Curation and Engagement. The hot topic right now. 5 SBI shares up for grabs.

in #blog6 years ago

Official business

First things first. Last week I posted about what is happening in the Steemit world right now, looking to see what people’s thoughts and opinions were. To sweeten the pot I was offering up to 5 SBI shares on my post. True to my word and after receiving some fantastic responses I gave out five shares.

What I learned from this is that people have been a bit discouraged by the price drop and feel that the site has gotten quieter all of a sudden. What has been pointed out to me from this is that the posts that are still going tend to be a lot better quality. The people who are still active and posting seem to be the people that truly believe in the future of the steem blockchain and the people who just love being here. Both of these factors lend to people finding better content and making these accounts more visible.

The main topics in the news right now seem to be @steem-ua and the new ratings system. It came up a lot. The steem blast day by @timcliff was mentioned more than once and since he is now pushing another campaign, still very relevant. There has been a lot of talk about @steem-monsters especially since it has sold so many packs lately due to its kickstarter campaign and the price that a lot of the cards are now selling for.

Thanks for your brilliant and detailed responses. For anybody wanting to see all the interesting comments, you can check it out here.

From last week’s post, I have given out two shares in SBI to @botefarm and 1 share each to @akomoajong, @elider11, @rentmoney. Well done and great answers.

The minnow power up league.

This is the first league that I want to talk about and it will be hosted by the wonderful @paulag. Already running a redfish power up league very successfully, this will take up where that one has left off. While it has not begun yet they are taking registrations for the first week. It doesn’t cost anything to join and should be well worth entering as it will add a whole new motivation to your Steemit journey.

The Aim of the challenge is to grow your SP. It’s a long way to grow from Minnow to Dolphin, from 500SP to 5000SP. So, to make things a little more fun and motivating, we are going to run 4 Levels:

Level 1: 500SP to 1500SP
Level 2: 1500SP to 2500SP
Level 3: 2500SP to 3500SP
Level 4: 3500SP to 5000SP

To enter you must have a 500 owned SP or more. You will be automatically entered into the correct level. Prizes will be awarded at each level; however, prizes will not kick in on a level until it has a minimum of 5 participants. Delegated SP will be excluded, both in and out. We will be working from owned SP values only.
It should be great fun as we all compete to grow and engage. I am really looking forward to it as I am a goal orientated person and love a good competitive challenge. To read the full post or to register, just click on the original announcement here.

The Curation and Engagement Leagues

Now this is one that I have brought up a few times in the past weeks and for good reason. It is ran by @abh12345 and sponsored by @curie which gives it serious firepower...!!! Once you enter, what it does is measure your accounts activities over a week and including some key activities to measure yours against all the other users who have registered for the league.

I've used some metrics (which is the fancy way of saying that made up some numbers) relating to:

Posts (P)
Comments - number of (C)
Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
Number of people spoken to (PS)
Comments - length in characters (C L)
Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
Up-votes to others (V)
Up-votes to different authors (U V)
Self-votes - a (getting smaller each week) minus score for this one sorry! (S V)

There is some great competition to get to the top of the league and it will take a lot of effort for anybody with aspirations to do so. Currently sitting pretty for many weeks in a row is @janton and anybody wanting to take the crown will need to put up a serious fight.

It’s all in good fun but should get you more involved and meeting other active members of the community so I would highly recommend anybody to join and start curating. There are also a few prizes for the top of the league which is a nice bonus for anybody who can make it. Your SP means nothing here, just good hard graft.

What should we do???

So, for the 5 shares in SBI it is very simple.

First of all this is for people who are following my account only.
Secondly I want to hear from you.

How do you feel about these leagues?

Are you interested in joining?

Are there any other initiatives like this out there?

How do you interact with people on the site?

Have you any good ideas that would help people to interact/ get noticed more?

You don’t need to answer all of these questions, but I’m looking for good and interesting answers around these topics. The prizes go to the best answers as usual and these are just the guidelines. Best of luck and waiting to hear some more brilliance from the users out there.


