
@playfulfoodie hij is verloren - ik kies voor Partij voor de dieren actually - i wrote VVD at ocrdu's hahah

I agree with you on the many points you stated here.
Am an alien here and I went through the right process of integration.
I still am cautious of my dealings with people here despite that because I respect the Dutch - I have only been shown kindness by the your people - I mean pure Dutch - so I honestly also don't get how some of the newcomers act and speak like they do - as if the Dutch owe them.
I can't blame your people - in my country - it's also "eigen volk eerst"!
Did you vote for the old guy - SP?

I'm so happy he didn't win! I voted for PvdA, because that's what the tests online told me was a good way to go for me. I guess not many people agreed, huh :-)

I can really understand it being harder to fit in when you're not Dutch originally. I just can't understand the way some newcomers act, like you said. I have no problem with foreigners coming here and contributing to society. Honestly, there's pure Dutchies messing up just as much as foreigners. It's not about the different groups for me, it's how the individual acts.

How long have you been in this little country of ours? How'd you end up here?

@playfulfoodie I didn't have a hard time fitting in - and yes there are naughties everywhere in the world.

How long? secret :D hahah but quite long

how did I end up here - I fell in love with a very nice kaaskop - I married him :D and still very much in love going stronger :D

I tried to fight love (but to no avail - 2 forces you'd better not mess with in this life - mother nature and that thing called love) because that meant I have to give up everything I have in the Philippines specially my career there and start all over again here and learn the language hahah maar het valt allemaal mee - gewoon gedaan! Allemaal goed gegaan - I think because I teach English and the Dutch language is quite similar to it vocabulary wise and the grammar structure is the only thing I had to work with - the pronunciation was and is sometimes still a freaking challenge hahaha but I don't care.

I love it here I think you could tell from my posts huh? hahah
Actually, your country is very open to other people and don't worry though it's a small country - the number of people is still not much compared to our 87 M so don't worry. The living cost here is too expensive though - that is the deal I guess, unless the living cost gets cheaper many will be trapped in the rat race unless they change their mindset financially. The growing population is not a problem if the number of people contributing is greater than that of just depending (specially financially). If that would be the case - inflation will come like a whirlwind.

I didn't have a hard time fitting in - I was brought up with a Western Orientation by my very modern parents - though I grew up with a very conventional grandparents my over the top liberated mother had more influence on me so I didn't really have a problem fitting in - just like water - my mother said - be like H20 it could fit in whatever shape of a container you put it in. It just goes on with the flow - but I'm not a crowd follower just so you know. haha

Great to hear you didn't have a hard time here and I'm very happy you found yourself a nice 'kaas kop' to move to this country for. Must have been hard to leave everything behind, so I'm sure he's great enough to be worth such a change!

I'm lucky enough to live in the north, which is probably a much different mindset and environment compared to the west. I don't think I'd like living there with so many people. There's already such a rushed lifestyle. I think it would be even worse in the west. I love all the nature I have around me in the north for some peace and quiet :-)

Not being a crowd follower is a good thing in my book. I'm not really one myself, either ;-)

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