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RE: The crux of Leftist thinking has nothing to do with Marx..

in #blog6 years ago

I referred to socialism in the idealistic sense, as in democratic and cooperative ownership, sharing and control of property and resources (and also helping out your hungry neighbor; there's lots to go around if nobody gets greedy.)
Unfortunately the ideal paradigm isn't always reflected in the mundane extrapolation. As I mentioned earlier, things go awry when the cooperative is infiltrated by someone gaming the system; when someone becomes more equal than others - the elite hierarchy.

RE needing to read more about fiat, no. It's only a mathematical certainty as long as the suckers continue to play wit the marked deck. That continuance is not a certainty, therefore your argument fails.
You can't fool all of the people all of the time, someone said.

I have not read your "banking from the 15 century" post, I will do that when I get a few minutes.

A point about your in capitalistic societies how nutrition goes up, education goes up, life expectancy goes up, income goes up...
no other economic system has this correlation..
posit. Real income (actual buying power adjusted for inflation) in China recently went up by 300 percent (see the Global Capitalism video below). In the Western capitalist countries, it is stagnating or regressing. What are your thoughts on that?

Anyway, I still agree with you that the critical consideration is the concept of existential altruism.
But my arguments are fading; I've only slept 3 hours in the last three and a half days. I'm going to crash for a bit, and then review what I have mumbled so far - I may need to do some editing :)


It's only a mathematical certainty as long as the suckers continue to play wit the marked deck.

...That continuance is not a certainty...therefore your argument fails.

...well then it wouldn't be crony capitalism, would it?

Wolf?.. Are you serious?


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