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RE: Taking Responsibility Part 5

in #blog6 years ago

"Too many irons in the fire
Is worse than not having any..."

As the old song goes. It's easy (and I do it all the time) to focus on what I am NOT doing and arrive at a negative, rather than look at what I AM doing and feel positive. For example: I can allow my different interests and goals to clash, resulting in not doing either. That awful feeling of holding back from giving my current action 100% of my focus and effort because I feel conflicted (guilty even) about 'neglecting' something else I feel that I should also be doing, resulting in that double negative of 'I didn't do x and I also didn't go all in on y either'.

The positive take-away is that even one step forward is forward momentum. The fact that in my head I imagine myself already owning a magnificent victory is probably down to my not breaking this thing down into small achievable steps; my impatience; and my not setting and managing my own expectations.

Involving somebody else in the conversation is a great step to take regarding introducing accountability and getting someone else in to help me out by communicating a useful perspective on what I am actually doing (instead of what I think is going on).

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