A day without curses

in #blog7 years ago

Today actually turned out to be quite a productive day!

As you might already know, my boyfriend's house has been sitting empty for a year now and it's about time he sells the place. The house, however, does not want to let go. However, where normally, as soon as we fix something, something else breaks down... this time nothing did!

After waking up, having tea and eating breakfast this morning, we got into the car and made the hour drive up to my boyfriend's house.


I swear to you, I did not have a hangover. I have never had a hangover, because I never drink enough to get drunk. However, I had a starting headache this morning and light just makes things worse, hench the sunglasses on a cloudy day.

So we arrived, got out of the car, grabbed our stuff and walked over to the house. I was very curious to see what horrors awaited us there.


Now this might look like an ordinary, dirty floor to you. To us, this looks like a dry floor, which is a big step up from the last few times! I am afraid to jinx it, but it almost looks like the boiler is actually fixed properly this time!

So with that win, we went upstairs to fix the leaking roof. It has been leaking for a while and no one managed to actually solve it yet. Someone did manage to point out the problem to us though, but simply told us he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.


It was basically too many big slits in the roof tiles which let water through when the wind was strong. So later, I figured we should just fix it from the inside by adding the building foam stuff below the tiles. So that's what we did, which is when my boyfriend also discovered a hole in the floor, which allowed the water to easily mess up the downstairs ceiling.

He fixed it all up and now I think this might also really be finished!

Since we were being so productive, I figured we might aswell continue for a little while longer, so we packed up the few things that were left upstairs. Now I can honestly say that upstairs is empty.

After that, we got back into the car, went to the McDonalds (who have the big fries again, yay!) and then went back home.

What's left? We still have to empty out some stuff downstairs and drive it to my boyfriend's dad's house. The left-over junk needs to go to the junkyard and then we have to clean up. And I think that's it! If the house doesn't break down again, it'll be ready for the market.

We're slowly getting close to the finish line... You have no idea how happy I'll be once this cursed house is on the market! By now, it won't be long until mine has to hit the market aswell! We'll move next month (hopefully) and if we enjoy our new place, I'll be selling this house. We don't have to do much fixing up here though, so that makes things a bit easier.

We've got another few hectic months ahead of us, but once it's all done, we'll be so much more relaxed and better off!

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enjoyed again.. nice to hear things are working out .. as you know when given time things usually do work out and when they don't we deal with it and move on.

Thank you :-)
It has been frustrating this last year that the house seemed to be cursed, but we're getting really close now. We're lucky to have each other, so we'll get through the tougher times aswell! We can both shrug things off after feeling disappointed for a little while and later on just make fun of it. It's a good way to deal with bad things in life!

Aah yes please :D

Sounds like you had a pretty Good Day! 😀
I was stuck in an airplane for 12h... Although it helped to be in this cool machine!

A Star Wars plane? Oh my gosh, how awesome is that! Was the inside any different to a regular plane, or was it just a fancy outside?

This was my seat:

Otherwise it was a standard plane. But they had small gifts. ANA BB-8 cups and post cards . They played star wars music before take off and flight attendants wore BB-8 aprons. And I got a certificate that I flew with the BB-8 plane. ;)
I was too shy to ask for a picture with the attendants, but here is one I found one the net. There is an R2-D2 version as well, so here you see both:

Hah that's kinda neat :D

Aww thank you very much @keshawn!

Glad to see you got things fixed. It's hard work to fix up a house. I'm almost convinced out new house is cursed. Every time we fix one thing another thing breaks.

Aww no, I know how that feels. I hope your luck will turn around soon!

youre so cute sis. can i get friend with you?

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