Entrepreneurs: Why using Minimalism design is good for your company image

in #blog7 years ago


Minimalistic Design is a fairly new trend, but not at all a new concept. It’s a trend that is quickly sweeping through top line products and companies, and if you aren’t using it, your probably out-dated.

So, what’s so good about this crap anyway? Is something you’re probably wondering.

Minimalistic Design takes a concept or idea and communicates it visually in it’s most basic form.

That’s my definition of it anyway in this context.

We take an idea and create a graphic of it in a way where it’s extremely simplified. And it's not just with graphics. It can extend from your company's logomark all the way to how you interface with your customers, and what kind of company shirt you have.

We take advantage of the most basic design principle and capitalize on it. We communicate a powerful and solid idea or concept and present it as such.

Less is more.
– Architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

This saying should be familiar because it is a founding principle of all Design, not just graphics design in general.

Now. Let’s take this in the context that you may be more interested in. In a company Logomark, or Logo.

Let’s say, that you’re a CEO of a brand new startup company. Your company’s task and purpose is to create a new coding language. And the target audience is software developers. Alright, it’s time to market. Your technology is developed, but now it’s time to interface your software to the world. However, you really like pandas. Like a lot. You also like the 90s. You want these things to be apparent in the graphical aspect of your product and company.

Well, you have to understand, it’s statistically easier to appeal by using the “Less is more” principle. If you want your site to look like it was made in the 90’s you can pack up your bags and file bankruptcy right now.

You must leave your bias behind and present your company professionally. Think in feelings, not in stickers.
What do I mean when I say "think in feelings, not in stickers" That's an entirely new topic for another day. :D

That means following the norms and pursuing the trends of the time.

But Malice, you’re telling us we should use minimal design because everyone is doing it.

Well yes, in the same way everyone uses suits and designer clothing in formal occasions. Calvin Klein suits didn’t exist 30 years ago, but yet if you show up to a meeting wearing one, you’ll look sharp.

But even still, there are some advantages to using Minimalistic principles to your design project. Here’s just a few

  • Optimized. You’re going to have an easier time making graphics work across various platforms and projects if your graphics are based on minimalism.

  • Powerful. Making a brand or website or Gui based on this principle is going to present your ideas to the end user effectively.

  • Cleaner. Projects based on this principle tend to be a lot more cleaner and easier to use, less assets are better.

  • Professional.As explained before, Minimalism is trending, and for good reason. And one thing that inspires interest and trust from end users is a design that looks good.

  • Timeproof.Since our design will be somewhat simplistic, it would be theoretically easy to apply and change your graphic to any trends of the time.

here's a mockup just illustrating the difference between an skeumorphistic logo, and a flat logo. While the left hand logo may look flashier, but, it's not 1. Optimized 2.Powerful 3.Clean or 4. Time proof

These are all the things we should be striving for in our brands and graphical projects. Minimalism covers all bases, and it’s easier to create too!

So now you know. Minimalistic design sounds awesome now right? Well, if you’re digging the idea now, stick around for my next post. We’re going to design a full Branding solution for our Panda loving CEO. And eventually, we’ll create a start up page for him too.

Disagree? Share your opinion, I want to hear your criticism and opinions!
How can I improve? Share your thoughts with me!

Logo Giveaway

Alrighty so, In my introduction post I mentioned that I would like to help contribute to the steemit community right?

Well, I came up with a very fair and awesome way I can do just that. I will like to announce that I will be doing a weekly logo design giveaway.

Under normal circumstances, I would advise no logo designer to give away their product for nothing. However, steemit has embraced me, and I'd like to keep good on my word and return the favor.

Once every week, on Monday, I will select 1 random follower to have a one totally free logo design from start to finish. All that follower has to do is provide me a brief, and I will take care of the rest. That will be started up on June 12th.

So perhaps you're a startup and are looking for a good mark for your company, be sure to follow me for a chance to get yours!

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Special thanks to @someguy123


Brilliantly said. Sometimes complexity confuses people and therefore they are more likely to pass up a product...

I have featured your post in today's feature...

When we shave away the special effects and complexity of a companies image, all that remains is the companies feel and values. This is the stuff that is important to people. And what you're saying is righto. Thank you for your support @business-trail, I'll be sure to follow you!

Hey great advice! I'm trying to design a logo and basic look for my media pages. I'm connecting my FB, Insta, YT, Steemit and Website under the name of 'Diary of an Archetype'. I am a photographer and filmmaker exploring ideas such as sex,drugs,ancient history, masculine/feminine, etc.

My steemit introduction says it all https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@arqetype/diary-of-an-archetype-an-introduction

I'd love to be in your logo giveaway as I'm trying to develop a sleek design than passes through all my media channels, Check out my Insta @diary.of.an.archetype.

And thanks again for the post, its good info!

Thanks for your feedback, and I appreciate your support! I took a look at your introduction post and was sure to upvote and follow as well. Most certainly, I would love to design something for you, hopefully, you'll win the logo!

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