
Take care of business @overkillcoin.

We all know you intentions here to make this the best place possible. At the same time, life has a way of getting in the way. Your priority is to those clients who are counting on your to come through for them.

Have no fear, we will carry on. I will put up an extra post a day to compensate for your absence (not that it is just compensation but it will help :) ).

Thanks @taskmaster4450 - as you might not have known, I had a really serious dry spell for most of the year and I've got a lot of catching up to do. Part of it is I don't charge enough, but that's changing! XD

I guess I'll make another crud post tonight...

Hopefully this nightmare will be over soon. Keep up the good work . The mentioned picture is cool!

Hey thanks a lot @sarahs - As long as I can muddle through this without getting clients severely perturbed, it should be okay in the end :)

Oh, damn, man. I hope the heat is off of you asap, bud! I'll annoy you on twitter every once and awhile if I don't see you posting updates on here though to help keep you on track :)

Thanks @deadspace. I have a bit of relief because the client A) extended the deadline for wednesday and B) doesnt want to pay me weekend over time. So that's not as urgent. However, I've also got someone asking for a web site design in a hurry... so the weekend is still held hostage by work! XD

All the best Overkillcoin hopefully soon Steemit will make you enough ;) Crush it you do amazing designs my friend

Haha - now that'd be a dream! Is it March of next year when SMTs are rolling out?

Thanks @bitcoinflood, it's crazy, this client created a vacuum and now I've got to work like a maniac for four + days... I guess being a whiny weasel won't get the work done haha... Seeya!

I'm glad you'll still be popping in, thank you! :) :) :) I hope all goes very smoothly...

My voice is scratchy, I hope I'm not getting sick, but I could be my frequent and random outbursts about

That's what baffles me about people that leave Steemit, if you're too busy you can always use it for keeping up with everyone in a more casual way... right?

I'm sorta done for the day, but I was up till 4:30 am, so I'm too fried to make a legit post... Might make another silly one then...


Good luck. Thanks for letting us know.

@choogirl sure thing :) Doesn't make much sense to totally vanish...

Seems you're busier than usual as well?

Yeah the doing 16 days in a row of the #traveldigest was taking up a lot of my time. But I'm done now, martibis is back, so that will free me up to write my own stuff more.

Go handle your business..

You are truly a great artist by soul if we can't give anything to the community we should not complain.

So glad not to be part of the corporate rat race anymore.

Btw, it's very selfish to decline payouts.

  1. You don't allow Steemit to be Steemit.
  2. You create more work for us to upvote all your comments instead of just clicking once. :P

Haahaa, I didn't think of it that way! I'm concerned that those who are bot voting me will get annoyed by the weak posting...

I'll try to accept votes next time...

Yes the corporate world is a mad house, and a circus of inefficiency... I'll have to dive in deeper, though, so I can get enough money to leave it forever... unless Steem goes sky high XD

Do you think those bots have feelings??

No, but those kind enough to auto-vote me might get somewhat disappointed when they find out I'm simply posting excuses as to why I'm not illustrating... XD

Nothing wrong with pulling back for a much needed break. I wish the gods of efficiency to bless you so you can come back soon ❤️

I think I totally blasphemed the 'efficiency gods' in my younger years by playing too many video games and passing memes around! I'm on their **** list... XD

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