Code is law

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

And freedom of expression

Cryptos, like Bitcoin and public blockchains are just text, nothing more, nothing less.

Collecting NOPs

Almost every computing processor has a NOP function. It is the mnemonics code for No OPeration. All it does is adding one to the instruction-counter of the microprocessor. Now imagine that there were people that wanted to collect these NOPs. A virtual collection of NOPs. These collections by itself actually do nothing. Except 'they' can prove, with the use of some software, released publicly under a Free and Open Source licence, that a certain amount of NOPs were detected. This could be rigged of course. Write some simple program that does NOPs every random seconds and have the NOPs counter detect them as genuine. Please note that this is just an example, in real life this could trigger an alert on any computer. Too many NOPs are considered a possible threat. Put that aside, we just assume that NOPs can be counted, as they add one to the instruction-counter. And because the collectors of NOP-items want it to be trust-able without a human intermediate, some cryptography hashing is added to the NOP collecting software. The rest of the world is still unaware of the existence of NOPs. (But by reading this, you now have learned about the existence of NOPs.)

Those weird nerds and geeks, right? Collecting NOPs? And these NOPs do not even really excist? They are just zeros and ones that are even harder to grasp, because, you know, basically it is all about currents flowing, or not. Just 5 or 0 Volt. And when the current is turned off, all the ones and zeros are gone! It is nuts to even want to collect NOPs as they are temporarily virtuallities! All current flows have a Sinus frequency, even a block-wave, this is all such nonsense. But hey, it is all about a belief system. If some geeks and nerds belief that the NOPs have any value at all, then that is something to them. Maybe somebody even designed a sign for NOPs and got many NOPs send to for doing so. It is free of debt, it only can be and they are not bugging anybody with it, at least that is what they think. Some tech watchers did notice this weird game though. A simple 3D game that uses so called Voxels (A kind of 3D pixels) to create a sandbox game. Users are building all kinds of virtual worlds with it. And it even has its own in-game Token! Guess what it is called? Yes, how did you know...!? Indeed they are called NOPs! (No not Knobs, please stay focused here!) By playing the game NOPs can be gotten and inside the game items can be bought and sold with them. All secured by some DataChain that keeps track of the NOPs movement. All done very clever...

Just sold a Voxel 'house' for NOPs!

In a few years time the NOPs Voxel game became very popular. It got covered in some mainstream media show and after that it really took off. Now all kinds of people joined in and some even asked to get NOPs for free. There was a faucet site, but it only handed out small amount of NOPs. And if one wanted in on the game then quite a few NOPs were needed. A cool mansion could be bought for 10'000 NOPs, for instance. Some very creative artists made their way into the NOPs Voxel game and really build the craziest dope shit. And in this big virtuallity, stored on many computers all over the world, villages and cities came to life. There were even shops where stuff could be bought with NOPs. Also NOPs could be found by mining. But there also was a market forming, as many wanted to buy some NOPs right away. Some offered to bake a loaf of bread, or cook a meal, this happened in the local NOPs communities. One could get like a complete meal for 2 for 10'000 NOPs! And at some point the Global Currency, the MONDO, was getting use. The first NOPs Voxel game mansion ever bought, indirectly, with MONDO became world news. It was only about 20 MONDO for 10'000 NOPs, but that also was a weeks pay for many. And at this point the banking monetary governance system seemed to get nervous. Because suddenly millions of people started to join in. NOPs even got traded online, on decentralized exchanges. Merchants of all kinds started to accept them...

The banking monetary governance {bmg} system was about to lose its monopoly on the creation of valuta. Even though some high placed people of the system claimed NOPs were nothing, just to be laughed at, they did get nervous. The bmg system created MONDO out off nothing, against a debt, making it unsolvable by accumulated interest. Basically interest was valuta that would be created in the future, again as a debt, carrying interest, and so on and so forth. For every new loan new valuta was created that way. It was called Fractional Reserve Banking, where there were three levels of backing by deposits in the banks. These were, 8, 4 and finally 0(!) percent Fractional Reserve, as it was advised by the Ueber Bank. ZERO fractional reserve ment that Banks could create money endlessly with every new mortgage, backed by collateral. And people just took it all for granted. Basically they financed the whole rotten thing. They had to work their asses off, just to be able to pay off these fake money loans... It was one of the greatest scams of all time and there seemed no way for humanity to escape this debt-slavery system. As every parent had to register their new borns within 5 days. Which made their offspring also a debt-slave right away. As every new-born was also a fellow share-holder of the country-company. But now this fascist debt-slavery based system was under threat, by NOPs...

