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RE: A shift on the ambulance

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Cool! Thanks for the "look inside." It does remind me still a little bit of the old T.V. Show from the 70s I loved so much..."Johnny Gage" and "Roy DeSoto" "Emergency." Ever seen re-runs of it?

"D5W with ringers lactate...Hang that now." (Is that a real thing?)


Can’t say I’ve seen it or heard any of those terms. My favorite term is “ETOH”... means a drunk person 😆

That's what they say every time they start an never knew if it was legit, or just made up nonsense.

Oh OK. I don’t think so anymore. Also, I.V.s can only be done by a paramedic, not an EMT. As a rule of thumb I can’t do anything that breaks the skin.

How much schooling/experience on top of what you have would it take to be a paramedic? Would it be a lot more bread?

Yeah that’s the crazy thing. You can get your EMT cert going to class part time for 3 months, or full time for one month. A paramedic course generally takes two years, basically an Associates Degree at a community college. You do make a good bit more money, though. Around here a full time EMT is probably $30k a year, paramedic is $40-50k, depending on agency and experience.

Very interesting. Thanks for that explanation. Any thought of going for your paramedic's?

I have thought about it. The course closest to me requires more time as an EMT first (I have not been doing it that long). We’ll see what the future holds

Well, good luck with everything, my friend...and God bless.

What does ETOH stand for....?

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