Personally I love the leagues.

I even just stopped self voting to try and get a bit higher.

@partiko actually motivates me to comment more btw - it has a leaderboard.

Good idea this to boost your UA score this too ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for mentioning us!

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm the same as you on both counts. I've stopped self voting entirely since joining the leagues and don't even miss it. It has really motivated me to do better with my time in here and hopefully I can get up near the top again.

As for partiko I have only good things to say about it. It has made my interaction with the whole blockchain so much easier and to be honest, I don't think I could keep up without it anymore. I have seen the league but the numbers on it are so big that I don't ever see myself getting up there. I think the top person is 44k points and I have about 7k. While being fairly active. At least I still have my ua score to fall back on.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think if you just target two weeks and maybe blitz it... that would be a start!

Posted using Partiko Android

That's definetly one way of doing it. Just pick your time and go hard at it.

Posted using Partiko Android

hi @niallon11, thank you so much for the shout out and the support for the leagues.

No problem. Just looking forward to the start now. Hopefully we can get a good few people interested and joined up.

Posted using Partiko Android

Cheers for the mention Niall and good luck this week!

Always looking forward to the league and to see how we place. It's getting tougher every week now.

Posted using Partiko Android

I love the leagues they have brought a new sense of purpose to my steemit experience and I really hope once hive mind is up and running they can expand the league and extract data we can use to create cool reward programs with bots and less manual work for the people who run it!

I currently use @curie and follow the comment trail coz I’m selfish and looking for rewards!

I troll my favourite tags and the intro tag and then finally I check out steem bount y to see if I can find any cool programs to comment on

To get noticed I would say find a topic you’re good at comment on posts in that niche! Then make a response post and tag those users in it and get a discussion going!

If I do win the SBI I’d like to pass it on to @heelsandmuffins

Posted using Partiko iOS

I like your style on this and have done similar things when i have the time.

I troll my favourite tags and the intro tag and then finally I check out steem bount y to see if I can find any cool programs to comment on

Steem bounty is always a handy page to check out and you can earn a decent amount of rewards in the week. I've often earned an extra couple of steem just from commenting on the nominated posts in a week. Much easier than trying to earn through posting.

If you win I am more than happy to pass on any shares of SBI to @heelsandmuffins. The more that goes around the better.

Posted using Partiko Android


Haha there you go for this week final assault . you got pretty good armoury behind you @niallon11 . such a detailed analysis of whatball hapening around.

In my prospective when everything is down its better to do engaging and what is better than to some engagame t league to keep everyone pump up. The new league for minnows is going to super exciting....and the current engagement league is already the best hottest thing happening around...👌

Posted using Partiko Android

It has to be done. One last push before the weekend to try and make up some of the ground. It might not work but what harm.

The new league for minnows is going to super exciting....and the current engagement league is already the best hottest thing happening around...

I think your right about the engagement. Everything good here revolves around people's interaction and engagement. And nowhere have I seen this more than the curation league. It makes me very excited to start the new minnow league as my big goal for now is to get that dolphin status. I would guess that I'm not the only one either.

Like you say, the extra bit of competition should pump us up and give us that drive going forward to progress through the level and hit that 5000sp.

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha...the last push....👍 it good to keep up pushing till last moment. Everyone is pushing hard and it is good to see the friendlynes in every push.
This os the first league where there is no hatedness and everyone is trying there best to go top...the simple way is interact as much as possible....and keep there is no other means....this makes Engagement league a happening place on to be here

Posted using Partiko Android

Well the thing is that the best people to talk to are in the league as well. People who will reply and keep it interesting. Some of the best people that I have met lately are from the league and more than happy to engage. It's all in good fun and helps us both out so it's a win win. Friendly competition is always a good thing. See you up there tomorrow.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thats true..good thing happen when you engage...and engagement leagur becomes a good place to engage....see you on top👍👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the SBI share ..

