What do women really think?..... I dunno, but I can definitely make some money from it.

in #blog5 years ago

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First off.....

I have some good news, and some bad news.

The good news, is that my project is now virtually finished – a matter of days - and it will require very minimal administration. It will tootle along quite nicely without my focused attention.
I really like the 'tootling along quite nicely with minimal administration', as a business model.
I hate admin. (more about 'the business', later).

The bad new is that I will now have LOTS more free time, yet again.
What to do?
What to do?
......With all this free time...lets see....


Having being brought out of semi retirement by starting to blog on steemit, I now find myself in the unenviable position of wanting to work, once again.
Bloody hell!
When I say work, I'm not nuts.
I don't mean employment , or anything silly like that. Fuck no.
(how do people do employed? It's beyond me).
I'm not criticizing all sheep employees, per se – you gotta do what ya gotta do to survive, I get it - but in my experience?
There are always much better ways to make your money than 'working for someone'.

The thing is, I'm a big enough idiot - all by myself – and I certainly don't need an even bigger one, telling me what to do.
Bugger that for a scenario.

I suppose I could start posting and engaging once more, on here.

I have missed my daily Steemit fix, it has to be said.

During my downtime away from this circus, I never stopped keeping my beady eye on it, even though time commitments elsewhere prevented me from really fully engaging.

I miss writing my thoughts and observations on life, (and trying to get the brain dead to think).

I miss generally messing around and laughing at idiots helping others to think, in this playground of lost souls.


BUT, in my newly resurrected 'work ethic mode', I'm finding it hard to justify spending the hours here, that I have previously - for bugger all rewards.
(moon, shmoon, yeah, fuck off).

I have no other social media platform like this.
(not one that's not associated with the business side of things, that is).
I certainly don't want to my new project to be associated with this insane asylum space of SJW, and lefties - in any way whatsoever.
Fuck no.
Credibility is important.

Oh yeah....where was I? I have a stream of consciousness going on right now......

er...oh yeah...back to the 'what do women think? I dunno, but I can definitely make some money from it'.

On second thoughts, I'll leave it for the next blog, I've wittered on enough for now.

Oh yeah..... 'what do women think?

I have no idea what women think, and in this context, I'm not too bothered about it either.It's not important.
Just like it's not important what a waiter thinks, as he serves you your order.

But what I DO KNOW is how to make you lot's of money precisely because I don't know what girls think...

Details of just how, will be on my next post...and the next...and the next....

Get yer steem/litecoin/btc ready.....


Want to be to be truly independent, and financially successful?

Do you value your time?

It's all you will ever truly own. Don't give it away cheaply.


The next post will totally free, though!


The problem with displeasure is that you often only manage to activate the pain body of those who feel the same displeasure as you and those who disagree with what displeases you. All terms that are perceived as offensive lead to reactions that belong to the respective category. So either someone thinks he is a sheep and does not want to be addressed as such or someone thinks all others are sheep and rise above them.

Of course there is nothing wrong with sheep.

The impression I get when I read you here is that you seem to pity those who have a regular job. And even though you seem to revise your words, it still remains a devaluation in the beginning.

Every person chooses his own life and suffering. I assume that you know that. How everyone else reacts to it and reflects us can be shaped by confirming or contradicting the feelings expressed. Both are equally anchors and free falls.

I personally recognize myself in everything that is said publicly here and elsewhere. This activates my reaction and probably the most elegant way would be not to react at all. But when you say that you miss blogging, you miss those who come and read what you write, don't you? (I do). We modern people all hang on to the umbilical cord of the Internet and it is as nourishing as it makes us dependent. I don't know, it would be nice if I didn't see this addiction soiled, if I took it lightly, so that it could become something more beautiful. We humans feel guilty and ashamed for so much, it is sometimes as much for crying as it is for laughing.

If you want to know what women think, just ask and she will tell you. LOL

I cant see that people do choose thier life, I see it more that were are completely conditioned into it, and whatever country you are born in determines your life, but for example, I didnt choose to be batitzied at birth, nor spend 14 years of my life at school 😂

Anyone who knows the word painbody is someone I will follow on here.. Bist du deutsch?

HaHa!! Ja, ich bin deutsch und das Wort ist wohl eine Tolle-Erfindung! 😂

So your view and my view differs a little, because I can see a lot of choice making in peoples lives. Of course, it's also true what you say, that I was born into a family, country and circumstances I did not pick. But well, that's the fate of everybody, so I think it's fair.

The impression I get when I read you here is that you seem to pity those who have a regular job.

That would be an incorrect impression. (I'm not big on pity, except with animals). My reply to your other comments will go some way to explaining that.
I grew up in 'poor me' , central.

And even though you seem to revise your words, it still remains a devaluation in the beginning.

The devaluation is a judgment on myself - not others. I would feel like a loser - for me personally - if I was an employee. It's not in my DNA.
I've had jobs, and I'm not all superior about it - but as to my post - if I can help people be financially independent and their own boss - it makes me feel good.

