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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 05/25/18> How about a trip?, a trip that will flip you out… Nazca, Peru.

in #blog6 years ago

I'm still catching up after a few days away without internet. Glad I didn't miss this post!
I visited the Nazca lines in 1997 and flew over them in a tiny plane. They are certainly intriguing, and I don't think it's beyond the bounds of possibility that the ancient Peruvians were able to fly. They might have had balloons, or even some other type of flight technology, maybe using a force that we don't know about.
I've looked at the film in the comments about the gold "flying craft" and I'm sorry, but I tend to think they look more like stylised insects. If the ancients did have flying craft, I think it's unlikely that they would look like our jet aircraft. It would probably be something completely different. Also, if they had that kind of motorised engine technology, using oil, I'm surprised that they would have left us line drawings of animals. I know one of the drawings is said to resemble a spaceman, but again, that's us projecting our modern era ideas onto the past.
I did get round to watching the video about the pyramids that you posted earlier, and I think that is utterly fascinating. It makes total sense to me that they may have had some sort of electrical conductivity purpose. When I visited Peru, I went on a guided tour to some pyramids there. I remember the guide telling us that the pyramids of the Americas were not like the Egyptian pyramids, as they had no separate capstones. Later I visited a museum and saw an ancient solid gold replica of a Peruvian pyramid - with a separate capstone.


I can't recall the exact pyramid at the moment and would have to look it up but there is a pictured carved into the stone the depicts with great similarity what we know as helicopters. There are also references to "chariots of fire in the skies doing battle" in the bible. Those could very well be flying aircraft and described as "chariots" so that people would understand that people or beings were aboard them and moving from place to place in them in the skies.
We have a hard time with believing that these things could have existed in the past because if they did it would blow the Darwin theory of evolution right out of the water, and the religion known as "science" will have nothing to do with that, so we continue to be deceived.

It's not that I don't believe the ancients could have had the technology to fly - I just think that if they did, their flying craft would probably be completely different to the aircraft we have today. I have a personal suspicion that more advanced types of aircraft probably exist today, but because they don't rely on scarce fuel resources and would therefore be much cheaper to operate, and would put the big oil producers and aerospace firms out of business, they kept from the masses, and when they are spotted, they are referred to as "UFOs". This is just my own little conspiracy theory. Maybe the ancients used cleaner and more natural technologies for flying too. Maybe they had airships, using non-flammable fuels. Or "magic carpets". Or something that modern scientists haven't even thought up yet!

You can rest assured that more advanced transportation devices exist and that big oil is the keeping it suppressed. I have contended for a long time the "UFO" acronym is for "Unknowing Folks Only" spotted the object, the governments know what and who are flying these objects.

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