Despicable Disney: The Horrifying Reality under the 'Glorious Leadership' of Mufasa

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

I was reminiscing through YouTube the other day when I landed on The Lion King, and the classic track 'Be Prepared'. This was always one of my favourite as a kid but growing older, you realise - aside from the superliminal Nazi propaganda - that things were not all fun and games.

In fact, I now realise just how tragic, horrifying and worst of all, politically motivated this all way. Allow me to elaborate:

The Evil Dictator

So as you all likely know, the lion lead is Scar, the brother of the current King, and a bitter brother he is. He was always the troubled one in the family and has taken to living with hyenas, banished from the grassy utopia surrounding his brother.

Well I don't know about you but this King immediately comes across as a jerk; banishing his brother to a life in the dark with Hyenas which would typically kill him without hesitation, a place where everybody looks to with shame. His brother, for whatever reason, wished his brother to be tortured and eaten alive by a pack of hungry scavengers. It's no wonder Scar grew to resent him. Action needed to be taken!

Not only was Mufasa a jerk to his brother, but he clearly discriminated against the hyenas from day one. How can you have lions living 'harmoniously' with their prey, who are, let's face it, forced to get down on their knees en masse for their Supreme Leader, yet any challenge such as the hyenas are banished into abject poverty and starvation? This sounds like the tune of an evil dictator to me, purging its competition thanks to nothing but bloodline.

The Survivor

Scar, quite astonishingly, not only managed to ally with his mortal enemies, but become the leader of them in spite of all adversity, hunger and strife. He has essentially earned his position of power, likely down to a popular vote, I don't doubt.

But the environment must have taken its toll on him and the hyenas, to the point where the only survivors are cold-blooded killers and the insane. Watch the song for a refresher:

Immediately, we start to see the horrifying lifestyle these poor animals have been forced to survive in:

Scar cannot even get through his presentation introduction before mysterious and dangerous looking gases start blasting out of the floor into his face. Since this is the wilderness of Africa, we can assume this green gas was not set up as a clever smoke machine brought from the local theatre. I had a look into what these gases could be and what I found was mortifying.

Not only were these elegant hunters banished, but they were forced to live in volcanically active land, where a whole cocktail of deadly gases are indeed common; Sulfur Dioxide, Hydrogen Chloride, Carbonyl Sulfide and Hydrogen Bromide are all very present gases whose effects all have similar but varied versions of lung collapse, severe irritation, melting of your cells, brain death and internal bleeding.

Hydrogen Sulfide and Carbon Monoxide both have numbing effects that kill your senses, knock you unconscious and kill you in your sleep. Failing that, brain necrosis will suffice. Hydrogen sulfide even became infamous in 2008 when a wave of suicides by way of H2S poisoning hit Japan, so it may be the case that this clan's dire and hopeless situation led them to seek out ways to end their pain; gas poisoning. Easy, painless and one of the few things bountiful in their lives.

So when Scar attempts to mock and humiliate one of the hyenas, he's really being quite mean to somebody likely suffering from Hydrogen Sulfide poisoning who, given the circumstances, has little time left in this world.

It's clear from your vacant expression, the lights are not all on upstairs

In all likelihood, this hyena is suffering from something like myasthenia gravis, an incurable condition that causes muscle weakness, eye drooping, blank stares and so on. Hardly surprising, don't you think?

There's one in particular gas, however, that we can be sure is present based on the first screenshot: Chlorine.


Chlorine in its gas state is green. You may associate chlorine with the swimming pool, but it does actually occur naturally from volcanic activity, and it's not friendly stuff. It can, if nothing else, collapse and kill your lungs with a burning sensation not unlike fire from the inside out. This causes you to cough up and possibly choke on your own blood. You'll be lucky to survive past a few minutes in the conditions we see in the musical. In fact, this was the gas used in the 2014 Syria attacks, but was first recognized as a weapon of mass destruction during The Great War, with Germans pouring 150 tons of it on a single colonial division of the French. Imagine living with the stuff on a daily basis.

It's frankly astonishing that hundreds of these poor animals managed to survive in here and even get enough brain power together to organise into something substantial.

But this isn't their only concern. Their brains have been in such close quarters to toxic gases for so long, they no longer feel remorse or empathy, they are violent to one another like they exist in some dystopian, Mad Max future, when plentiful resources and greenery exist just down the road, likely a few minute's drive away for a human car. This behaviour is shown in alarming detail within the cartoon.