If you want to know what women think, just ask and she will tell you. LOL

Yeah, right...lolol.

Hmm ...

I think we have a different definition of pity. I would like to give an example I encountered and felt myself. When a mother who feels in a certain moment or phase of her life that her child is a burden to her let's other people take care of that child, she might think that the others do feel the same and that she actually puts up a too much of an asked favor towards them. But others can feel completely different with the situation. They might enjoy being with the kid, they might be happy to get the chance of bonding and doing something other than what they usually do . etc. etc.

While one person is pitying the other the other person actually doesn't have to be pitied. They are happy to give support and feel very good in that role.

When I was in that pity-mode I asked my friends or grand parents the moment I came into the room: "How did it go? Everything alright? You must be tired." Many times I was totally wrong with my assumption of them being tired out or having a hard time with my child. I could tell by their answers and expressions that they even didn't know what I was talking about.

Same thing happened vice versa. Friends pitied me when I took care of something they asked me for and I was like: "Huh...?"

gosh, I really can't express myself briefly. Sorry.

Let me clarify it from my perspective....

Some people want to pitied. I hate that. I will not feel pity for such people.

Helping someone in need does not require pity, but empathy, support, and maybe sympathy.

Helping some who wants to be pitied, is a very different thing.

It's manipulative, dark, and an emotional black hole.

I agree. Wanting to help someone out of pity I call "the helpers syndrome".

I see that you distinguish between pity and empathy. I do that, too. I refuse being of pity-service when I feel that another one wants to be pitied. Though it's hard not to become angry at that person. :D LOL.

Though it's hard not to become angry at that person. :D LOL.

Why bother trying ?...just be angry! lol

cause I don't want to :D HaHa!

I will look at steem now on those couple occassions where im am sat on the toilet having a big fat shit, powering down and adding to savings to wait for the new plebs to come join this shitshow and to bump the price up.. Pff if ever.

I like your writings always, and i would just be on here is i had nothing better to do with life, and gove it 2months it will be dead here with even yourself inactive also. Have a great day, im off out to earn money to buy a real crypto thats going places 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol, I hear ya.

My first 'real post' in quite q while - and I get downvoted of some twat I don't know.
Don't need the money, so it's fine - but this is a fucking mess, if ever I saw one.

I think I'll do a post on how to retaliate against idiots. There are ways, methinks...
(going off the pain/reward idea, I think I might have an answer..If the pain is too much......)

I'm here for hours, so see what I come up with.
I don't down vote on principal.

This place certainly brings out the warrior in me. Tossers.

Sad though init, but to be completely fair steemit was actually more of an experiment of tech (experiment because it flopped) and I was thinking earlier today, if the dan had made voice, and that also is poo, then it just indicates how long we have to wait until the world actually needs these "decentralized" social media sites.
Libra coin must still come and have its hayday, that will last a couple of years until the inevitable selling of data, withholding peoples money and a few hacks has happened, by which time Fb could be already a social credit system like in china and theeeeeeeeeen how long would that take for people to stop using it?

Even after facebook admitted to selling data, nobody really cares and they just still use it haha!

oooooo when do we get to see our new improved curation rewards then, 2 days still?

.....the world actually needs these "decentralized" social media sites.

I've been thinking the same. 'why'?

....if it all suddenly disappeared offline, it wouldn't exactly change anything.

Maybe its 'the app too far'.

the blockchain is for crypto currency, not social media.

the blockchain is for crypto currency, not social media.

Exactly that! I can imagine anyway that we shall always have it like now, im pritty sure that there will be virtual social media WORLDS by interacting with VR on decentraland for one example..

Blockchain shall only help social media to combat censorshit, and for that, tribes,vp,votes and whales, are just not needed are they!

Its funny also how everyone thinks that communitys work, when they have never experience to live in a community in rl, I have many times and it never works for that long 😊

From reading 'Sapiens' the book, it says that when a group of 100/10 people live in a community, it gets bad and conflicts occur and anything under that amount would work well. Just an interesting aknowledgement and a great book to read by the way

The great conundrum, and one that collectivists/socialists and commie's can't get their heads around...

Communities are not real. They are -concept_. The same as trees are real, but woods are a concept born from trees.

Individuals are real (that then go on to make communities).

The only problem...Communities are not static.
They are forever shifting. Any point in time at looking at a community is just that - a snapshot of a moving picture.

Authoritarians can't accept that the snapshot is just that, and instead try to implement rules from the top down to fit that snapshot that they see as 'what is'. (which it never is).

And then they wonder why 'their social engineering master plan' never actually works out.
Talk about ego...!

I see dead people steemians trying to force a square peg of ideology, into a round hole of reality, all the time.


What was so offensive about this. Any idea?

Just run whilst you can.

it was written by @lucylin.lol
... that's reason enough it seems, in these parts.

i'll be doing a post later about cunts, and what to do with them. (nothing to do with genitals, more to do with whales..)

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