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RE: Let's Talk About Fees & Functionality Coming in the @tippy Text-to-Tip Service!

in #blog7 years ago

Great discussion here!
I love the idea @klye for the sme reason as you, it's pretty cumbersome to send a tip now. In fact at one point I created an account for tipping that would be easier for ppl to tip. Of course, no one did and I gave up on the idea.

I am not a huge fan of fees to be honest, especially for something that eventually could be incorporated into the UI of Steemit inc. On the other hand, the hard work put int this project maybe deserve to be transformed into a revenue stream. It's hard to say.

But if fees are must [ vs for example donation to the creator of tippy prompted on tipping ] i'd suggest a flat one. It makes no sense to me that you charge me more for tipping less. I think a lot of ppl would see this as wrong.

All in all, great initiative and looking forward to see where it goes! Glad to see you are still at it after all this time.
Good luck!


The feedback from the community is certainly going to shape how the service functions at launch. I agree, Going to your wallet to send funds is a pain in the ass most the time and if it can be done away with via the @tippy service I'll be extremely proud to be the guy to make it so.

Fees suck! I'm not a fan either but a mans got to eat and for a freelance code soldier of fortune like myself its imperative I set up multiple, easy to oversea, low maintenance streams of revenue if I'm to achieve my life goals and become debt free and prosperous.

I believe flat fee is the way to go after hearing the community feedback on this post so far. I'd not even considered a donation feature on @tippy but perhaps I should code something up to allow for such transactions to take place.

Almost a year on and the things I've learned, people I've met and ambition I've found within myself is nothing short of life changing. I owe the STEEM community for letting me begin to grow into my potential.


" steemit let me grow into my potential"...well said, mate. I could vouch for that myself. There are tons of words never written had I not been around here
[ some would say that's not actually good for the word but hey, everyone's a critic right?! ] :))

I've got to thank the entire STEEM community, Steemit Inc and the people who said I'd never amount to anything for the ambition and opportunity that has been given to me.

If a former homeless bum can go from dick drawing troll to somewhat respected member of STEEM, top 25 witness and sponsored STEEM developer in less than a year I'm 100% certain that others will be able to do the same..! People thoroughly enjoy a good underdog story, mine's just starting to get good. I've not got the correct words to describe how thankful I am so I'll just keep building and creating as a show of appreciation for the community that embraced me and set me back on my feet towards success.

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