They are insurancies!

The banking monetary governance system was all about a hierarchy system. A make belief, where everybody was supposed to be equal. Like a gamble, where everybody has the same chance to 'win'. While sleeping in a fairy-tale dream. In the meantime this whole 'all are equal' was already proven bullshit. As the many were taught that they had to obey to a 'boss', to do as they were ordered. A bit weird, to state the least, it did not rhyme with reality. Did they think people were stupid? Well, the system had its laws that it could enforce on people. That did keep them down, but the way the banking monetary governance system created its money out off noting against an interest barring debt, did cause a constant drop in its value. There was no competition allowed, so it could keep it going, without anybody stopping it. While those who knew the effects of devaluation enriched themselves. It was easy to do, as they were all interconnected inside the banking monetary governance system. If it needed laws to lock people up, for any reason, the laws would be made. Only the potential threat to its system of law and order already could be a reason to use violence to enforce its will onto the people. And all those inside believed they were superior to the plebs. But now the common people seemed to have gotten their own valuta, a competition to the MONDO... And a lot of value was moving out off the system into the alternative...

All kinds of central control agencies started to use their tactics to break down the popularity of the NOPs. It was impossible to have it taken down, just like that. As it was completely decentralized and nobody could be appointed the owner of the NOPs system. The banking monetary governance system tried to stop the developers of the Free and Open Sourced system. But there was this thing that it needed to accept, the freedom of expression act. It was the holliest of laws, considered as such by most humans on earth. People would riot if the system wend too far. So killing the masses, by the system, was no option, that could backfire badly. Freedom of expression was what kept NOPs going, after all it was just code... It was all a temporary virtuallity, but the system was made by those who were addicted to central control, to be in believed Power, by the might of hierarchy, the bundle of fascism. Then one agency came forth calling the NOPs insurancies. And that was only allowed if it all was done according to law and order as layed out by the world-government. The system already pumped a lot of 'disappeared' money into the NOPs market once and then dumped it after 'it' pumped it. Even made a huge profit on the hidden money. The information service that did so now owned 10 trillion 'invisible' MONDO.

Then the liberation came

The banking monetary governance system created a debt spiral all over the world. It could only be restarted by enforcing a so called 'big reset'. Humanity would probably not want to keep the banks up after a new economical crash, as it already had created extreme poverty all over the planet. And in several countries large groups of people began to riot. They targeted the rich their 'property', the people started to hit where it hurts: 'silver and gold'. First the system mercenaries were able to control the uprising by using extreme violence, but then the news came that many people were shot in cold blood. Now the masses became too big to control, even by directed government ordered violence. The mainstream media kept telling lies and more and more became wide awake. There were not enough mercenaries, as the system its money dropped in value. Those who enriched themselves through the banking monetary governance system had no way to protect themselves anymore. The mob was going their way and it scared the shit out off them. All those years they suppressed humanity was now coming to and end. And the crowd did remember and did not forgive...

It all started with NOPs, that was a peaceful alternative system. But the banking monetary governance system attacked it in every way it could, as no competition was allowed. While its system caused devaluation, people were forced to pay more and more taxes. So the rich could get richer and could claim more ownership. Their taxes were dropping while the masses got more and more heavily taxed. Most of humanity did not even understand how it worked, or why it was done this way. But all they knew and experienced was how this tax was enforced on them. Up to levels where they did not have enough income to pay all those taxes to the banking monetary governance system and still be able to buy clothing, food and to pay for a roof over their head. It was at this point that representatives of the system still were telling the same old crap on mainstream media. How the people should stop complaining, just work harder, put more hours in, for less pay. And that seemed to be the last straw. Poverty starts when costs outnumbers income. And the people did not even have to understand they got scammed by the banking monetary governance system. All the masses knew were that they did nothing different than before and yet they could not survive anymore. That was when the liberation started...

