Good morning Steemit

in #blog7 years ago

I woke up with a killer headache!

Alright, I'll admit I also went to bed with one, so it was to be expected. I always hope the damn thing clears up during sleep and sometimes it does. Most of the time though, it'll be even worse by the time I get up. Today was no different.

I'm not sure what brought it on this time. I always drink plenty of fluids in the morning after I wake up and yesterday was no different. I kept on drinking water during the day, but my head was not having it. So my headache slowly build up. Ofcourse, sitting outside in the sun probably didn't help much. Had to take advantage of the last few summery days though, so armed with my book, I sat outside in the sun for a while. Completely my fault huh?


It was the standard headache again. On one side, with some nausea and a feeling like I'm missing some kind of nutrition. No idea what though and I've eaten plenty yesterday! Oh well. After lemon water, tea, yoghurt with oats and a painkiller, I am now able to function normally again. I'll try to keep my screentime short today. Gotta do my daily curating though, so I'm very much hoping Steemit will work well this morning. It's been a pain lately to curate this much with pages not loading, half loading, votes not registering, etc, etc.

Anyway, we'll see. Besides reading and having a headache, I also did some baking yesterday! I've already posted about it. I made this Nutty lemon bar:

Nutty lemon bar

I found the recipe on a Dutch site and it turned out amazing. I translated it for all the non-Dutchies to enjoy, but really, all props go to the original author! I already ate so much of this stuff, but luckily, I've got plenty left for today! I'll try to keep some for tomorrow aswell.

I also made this oven dish for dinner last night:


It really looked way prettier inside the oven dish, but ofcourse I forgot to take pictures! It was all of the ingredients neatly stacked into rows. It tasted pretty good, though I served it without meat, which wasn't enough it turned out. My boyfriend heated up a few 'frikandellen' afterwards for his meat needs. I do, however, have leftovers for lunch today!

I think today is the start of the Halloween event in Guild Wars 2! Gonna be a lot of farming fun, oh yes! I won't play that much today though. Maybe I'll just read my book for a bit. I might also try to make a recipe, but I'm not sure. At this particular moment I don't feel like doing much of anything. So I'll just do my curating and then log off for a while. Give my head some time to rest before properly starting my day.

Have a good day!

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Hello @playfulfoodie sometimes they are the sweets, in my case it has happened to me before. :(

I hope you're now feeling better. Everytime I have a headache and can't go to work because of it, I play Tekken 7. Boom, headache gone ... and so are tons of things to do. Oh well, Tekken life...

I am feeling better now, thanks :-)

Yeah, I'm playing GW2 and it sometimes helps me relax and forget about my headache aswell!

Good morning, it's still 3:40 a.m. in my country.
Rest a lot, so that you are full of energy

Ooh good... ehm... midnight? Early morning? Late evening? I'm not sure :D

Thanks, I'll go have a rest soon, just to be sure I'm completely rid of the headache :-)

I'm so sorry to hear about it. Headache can be a dangerous symptom. Did you measure blood pressure? Is it normal? Be sure to do this.

Hmm, I've had these measurements before. Blood pressure, and several blood values and there wasn't anything out of the ordinary. It was for my burn-out, but I've had these headaches for years and years and years. Also during that period. It's my weak spot I guess.

Maybe you should try it again and see the outcome @playfulfoodie

beautiful post, I hope your day is also fun @playfulfoodie )

Wow!! Great post!! Keep posting such posts good luck!

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