NSPART - Broke 400 Followers... A ray of hope/light in one of the darkest times of my life. (PART 2 - The Transformation!)

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

This is a follow up to the post I made the other day about Breaking 400 Followers in a very dark period of my life.

While that week was definitely a one of the most difficult not only physically (from all of the moving, I think I lost 10lbs, in spite of eating pints of Ben & Jerry's, cookies, burgers and fries, anything to keep the calories up I felt like Michael Phelps must have felt on his 10,000 Calorie Diet), emotionally, and I went through a lot of emotions like despair, anger, hate, range and then physical exhaustion.

I started to see another ray of light shine through beyond breaking 400 Followers and it keeps growing. And that light centered me and I received guidance from well you can call it whatever you want to call it, My Higher- Self, Angels, Non-Physical Guides, or maybe just deeper parts of my own subconscious mind. You can call it what you want and I know many of you will think this is crazy and I might have said the same thing had I not experienced it myself…

I went from all of those dark heavy emotions , feeling almost hopeless to one of total inner peace. I did ask for help and I received it in many ways, from moving objects that seemed impossible to move by myself to the total removal of all of the hate, rage, anger, and despair. Even the relationship with my mother seems to be healing.

The way this happens is that I asked for help and I received Ideas, pictures, a sense of knowing that this was for my good, and was a necessary, experience for my growth and transformation to reach my goals and maybe even for my protection, which is why I could not prevent it no matter what I did.

The Ideas that came to me and shifted my perception…

  1. Treat this with the philosophy of Aikido. So rather than to resist, use this situation to my maximum benefit. Look for the benefits, and focus on those with gratitude. So while I’m not living where I want to be in the lifestyle I want. I do have shelter, food, and a place to work from. I also have reduced my monthly overhead down to a fraction of what it was before. Which is a massive weight off of me, because I had been struggling for so long that I felt like I was in vice being squeezed and it was removing the joy from my life. I was always broke, had not traveled in years, and felt guilty if I was not constantly working. I have now been liberated from all of that and I’m enjoying the simple things in life more now.
  1. I remembered the “Count of Monte Cristo” when Edmond Dantes is unfairly imprisoned, what he learned in Prison made him great swordsman, gave him a map to untold riches, and the ability to vanquish his enemies. Because he used his time wisely and that I should do the same and use this time to improve myself on all levels.

  2. I’m now seeing this as a Yin phase of my life where I will grow, regroup, regenerate and come out stronger and better in all areas of my life. I will have gained more emotional control, a stronger connection to my guidance that is available to me (I had been reading a lot of about Angel, Spirit Guides, Life Paths, Gods & Goddesses over the past year) I will also develop my skills in natural light photography and do a lot of outdoor shoots now that I don’t have a studio down stairs. I’m also focusing a lot of Crypto-Currencies and learning about this new wave of wealth creation and Steemit has been a valuable tool for that. I also still plan to do a lot of traveling.

Also I know from personal experience that we have the power to assign any meaning we want to any experience that happens. You can make something devastating or empowering, you can see something as a disaster or as something great.

Many years ago back when I was buying and selling domain names. I had a group of 3 names that a broker had set up a deal with a buyer for a good deal of money and after sending the earnest money, they backed out and told the broker they were sorry and to split the Ernest money with me. The broker refused.

I could have gotten really angry, maybe taken, legal action or gone on a rampage telling everyone about that broker.

But I chose to take a different path, assign a different meaning and thereby create a different outcome. So I said out loud… “This is AWESOME! I will now sell these domains for Twice as much!” And I totally let go of the situation. Within two years I sold all 3 with little effort for twice the amount! :)

I used to do stuff like that, all of the time. But I never asked for help, I felt I needed to do it. Until nothing I did on my own worked. Now I know I have help if I ask.

Now before I end this post I want to say that there are a lot of people that don’t believe in Angels, Spirit Guides, or anything beyond the physical but remember we can only see in a very narrow range of the light frequency spectrum and we can only hear in a very narrow range and science is now saying that we may even have parallel universes only a millimeter away from this one. So personally I now believe that we only experience the tip of the ice berg with our senses so to speak and there is much more not seen and heard than is.

There are also many people that don’t want to call on Angels, Spirit Guides, because they feel unworthy, or like they will have to give up pleasure, sex, or adhere to some restrictive religious dogma that takes the fun out of life.

I want to tell you that help is available to all that ask, you do not have to be a saint, or religious, or give up anything other than doubt. The very fact that you exist mean you are worthy of the help that is readily available. But you have to ask as they are not allowed to violate our freewill.

All I know is that last week or so has been a time of massive change and transformation for me and I have a lot of gratitude, joy and optimism where before there was only Anger, Hate and Despair, but I did ask for help… So much that if a person who could see into the non-physical (and some people can) they would see a huge Entourage around me I think right now…lol

This is the last I will be talking about this on here but since I spoke of this in a previous post I wanted to share this update with everyone. Maybe I’ll start another account to talk about the Esoteric and Metaphysical. I have also thought about starting a Steemit Account for talking about Men’s Issues because I used to be a Dating Coach for men, Sexpert (wrote 2 books on sexual performance and technique) and have studied a lot about men’s health and personal development.

Anyway I will leave you with links to a couple of books that helped me a lot…

Hiring the Heavens:
I watched a couple of Interviews with her and then started doing it and I was Amazed by how fast and well it worked. I’m now reading the book below.

Archangels & Ascended Masters:

If you want a more Magical and Fun life or need some help in ANY area check out those above. And also this guy below has some great stuff on his site, I have not read his books yet but his site talks about Angels and how to work with them and how they have been with us since… The Time of Atlantis http://TheAngelsofAtlantis.com

PS: About my mother, right now we're getting along and I feel a healing of our relationship is taking place, she is Older so maybe this is the last chance for this to occur. But if there is a problem after I move out I'll have my new helpers work on it ;)

Oddly enough where I could not stand to even look at her just last week... and she would trigger anger in me and it would bring back all she had done to my memory. I now give her a hug every day. So I know something beyond me has had a part in this, but it was done at my request.

PPS: I'd like to thank everyone on Steemit for all of the support and positivity that I have received both on my previous post about this situation and on my work. Thank you all so much! :)

Please Upvote and Re-Steem and come check out my other work:



You can also buy my work on Tshirts at:

Some of my other Recent and Still Active Posts that feature my Digital Photography...

NSPART - Black & White - Fine Art Implied Nude with Stefanie

NSPART - Black & White Erotic/Artistic Nudes With Chanel Shot on Impossible Instant Film -Part 1 (NSFW - Artistic Full Nudity)

NSPART- Entries for the ColorChallenge Saturday - Purple - ( 2 Entries)


Keep up the positivity and congrats!

Great achievement, congratulations!

You can make something devastating or empowering, you can see something as a disaster or as something great.

There is always a way to find something positive in every situation.
Best of luck for your further journey - both in real life and here on steemit! :)

Congrats @nspart :-) Well done :-)

congrats Nico..... good work!

Congrats! Great job!

Hang in there buddy.

Lol you went running back to your moms house? How old are you? I'm 23 and I would live with 5 roommates I met off Craigslist before going home. Funny how you give advice on how to live your life when yours is clearly such a mess.

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