Support the alternative

A lot of Crypto related, so called, 'news' sites are spreading FUD {Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt}. Why? Probably because there are system controlled shills being payed to do so. Just like it is very likely that the Cryptos markets were pumped and dumped on purpose. After which a lot of people were scared out off Cryptos. This attack on Bitcoin and the other Cryptos is still going on, to this day. Some central control system, that seems to originate from the land of the so called 'free', is constantly attacking any aspect of Cryptos. It is easy for 'it' to do so, simply because 'it' makes 'its' own rules to protect 'its' own system. What 'it' now is trying to do comes forth from a panic response. The banking monetary governance system is on the verge of another economical crisis. In many countries the money creation out of nothing, against an interest baring debt is causing holes, that are being filled with holes. To cover this whole scam up the government parts of the the system are inventing more different taxes and raises others for the majority of the people. It is done so by local governments and upwards. Just look how it has enormous levels of debt and it just gets newly created money, against an interest baring debt. Again and again, where most of it is going into the pockets of those who already are extremely wealthy. Is being wealthy a problem then? No, the fact that others, the many, are bleeding for it, that is a problem.

One could easily state, with prove of thousands of years in history, that all the self acclaimed 'elite', those who believe they are 'superior', are actually failing. There is a constant Proof Of Failure {POF}, all over the world. And at some point humanity, the masses that are supposedly 'inferiors', might stand up and unite against the oppressors. And I wonder, honestly, if those that up-rise as the masses will be wanting to have a nice chat over a cup of tea. As my guess is that most of the angry people are actually done talking. No propaganda will be able to stop this once it is in motion. There are already signs that even those who are supposed to protect the powers that be are joining ranks with those who are making clear they have had enough. And simply cutting tax on gasoline will not end this. Incompetence is what those who believe they are the 'superiors' really proof to the rest of the world. These are not those who actually learned how to do a job right. It is a bunch of maniacs who believe they have a right to rule over humanity, by all means... And I looks like more and more of humanity are done with that crap. Done with paying so much taxes that they are unable to take care of their families anymore. This is one reason why Cryptos became so popular and that is the reason the banking monetary governance system got scared and wants to put an end to it.

Freedom of expression, also fits Bitcoin

Code is law, Bitcoin and the other Cryptos regulate themselves, that is the beauty of mathematics. We can get rid off the intermediates, but they are part of the banking monetary governance system. The fellow humans who believe they are in power and are superior to others are sick minded. They are junkies, addicts to power and money is what they need for that. Just like a heroin junky, that will lie, steal and even kill, just to get that thrill, the kick of the high. While addicts are proven to be anti-social, being close to sociopaths and you just have to look at what is happening in the world of today, by who's 'orders' to understand that we have junkies in all of the wrong places. One could even state that it will be for there own good, and for the rest of humanity, if they were to be put out off those central control power spots. Programming, blockchains, Bitcoin and all other Cryptos, with or without so called Smart Contracts, it is all part of the Freedom Of Expression. (Yes, I know it is also known as Freedom Of Speech, but that seems to be a bit outdated.) This is why all the attacks on Cryptos are to be considered tital and utter beaercrap, maybe even illegal. As no instance or agency can declare rightfully it is allowed to shut down Freedom of Expression. This would prove the worldwide banking monetary governance system to be truly a fascist system, or as a some stated: "It never left, it was not defeated, it only moved to a new location..." And that location was once known as: The land of the free...

The system is able to make any kind of law 'legal'. Just like it can state that Cryptos need to register and be controlled, ruled, whatever, because those who are inside of the system claim so. It does however not change anything about it being total nutcase nonsense. If people want to use NOPs they can, as they are code and code is law. It is freedom of expression. The code can be printed, the blockchain can be read, all the in- and outputs. That humanity wants to add value to this temporary virtuallity is their freedom to express themselves. If that means that the banking monetary governance system will lose the competition than that is because of a real free market, that also accounts for the right of people to choose what they want to use for an exchange of value. Money, as being created by the banking money governance system, out of nothing against an interest baring debt, is a true pyramid system, a ponzi scheme. It is constantly draining wealth from humanity and moving it into the hands of a small group of 'junkies'. And if a large part of human kind is done with this abusive system and want to use a peaceful alternative, that is written in free and open source code, then they can do so. Because they are free born humans, just like you and me.

May the Cryptos be with us!

This post is published on both the Steem and Whaleshares blockchain.


Indeed oal' chap, no silly knob jokes, way too serious shit this time. Yes, I say, no knob gagging!

Did we get to the bottom yet? Aw bugger, no bottom fun either, damned!

No bottoms!! And no fun! That's the new law of crypto!

Damned Sir, damned be them Crypto lot who state so, no fun...!?

And look, here's the proof that a 'Bottom' can be foggin' hilarious!

It was one of the finest comedies of its time! Heres to Bottoms!

Cheers to that mate!

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