How I lose 1.5kg in 7 days

in #health7 years ago

Hi everyone! Before I start with my other post I am thinking of posting a spin-off today. I realised that Summer is here and a lot of people are trying to shed off a lot of pounds from their body.

I can tell, you, in Malaysia, it is one of the hardest place to lose weight and stay healthy, even with all the exercise you have; because you have a lot of food to taste and discover in this multi-racial beautiful 365 Summer country.
I wrote a simple peace of it, and besides the good food, we have interesting language skills to! Do check out my article here if you are curious about it

Let me tell you where I am now


So, back to my spin-off on my title; how (on earth) did I lose 1.5kg in 7 days??

Note: I did not skip meals.

Yes, I DID NOT! But what I did I shuffled around to let my body burn anything excess in my body / flush it out before I consume new carbs.

In the month of May I have been meeting up with old friends and school mates all around Malaysia and we have been eating out most of the time with all sorts of really delicious food!

(I will introduce you some places with good food to try out later)

So right after the Feast of May (as I have decided to call it), I have realised that I have crossed my weight borderline to keep my knees healthy and pain-free. (Doctor’s orders)

I determined to push out as much excess from my body as I can without skipping meals, and my friend recently asked me to try out this different routine lifestyle which kept her lean, mean, and enjoying food still.

What did I do?


I exercise alternate days (at least 10 minutes)

I never skipped a meal, but I chose when to eat and when not to eat; plus, my food selection is stricter than usual.

You see, I have figured out that most people gaining weight is not really because they have plenty of fat (per say), that is only part of the problem; a lot of people also unconsciously have a lot of water retention in their bodies.

With all the MSG and too much seasoning (salt and sugar) added into the food especially eating out, I realised my body is easily dehydrated.

I remembered I read somewhere that

when your body starts to feel thirsty, you are ALREADY DEHYDRATED!

So what did I do to push anything excess out? I tried doing this.

  1. Choose the right snack.

    Snacks such as vegetable based food like cucumber and tomatoes are one of my all-time new choices for snacking. Cucumber is an excellent source of alkaline food base which will neutralized excessive acid in our body (sometimes from food, lack of sleep, too much coffee, too much sugar, radiation from computers and phones; plus other factors)
    Whenever I am really hungry, I snack a mini cucumber, or maybe 1/3 of a big one.

Because it is high in fiber as well as it full of liquid, this is something I realized that it helps me to stay full most of the time too.
Nuts is my other choice, recently I have tried up Brazil Nuts, which is super high in fiber with a tad bit of lingering sweetness, only if you are patient enough to chew it long before swallowing.

I have also read somewhere that it takes 20 minutes to register your fullness from your stomach to your brain; so if you chew really well, your brain actually gets registered and you actually will not need to eat that much at the end of the day.

(ps: yes. Fast eaters actually over eat the amount of food they need per day)

My lunch without rice, but with hard boil egg in it today

Hard boiled eggs are also my choice even though a lot of people said don’t take too many eggs for the bad cholesterol reasons.
The fact is that the eggs usually have good fats with is packed with Omega fatty acids, just that the way it is cooked may not be an ideal suggestion to say it is healthy. I hard boil my eggs and if I can, I will take 2 eggs a day, one of the yolks I discard and feed the wild. (I just discovered that I have some pigeons and raven around my office that appreciates my “donations” of egg yolks)

  1. Choose WHEN to eat

As I have mentioned, I snack ALL the time, which is true; but I only snack from sun rise to sun set. Because Malaysia is near the equator it is easy to stay in this range (the day light is approximately on average 8 – 9 hours, but Summer in Europe is definitely more than that!) so if you are not near the equator, try to only eat within the 8-10 hour range of the day; and fast the rest of the hours (if possible).

I mentioned if possible, because I too slack a bit and tend to only not eat between 14 – 16 hours a day. That means I approximately only eat between 11am to 7pm, and then the rest of the hours I fast with drinking lots of water and allowing my body to digest and rest.

I allow my body to use water to detox at night, and I allow my body to use water to kick-start the engine in the morning.

  1. Exercise
    Exercise is also another important expect as sweat is another great way to detox our body. I actually do Nordic Walking on alternate days or I go to the gym to do some vertical knee pull up just to work on my ab core. The key is not to over exhaust my body and keep the metabolic rate up. If I Nordic Walk, I only walk for 10 minutes; and if I am in the gym, I will do 10 minutes cardio exercise and then 10 minutes ab exercise or weight exercises.

Vertical Knee Raise

Vertical Knee Raise, picture courtesy from Frugal Core Exercise

There are tons of exercises to do, as long as your body is able to take it. I swap around from squats to vertical knee up to taking 2kg dumbbells and even TRX exercises if necessary.

The point is to keep my body active and not tiring it.

So after 7 days, when I weighed my body, lo and behold, I lost 1.5kg without starving myself to death.

This is just my sharing; and there are tons of other weight loss suggestions out there; but if you think you have water retention in your body and constantly feeling thirsty, try this method.

If some of you hate the bland taste of water you can try soaking lemon / cucumber slices in the water to add an extra zest to it.

Hope my sharing helps some out there who wants to shed off the last few pounds! I know I always have that problem!

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