How do you feel about these leagues?

They are all great. Anything that helps user retention and account growth is A-OK in my books.

Are you interested in joining?

I have participating in the curation league a few times and plan on doing so again in the future.

Are there any other initiatives like this out there?

Steemit is full of initiatives so there likely is but I am not sure the name of them.

How do you interact with people on the site?

By visiting their blog posts and them mine. Hosting and participating in games and giveaways is what creates most of my interaction.

Have you any good ideas that would help people to interact/ get noticed more?

Games / Giveaways and promotions seem to be the easiest way to create interaction and get noticed.

No problem. I'm glad to pass them out and even get a few myself. It's a great system.

They are all great. Anything that helps user retention and account growth is A-OK in my books.

As for your comment it's exactly why I love the leagues myself. It really gets people involved and commenting on posts which can only help accounts grow. One of my main issues starting out was getting noticed on the site and this definitely has an effect on that. Especially now when the site is a lot quieter it's really important to engage the accounts that are here and make sure that they push on for the future.

Posted using Partiko Android

How do you feel about these leagues?

These leagues are really good for engagement.

Are you interested in joining?

Yes. I already joined both leageus of @paulag and @abh12345. I will join minnow powerup league when I have enough SP.

Are there any other initiatives like this out there?

I did not see any other initiatives like this.

How do you interact with people on the site?

I normally upvote, make interesting comments and resteem the post I liked.

Have you any good ideas that would help people to interact/ get noticed more?

Yes. I have. Firstly follow interesting people. I followed the people who delegated SP to steem-ua. I used my time to read their post and make comments relevant to their posts. If you take a look at a post, first commeter will likely get reponse from author. After posting 5,10 minutes the author will stay around the computer or phones. Maybe he want to check his post spelling or maybe he want to add something. And first comment will be on top until no upvote come in. So it would be great to be first commenter. You do not need to give a comment. So try to be a first commenter.

Yes. I already joined both leageus of @paulag and @abh12345. I will join minnow powerup league when I have enough SP

Good to see it. The nice thing is that a lot of these projects kind of complement each each other when you join. The more that you do in one tends to help you out in the next. I follow a few projects and they all help me to engage more and to get more involved in the site.

Like you say being first to comment never hurts either. Especially with some of the larger accounts who get so many. If there is any chance to engage them it is when the post is very new and they are still involved in it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good day @niallon11!
I am very pleased to have joined this stream! I learned about it by chance-participated in the competition Share Your World Contest by @reonlouw , I won one of the rounds.
I was surprised that my winnings didn't come to my wallet... and at first I was upset... It turns out that I did not read the terms of payment and asked about it, the distinguished @reonlow
But when I realized how it works, I was just in awe!!!
Thank you very much for this wonderful initiative! This is a long-term investment!
And now I tell all my friends about it.

No problem. I much rather give out SBI shares as prizes than STEEM itself. I do this because it gets people more involved in the blockchain when they have shares, rather than money that they can just cash out straight away. It provides upvotes which can be hard to come by for a lot of smaller accounts and i just like the concept in general.

This is a very good concept!!! :)

What are SBI shares? I seriously don't know.

They are shares in Steem basic income. It's an upvote bot that will vote on your posts depending on how many shares you have. More shares equals higher votes on your posts and it's for life so if you have a lot it can be quite benificial. They have an account here and a channel on discord if you want to know more.

Posted using Partiko Android

cool thanks i will definately have a look.

Posted using Partiko Android

No problem. If you join their discord there are loads of competitions that you can win shares in. It's a great way to get started and to engage people even if you don't have that much sp. The more you can win the better and it is nice to get the upvotes on your posts. It really helps starting out.

Posted using Partiko Android

Do take a good look for it. The project was one of the best things that I have done on here and it votes every post that I do for 3c which is not a bad return. That is only with a bout 10 shares so every ten that I can get means another 3c per post and if steem price goes up then the vote will go up with it.

Posted using Partiko Android

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