Recipe - Nutty lemon bars

in #food7 years ago

Today, I'd like to share a seriously delicious taste bomb with you!


This is such a tasty recipe and if you own a food processor, it's super easy too! I just made it for the first time today and am already hooked. All props go to this Dutch foodie site, where I found this amazing recipe. I've decided to translate it so non-Dutchies can enjoy it too!

This little bar is a great taste bomb. You'll enjoy the lemon juice in it, but there's also the sweetness of dates, not to mention the yummy walnuts! I cut it into bite-size squares, so it's easy to enjoy.


Besides the awesome taste, there's also the fact that this little treat contains many healty ingredients. Or should I say 'healthier'? Because ofcourse this isn't something to eat while you're cutting down on calories.

Now while scrolling through the comments, I found that they should stay well in the fridge for 3-4 days. However, I don't think they'll last that long in this house.

Right, time for the recipe!



  • 275g Dates
  • 75g Oatmeal
  • 50g Walnuts
  • 9 Tbsp coconut oil
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 Tsp lemon zest
  • 2 Tbps honey
  • 1 1/2 Tsp turmeric



  1. Add the walnuts and dates to your food processor and pulse until they are cut up in little pieces.
  2. Add the oatmeal and mix until well combined. If the mix isn't sticky enough, add a little bit of water.
  3. Line an oven dish with parchment paper and fill it with your mixture. Press tightly, so it forms a good, solid (though sticky) bottom.
  4. Liquify your coconut oil. Either by using the microwave, or by setting its container in a bowl of warm water.
  5. Mix in the lemon juice, zest, honey and turmeric until well combined.
  6. Pour this mixture over your bottom in the oven dish.
  7. Set your dish in the fridge for about an hour to let it harden.
  8. Cut it up in little squares for bite-size little taste bombs.


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Looks delicious

They really are :D

Yum! Thanks for sharing this awesome-looking recipe! 😋

Not a problem! I hope you'll enjoy it if you try it :D

Mouthwatering! Thanks, for sharing the recipe. :)

Not a problem! I figured this one was something not only Dutchies should enjoy :-)

And you figured it correctly. :)

Damn I'm drooling now.. I love the coconut oil add, it's a very good ingredient to me both for sweet and salad stuff (I use it a lot with chicken and curry). Thank you for making me hungry again after dinner :-P

Haha you are quite welcome! :D
Yeah, I use coconut oil for all sorts of things aswell. Cooking, baking, even as moisturizing on dry skin/lips sometimes!

I donnow why we love coconut so much ..maybe becouse we are nut? :-P

This is very good looking, especially because of the nuts that I like so much.

Ooh you should definitely try it sometime :D

I'm not a fan of sweets but lemon is one of my favorite tastes, can't decide just by looking, gotta make them at some time and see if I like them or not.

Aye, try it sometime :D

How right it looks good... in my region it loooks like "mesekat"

Thanks for the inspiration, will try!

wow, looks delicious, want to eat try :)

It is really delicious :D

omnomnom.. looks delicious!

Doesn't it? Tastes delicious too :D

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