Hydrothermal Vents

Shortly after disrespecting the heavily poisoned and dying hyena, Scar goes on to scare and deliberately push two more hyenas atop hydrothermal vents, where they block the gas, cause heavy build up until the volcanic gases release and shoot them into the air, well above terminal heights.

For a cat, it's common to survive a large fall from the 7th floor or even atop a huge tree, as their terminal velocity (top falling speed) borders the line between fatal and non-fatal. They also have some excellent physical strategies and adaptations that allow them to slow their fall and prepare for a sufficient landing.

Dogs on the other hand are far more clunky. A dog is built for endurance and speed, not agility and an affinity for heights. In fact, looking online I saw stories of dogs blood and paralysed from a fall as low as the third story of an apartment, the kind of fall that would be considered a minor embarrassment to cats.

None of this would really matter anyway, since the gases released from these hydrothermal vents are typically about 400°C, which the hyenas spent more than a second sitting on. If nothing else, their bodies would have been irreparably damaged before they even lifted off.

What we see in Be prepared is two hyenas fatally scolded, and blasted to at least 5 stories in height, as can be shown by their very speedy vertical landing - all while Scar is singing and dancing with glee.

Even if they were to stand a chance, they were clearly unable to correct themselves to a safe landing position, and we already know from later in the video that there's no soft landings here. Their fall was in all likelihood, fatal:

Scar ecstatically kicks this hyena into a pile of sharp, brittle bones for no reason other than his own sick pleasure.

Mind Control

Just before we see the Nazi propaganda set in, we see all surviving hyenas gather in one area, where a mysterious yellow gas is released as they shout 'Long Live the King! Long Live the King!'

This to me is evidence of experimentation on Scar's own military service. We know, for example, that incapacitating agents and other non-lethal gases used to control the capabilities of enemies has been used for over 2,000 years, with some examples dating back to 600BC. Of course, more recently, the US was known for its experiments with Project MKUltra, a program to develop mind control drugs for interrogation until sanctioned in 1953.

For all we know, experiments continued in the wilderness of Africa, where Scar managed to get his paws on some useful developments. How else would you explain a lion taking leadership over hyenas? This is however, an unlikely source of the chemicals, as we will find out further down.

But after the highly dangerous Nazi marching scene, things get much worse.


As Scar emphasises the point that they won't get a sniff without him, an apparently mega-powerful earthquake strikes, perhaps another common occurrence for them as they seem generally unfazed by it.

Scar, naturally takes this opportunity to yell, terrify and murder yet another hyena, making him fall into the newly formed crack in the earth down to the magma below:

If you think the hyena could have survived this fall, think again. Magma typically reaches temperatures of 700 °C to 1300 °C, so hot that your skin can melt away without even touching it. In fact, you can get a bunch of well-done steaks cooked atop laval in just a couple of minutes:

No, that hyena is dead like all the rest Scar murdered in the last 2 minutes of this performance.


We can further see demonstrations of delusion when the earthquake really starts to kick in. It's actually not unheard of that earthquakes can trigger volcanic eruptions, but they're typically strong, with magnitudes greater than 6. This is backed up by the video, in which whole rocky platforms are being ripped from the ground and pushed into the sky. The shocking truth here is that the hyenas are not aware of their approaching doom, choosing instead to dance and harmonize with one another, presumably mostly brain dead already:

The kind of earthquake required to cause this kind of upheaval would have to have been record breaking. We have some instances of mass destruction in the past, with recent events such as in Nepal 2015 creating untold devastation:

So the Cackle of Hyenas residing here likely never witnessed such a supremely powerful natural event in their lives. It was only thanks to advanced improvisation skills that Scar managed to keep the song's momentum going, so kudos for that if nothing else.

We can also see that, while Scar goes to safe heights on a rapidly rising platform of rock, the hyenas are left on their own stationary platforms where the magma is sure to rise and liquify them instantly:

The Moon

The few survivors of this travesty of events can be found laughing in the moonlight with pure euphoria despite the deaths of their children and family members, focused only on the blind loyalty and sense of elation triggered by poisonous overdosing and psychopathic propaganda efforts.

