
Stunning post, Amazing experience, spiritual peace, and natural feelings are only attainable by nature. tranquillity is what everyone should live by.

Thank you @rexusmo, I think so too! Nature and a return to a simpler way of thinking, even if only for a few hours/week is so beneficial and helps me to a much more peaceful life. 🌄

Wow, amazing photos and impresssions!

I really like this photo here for example:

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the wander round festival gardens. Yes, there are some great photo opportunities there, luckily from my work there in the past I kinda know in my head before I walk into the park where the best places are perspective-wise. They were all taken on my very shoddy Motorola phone. One day I will invest in a better camera and do the place justice :)

Wow! Such a serene environment, i can feel the so peaceful atmosphere radiating out of the pictures. Its good to have a place to run back to and reconnect with the essence of life again....
Many of us are so caught up with the city life, the only time of rest and solace is when we lay down to sleep.

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Thanks, @abasinkanga, you are so right. I am happy when I can no longer hear the traffic 🚌 and all I can hear is the birds in the trees and the wind. Then I find peace 😁

Finding a quiet place is really important for me also!

Hope you will like my adventure in Barcelona
and in the BLUE village in Morocco.

Hi @florence1993 I think it's an essential part of life to find that inner space where you can find balance. I have already read and upvoted your blog about the blue village in Morocco. I will check out the one about Barcelona and am now following you. Thanks for visiting my page, it was nice to meet you 😊 keep posting about your great adventures

Staying close to nature is the best heal to stress! 🎀 Support you

Hi, @michelleluilui I agree it is important to find that inner peace where you can find balance. For me nature is the best way 🌿 🐠 I am now following you, thanks for visiting my page, it was nice to meet you 😊

Wonderful post i never knew Liverpool had so much green space, I guess the time I visited I was more focused on city and night life lOL

Thanks a lot. Haha, yeah we are known for the friendly nightlife. I should do a post about Liverpool's nightlife to be honest but I'm not as big a drinker as I used to be. Here's a pic for ya tho from this Saturday night, when I went out with some friends to an Absynthe bar.


There are tones of parks here @tattoodjay and some really nice wildlife habitats - Formby coast, Dee estuary salt marshes, Mersey estuary is a great marine habitat now the river has been cleaned up from the mess it was in the 1980's. I'm going to be writing more of these posts describing some of Liverpool's hidden natural gems 👍 🌳

I wonder if thats a bar I visited when I was there, back then I was quite a drinker, these days i am off alcohol because of meds. So would pay more attention of the parks ;)

:-) I'm a once a month drinker myself. My problem is that when I do go out I end up over-doing it. Yeah man if you ever over Liverpool again hit me up and I can tell you the best places to go for a bit of nature sightseeing

i don’t drink at all these days blood thinners and alcohol don’t mix well

And also not likely to do much more traveling butbthdnks

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the gravitational pull of nailing it. that which we can not control

Haha, yeah I've been sitting on this post for a while and then I did a decent edit/rewrite yesterday and was happy with it. I'm glad I put it out there in to the Steemit-o-sphere now ;)

It makes me feel and think I am in Miami or something ,even though outside is s snowing and freezing .

I'm glad it gave you that Miami vibe @subratabarua. Lol I wish that it was as sunny and lively as Miami here in Liverpool where I live and festival gardens is located. It's quite cold here too. Thanks for your comment and visiting my blog :-)

Great post! Fantastic photographs. Wish i could be with nature more and less time in concrete buildings, i.e. at work. It's worth making a choice and putting outdoors as something that must be done with what precious time you have off. Cheers

I couldn't agree more @lordnigel Getting out into the park or countryside is my way of escaping the concrete blues. Thanks for your comment 🙂

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