Foodie's random thoughts and mentions

in #blog7 years ago

Steembasicincome winners, Wildspark, daily life. Time for some random thoughts!

Let's start with the winners of the Steembasicincome contest! I said I'd pick one, but I only had three nominations, so I'll just sponsor them all!
@dandalion - nominated by @annazsarinacruz
@teamhumble - nominated by @dayleeo
@nathan290595 - nominated by @teutonium

Congrats guys and gal!

Yesterday, I received a mail from Wildspark, saying they're ready for mainstream! So I checked the site out again and noticed they made a few improvements. I can now log into my account and we can leave comments aswell. They also added a few topics, so you can browse more easily.

I figured this was the perfect time to Amplify a video! I picked one I had just seen that day from Richard Ayoade (The IT Crowd), being his brilliant self, talking about gun control:
Link to the video on wildspark.

I love his humor based on... pure logic! Sadly, pure logic isn't the way the world works. I've been pretty quiet on the whole 'gun control' discussion front, because I don't feel like having to defend my opinions on topics where emotions overshadow logical thinking. Honestly, I don't really know how to do that. Many things seem logical to me, but defending my logical point of view is really hard against emotional people who don't seem to think as logical as I do. Besides, I don't have Richard Ayoade's witts. I'm terrible at convincing people. It doesn't mean I'm wrong perse, it just means I'm bad in arguments.

Sometimes though, I do feel the need to speak my mind about this crazy world, so I might share my thoughts on this subject in a future post.

The rest
After this, I started writing about a couple of news topics. This writing became so long and elaborate, that they turned into their own posts. I don't know if/when I'll share them yet, but I cut them out of my current post. I guess I'm extra judgemental today. Or well... I'm judgemental every day, but I don't always have the energy or inspiration to actually write about it.

Anyway, today I will be making my coconut macaroons. Let me just google the recipe... here it is for easy access later today.

I'm making them for the family weekend that starts tomorrow. I will still try to write every day, but I won't make any promises and I won't have much time online. So any other activities I usually do here are not going to happen this weekend. I'll try to reply to comments though, or catch up with them after.

My boyfriend's dad is coming over for dinner tonight, so I'll try to recreate my accidental risotto from last week. This time with a little extra filling to make it an entire meal for three.

I played quite a lot of Skyrim yesterday, which I really shouldn't have. My wrists aren't too happy with it, so this weekend away from my pc will be good for me! I'm really looking forward to it.

And with that, I'll leave you!

Have a good day!

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Congratulations to winners good luck and thanks to @playfulfoodie for providing the best for bloggers in Steemit

Thanks for the sponsor @playfulfoodie and thanks to my friend @teutonium for the nomination :D

I've followed you and will look forward to hearing more from you in the future!

Hope you have a nice weekend :)

Congrats winners:) next time ill be joining the contest you will soon initiate!!!

Already told @nathan290595!
Have fun on your family weekend, even steemians need some holidays from steemit! And try not to play too much skyrim, hope you already part of te dark brotherhood or the thieves guils, these where the chain quests i most enjoyed! Now i got my blood boiling for some Skyrim! Maybe in the holidays i can do play it a little...

Hope you get to play a little! Though I doubt it'll be easy to stick to 'a little'.
I'm actually doing all quests at once. I pick up everything I find along the way and run around randomly discovering new places. Yesterday, at the end of a dwarvish dungeon, I picked up a sword which apparently I had a quest for.

I'm not the best at following storylines in games. I know, how dare I ignore stories in Skyrim! I just like exploring and developing my character, so I'm not always sure which quests are part of a quest chain and which aren't.

I did meet the assassin lady when I went to sleep the other day. That's the start of one of those, right?

When you kill someone innocent they show up when you go to sleep and you get the choice of either joining them or kill them all, at least this is what i remember

Killing one of them will start you on the path of joining. You have to pick the one you're supposed to kill. I couldn't decide, so killed them all. She was impressed!

Hahahah, when in doubt kill everyone :P You should go live in america, i think you would fit right in, trump would probably promote you to chief of defense or something like that

I would, wouldn't I? Though to be fair, I am a bit more decent irl ;-)

"a bit" - this is the most important part, we don't know if it is a giant bit or a small bit

Haha, well I haven't had the urge to move to a gun-friendly country yet :D

Thank You Very Much @playfulfoodie ♥♥♥
I can't wait to join more contest that you will initiate :)

Hugs and Kisses,
Anna ♥

Darn. I forgot about the Steembasicincome contest @playfulfoodie. i just went back and reread you post. No problems I can nominate the person I have in mind myself, although I don't have any Steem. Will have to check and see if I can pay with SBD.

Glad you're continuing to be more active. Sounds like you've got a nice family weekend ahead. I have too and I will also be glad to get away from the pc for long periods.

Looking forward to seeing your coconut macaroons. Have fun! 😊

Ooh that sounds good, I hope you'll have a great weekend :D

Thank you @playfulfoodie. We have the grandkids on Saturday and then it is Mother's day in the UK on Sunday so I'm looking forward to being thoroughly spoilt! 😊

Ooh I can imagine you'll have a great weekend!

Thank you @playfulfoodie! Super appreciate it :)

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