But this image only strengthens my belief that Mufasa is really to blame for all of this. We often associate scarcity in the wild with human deforestation and general destructive behaviours that tend to follow wherever we go. But the moon says otherwise.

You see, we happen to live in a time where by fortunate coincidence, the sun lines up into eclipse with the moon, perfectly blocking out the moon's light except its outer ring, what we call a Lunar Eclipse. But this wasn't always the case. The moon has been drifting away at about 1.5 inches a year for 4.5 billion years. At one point, the moon was closer and thus bigger, and the sun's shadow would not have been enough to completely cover the moon. Just like in the above screenshot

Lions are said to have evolved apart from tigers up to 4 million years ago. If we go to the earliest times of the lions - perhaps this was the first monarchy in play - the moon was likely about 152 km closer than it is today. This is not much, but likely sufficient to show the sun's shadow fitting inside the moon's diameter as is seen here.

This means that the events going down would have happened long before any human intervention could have caused such devastation to a land otherwise flowing with life and sustenance. So although the area of exile was volcanically and seismically active, unless the hyenas and Scar were physically restrained from leaving the Elephant Graveyard, they could have moved on to greater pastures with bountiful food for all, perhaps making their own separate kingdom where enemies work together as friends.

Instead, Mufasa was enslaving and imprisoning them, for no reason other than to watch them starve, burn and choke to death. He was not just exiling them, he was sending a message to the rest of the animal Kingdom:



All screenshots fall under the grey area of Fair Use, but full accreditation goes to Disney and Lion King. All other images CC licensed

References: Japanese 2008 suicides | Chlorine attack in WW1 | Project MKUltra | Moon is moving away | Hydrothermal vents | Lion


Wow this is so hilarious and interesting

At a point i was wondering if it was the same Lion King, but surely is the same, i might just need to watch it again in alignment with your analysis.

Still in shock with the political and conspiracy aspect.
This is seriously beautiful.

I could only say well done.

Haha I think we all need to start watching it again... who knows what I'll find in other Disney pieces... Thanks for reading =)

Hillarious! I'll never look at Mufasa the same way again. At least his son was spared being brought up by that monster. ;-)

Haha good point, a son that was brought up with the common folk, learnt the ways of The People. A good leader he may be!

This in depth analysis of the villain Scar is quite great, I have heard about how Disney uses subliminal messages in order to get a point across to kids. I tried to explain it to a friend who just laughed and mocked me lol, safe to say that he loves disney to much to not understand.

Heh well I remember some conspiracy theories about these movies. For example some pattern in the dust blown in the wind in this movie was said to very quickly show a secret message, and the word 'sex' in the stars and stuff... none of that true, I'm pretty sure =)

I mean what’s Disney trying to say by, making the word sex appear to children 😂. It’s not they’re going to grow up as sex hungry maniacs by watch the little mermaid 🤨.

'Dear Leader' Mufasa. If he had lived he would have forced Simba to get the same hairstyle as him.

Haha, is that why lions all have the same mane? Interesting insight...

Hah, nice! I had a post a while back about Disney song and dance sequences and ergot poisoning that you might get a kick out of.

O I think I vaguely remember this one during curation rounds! Great minds think alike =P

Hah, indeed! Or, at least in my case, justifying my love of children's cartoons. I'm not good at being an adult.

Very interesting analysis!

You could only gain such powerful knowledge of the movie by seeing it many times and recently too. Now I have to go and do that. I didn't know there was so much science and politics in the Lion King. Fun read.

Haha Of course I grew up with it. I know these movies - Aladdin also - like the back of my hand!

"Scar ecstatically kicks this hyena into a pile of sharp, brittle bones for no reason other than his own sick pleasure." hahah
Ienjoyed all these thoughts stemming from the song! So funny :D :D I love Scar ... "let's goooo"

This is pure talent. In have never tried to take such an in-depth look into the movie. Can hardly even remember the scenes described in the movie. Now, I might have to go and watch it all over again, perhaps I will have meaningful contributions to make thereafter.

Kudos for the great analysis and analogy.

Yeah I haven't watched the full thing for many years, actually. I remember it very well but I'm sure I'll enjoy another watch ^__^, childhood gold.

This is one of the animations that made our childhood awesome. But I've never looked at it like this with much depth like you've depicted in this post.
Nice piece buddy

Heh, a lot of free time will do this =) Glad this childhood memory is shared internationally =D