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RE: Thoughts on financial crisis and people’s mentality inspired by a ‘trendy’ restaurant

in #blog7 years ago

Καληνυχτα Κεμαλ, αυτος ο κοσμος δεν θα αλλαξει ποτε...

But the world is changing! And those who consciously adopt to the changes will inherit the earth - and secure their place in Heaven :-)

And, "when money and power is involved," hopefully discernment will reveal to us who is using it to serve others and who is using it to force others to serve them.


The person who wrote this song is my favourite Greek composer. He had a global view, he was a poet of notes and words, a sensitive person.. I love him - Manos Chatzidakis

Well, I am very sure that google translate doesn't capture for me the full context of his words. But I think that there is at least a smidgen of truth in my reply anyway :-)

Of course we should be struggling to change the world...what else will keep us busy and interested????

I very greatly disagree with you!!!

The world is changing, whether we like it or not. Arrogance leads us to think "we" can or do change the world.

What we can do, with the grace of God, is struggle to change ourselves, not the world, in order to allow into manifestation the vision of the Creator which will come through those who choose.

Shouldn't that be quite enough to keep anybody busy and interested? :-)

I don t disagree with you.. I think the ultimate point is to keep giving to the world surrounding us and to keep exercising ourselves too..
What else is our discussion here if not to exchange views and become better?

I think that I have hijacked ruth-girl's comment long enough :-) And you and I probably have similar hopes and fears anyway, just not yet used to each other's ways of expressing them. And I am getting hungry after another look at your fabulous photos in this post. So, I make my escape from this computer now to eat. TTFN


Τα παντα ρει - Everything flows said Heraclitus, I know, but I just feel that it changes for the worse.
The point I was trying to make is that: I get disappointed seeing how selfishly most of us act. I mean, I try to be a better me, some days I make it others I don't. It hurts to see people that don't even try and never care for the ones around them. And ok, my mother used to tell me never to care about what others do; but passing certain values down on me, it makes me sad to see that very few people act with ethics and compassion.
That's all and that's why I "exploded" on that comment. :)

"....I just feel that it changes for the worse."

In my (humble?) opinion, the world changes and humanity bifurcates in how it reacts to it. One (small) part changes for the better, and one (larger) part changes for the worse. Both are part of the Creation. One part serves evolution within the Creation, the other part serves involution within the Creation.

The evolving part of humanity learns to act consciously in serving the universal creative impulse. The larger devolving part of humanity reacts mechanically to serve the universal creative impulse.

Even God needs a feedback loop LOL

I see that, but the thing is we should get more to act conciously, a swallow alone can't bring spring (a greek saying). I have always believed in education (not the organised brainwashing(?) system), education in humanitarian values. At univerity we were taught that our job needs patience and persistence, there are times when you get disappointed and have to accept reality the way it, but this cannot stop me from feeling sad about it...

"a swallow alone can't bring spring (a greek saying)"

I like that!!!

I wish that I could read the original Greek of some phrases I have only read in English. I'll bet there are more meaningfull nuances than the ones I feel in even translated versions:

“For many are called, but few are chosen” Matthew 22:14

"Let the dead bury the dead" (Luke 9:60)

p.s. Just so @trumpman does not get upset, let me say that I know that all organized religions have become corrupted to a more or lesser degree.

Hey, why should I get upset?!

I don't know, somehow I just thought you would be intolerant of discussing stuff that can't be pinned down to scientific "facts" and scientific establishment approved methods of investigation.

I am glad to be proven wrong!!

I wish that I could read the original Greek of some phrases I have only read in English

I believe you'll need some greek language lessons in order to appreciate the true meaning of a saying...

all organized religions have become corrupted to a more or lesser degree

It's not the religions, it's the people in charge (just as I said before, where there is power and wealth corruption is almost 100% certain.

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