I think I had recorded the calories for the fried rice as too little yesterday, so I bumped up the caloric info this time around! I say this because I didn't lose as much weight as I had hoped, so perhaps my estimation was off by a lot!

Another big difference is that this time, when I recorded the calories of the rice, I went by cups instead of ounces. Intuitively, it might make more sense to go by ounces, but perhaps I was doing something wrong. I had 4/3 cup of fried rice, which turned out to be more calories than the 7-8 oz. of fried rice I recorded yesterday. Weird!

█  Exercise

Ugh, I am so sorry I am bad at keeping up with exercise!! I will work harder to get in something physical into my day. I will walk around for at least 15 minutes tomorrow! Something is better than nothing. :)

█  Progress Photos

**I will take full, detailed progress photos weekly, not daily.

Though I may not be taking full body shots everyday, I thought it may be nice to see the progress from my face. Right now, I am so round, but hopefully in the next few months, it can be visible that I am slimming down! It was so sunny today, I loved it!

█  Final Thoughts

I was a bit disappointed that I only lost 0.6 pounds since yesterday, but it may have been because I woke up at 7 a.m. today and drank a bit of water before the weigh-in. Perhaps weighing myself as soon as I wake up will prove more accurate (and better) results. :) I'm hoping that tomorrow I will have better luck!

Day 2: not too bad!

💖 Follow me to see my progress throughout 2017! 💖


Hey Rin I am personal trainer, maybe I could help you. Would you be interested in collaborating? Overall health and wellness is my goal, and I can see that it is yours. Maybe I can help you in your weightloss goals with designing some of your workouts. What do you think?

Hi @kaotto! I would absolutely to collaborate with you! :) Before, when I had gone on a weight loss journey in 2015, I literally had done 0 workouts for muscle training. Just a bit of cardio and lots of limited meals. I would love to do things differently with proper workouts this time around (I've already begun the same old habits of just restricting what I eat, rather than being more physically active)!

Do you have Skype or Discord by any chance? :D

Hey @rin I have not forgotten about you!! My brick and mortar studio had a number of new clients flood in. I do have Skype and we will be able to talk about it soon. Just give me some time!!!

Welcome to Steemit! Looking forward to learning more about your very interesting life!


Thank you @thaokhanh!! I hope my life is interesting... XD Haha

ohh Nice way to post food like that! Really liked ur post, too refresh and original from you. Continue like that @rin. Nice to meet you.

My best wishes for u from Venezuela!

Thanks so much for your encouragement in Venezuela! That means a lot to me and inspires me to work harder! :)

it is ok that you gradually loose your weight, @rin. It is more important to eat healthily and take one step at a time.
I am on a 8-16 clean (as possible, but sometimes I do cheat a little haha) diet; where I take small healthy (as possible) meals in an 8 hour range and fast with water and plenty of rest in 16 hours. Of course, I exercise, during the 8 hour time frame and I gradually "shrunk" but kept my muscle weight in tact.
I used to have an old record tracking of my methods too, but I will need to look at my old archives to make sure I can still find them.
Would you like to know? I can keep you posted when I find them and we can keep enouraging each other.
It is important to keep a healthy weight but it is MORE important to keep your internal organs healthy and strong.

I wrote this some time back (on the 8-16 diet routine), you can check it out of you want to. :)

How I lose 1.5kg in 7 days

ps: another thing is I relaxed from exercise and dieting once a week, that gives my body (and mind) a treat and I usually do not deliberately pick unhealthy foods, just less worried about the calories.

Hi @littlenewthings ! Thanks so much for such a thoughtful, super super detailed post! It really means so much to me. ^^ I have always wanted to try the multiple-snacks-a-day diet instead of meals but it is hard to commit time to do that (especially with tracking calories when you eat so many times a day).

I would love a copy of the archives! ^^ More knowledge is power, thank you!
And I checked out your blog, it was great and informative. :D I like the idea of having a "relax" day from exercise and dieting. I will definitely be doing that now~ Thank you for the suggestion!

Sometimes it is not the calorie count will work @rin , if you are not eating properly.
Fresh fruits and vegetables hardly had any calories in it so it is totally safe to snack it, not to mention clean protein. I had a hard time learning it at first if we are used to scrumptious tasty food; but once that sits in you for 21 days you will start to benefit from it as your body changes to adapt to a more natural food intake rather than our current overly saturated with MSG food.
Once you start cutting off process sugar, little by little, your body will not want too much full meal all the time, but welcome "mini boosters" from time to time.
But if you do the 16 hours fast, it will be very hard at first. Don't be so hard on yourself and you will gradually adapt well. :)
Most important is, don't forget to keep your body active with exercises.
Once I find my archives I will let you know.
All the best!
ps: Do you know a hard boil egg (without any other sauce to go with it) is actually pretty good?

Don't get scared of the fat. These are good fat to push out the bad fat (deep fried, grilled, BBQ food).
You don't have to take the yolks all the time, but the whites will help. I limit it to 2 eggs a day.

Thanks a lot! Yes! My mother actually has recommended that I eat eggs and I have been eating them plain (with some salt) 2-3 times a day. I will try my best to try to do shorter, smaller meals, but it is pretty difficult.

I would love to be support partners if that's possible ^^ The first time I did my diet, I did it very poorly and only ate 1200 calories a day (poor diet) and I had LOTS and LOTS of health problems. I passed out from work and stuff. ><;;

That's not a proper diet @rin . Sure, would love to join as one of your support partners. 1,200 calories poor diet will only give you more illness. You need to balance it with clean diet.
Fruits and steamed protein is pretty good. You will still need calories because your body is not adjusted to lean diet yet, so go slow and go steady. I keep about 1,500 calories max a day, but taking clean food is one of the best because the ones that makes us put on unnecessary weight is actually the hidden sugar (from low fat stuffs, I can assure you). We DO need sugar but not process sugar; so keeping that minimum but have good clean food is the way to go.
I love edamame. It's a good source of protein and rock salt will not get you water retention (remember to drink water too). So that can be a good start besides just full boil eggs. :)
(that can be your snack)
If you have a chance, go for a health screen (if there's any free at your area), and you will have a good basic guideline what to put into your mind, body and soul. :)

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