Waterloo, Washington, and the New World Order. Chapter 2

in #blog7 years ago


18 months before the Battle of Waterloo.

Château Malmaison, Paris.

“He would never allow it,” She said, looking at him sadly. “There would be war if we did that - you know what he's like.”

“You are not his wife any longer, my love, and you don't belong to him...” Alex replied.
“Anyway,” He continued, “I don’t think he will be in any position to influence anything anymore.
He's finished, but he just doesn't yet realize it. He's finished.”

“Everyone belongs to him, the whole of France, and beyond - don't you see?,” She said, as much to herself, as to Alex, “And me, especially,”

“Once you're back with me in my country, there will be nothing He can do. You will be safe, my love.” Alex said with a little exasperation in his voice.....

Josephine was silent, thinking about what he had said....A long pause..

“What if I died?!” She said, excitedly. “That would avoid all of this....drama.”

Alex looked at her, a little bemused.

“It's easy,” She went on,“We find someone to 'die' in my place, and then I will be free of him. Simple. Even He wouldn't go looking for a corpse” She continued.
“We could easily arrange that. We just get some street whore that looks a little like me, and put her in my coffin. Problem solved.”

Alex looked at her, shocked at the proposal.

Not from disgust, but of Josephine coming up with a plan of murdering an innocent woman to realize her ambitions. He liked that in her.
He felt an unexpected respect for his lover, coming up with such an excellent idea.
Nobility indeed.

He liked the thought of Napoleon hearing the news of Josephine's death. He knew he loved her, and would only torment and sadden him.

Another nail in the coffin of the Corsican.

“Lets make it soon,” He said, without a seconds consideration of the murder, “Then you can be with me. “

“Why didn't you just kill him, when you had the chance?,” She interrupted.

“Ah!, if only it were that simple, Mon Cheri. You don't understand the affairs of state.... Or the affairs of man.” He replied, annoyed at being interrupted. He was never interrupted.
He would let it lie - for now. She would learn.

“ I'm sure His ambitions of being Emperor of Elba will soon have all his attentions,” She laughed, “ I'll wager He won't even have time to come to my 'funeral',”

Alex looked at her, and she could see a concerned look on his face.

“ You need to to write to Hortense, and arrange for her to travel with you. She will not be safe. With you 'dying', She will be unprotected.” Alex said.

“Thank you, dearest Alex, your thoughtfulness is most endearing. I will write to her immediately. She will be happy about the news. She detests his brother with a passion,” Josephine said, referring to Napoleon's brother, and the marriage that was forced upon her daughter.

They fell silent, looking into the fire burning in the hearth. Both thinking about a new future, and of the past....

She thought back to all the lovers she had taken into her bed while she was married, and while He was away, on his little war adventures.
She was sure He was doing exactly the same thing. There would be countless numbers of young nubile things throwing themselves at him - a guarantee.

Power is such an aphrodisiac.

It had bothered her greatly.

Nothing to do with infidelity of course, but because of being pushed aside - because no 'heir apparent' was forthcoming from her own belly.

He loved her, she knew, in His own way. But in some obscure fashion, that she could never quite fathom.

She also knew how easily she could be replaced.

He was never sentimental about romance. Neither was she, so she understood completely.

And then the divorce papers came one day – unsurprisingly to her- to make way for a more productive uterus.
It had happened very quickly.
That young Austrian whore soon had an heir growing in her belly.

She had seen her, and could see why he would be more than happy spending hours in her bed, sweating hard, to make her with child.
She pictured them together.
She was very beautiful.

Men were so silly when it came to affairs of the bedroom, she thought.
Grown men were like little boys in that regard . It both amused and bewildered at the same time.

She had met Alex only a few months ago, while he was visiting Paris.

She could tell he liked her - a lot. Straight away, he gave her attentions that were very obvious, if unsubtle.

The age difference appeared not to matter to him, in the slightest.

While she didn’t reciprocate His emotions, she knew a good opportunity when she saw it.

She had her own family- and herself - to think about.

She had never inquired into his business on why he would came to Paris.
It was his business, but she suspected it was to gloat as much as anything else.

To confirm to himself that He really was gone.

Forever. Never to return...


“Are you staying tonight,?” Josephine asked, coming out of her thoughts and focusing back on Alex.

“No, my love,” He replied, “ I have business at The Palace early tomorrow. I need to get some sleep, which is easier in my own bed, than in yours,” He smirked.

“That’s okay dearest, I have enjoyed your exertions more than enough, tonight . You have my blessing. I will let you go,” She said, laughing.

“Merci beaucoup Mademoiselle” He replied, smiling at her warmly, rising to his feet, and readying himself to leave.

She walked him down to the awaiting carriage, and kissed him good night.

“I was serious about my plan,” She said, looking at him in the eyes, both knowing what she was referring to.
“I know you were, Mon cheri. Good. Lets make it happen and then we can be together forever,” He said, kissing her once again before alighting into his personal transport.

As the horses pulled away, she was very happy that he liked her so much. If her daughter was under his protection also, everything will have worked out very well for them both.

'A fantastic opportunity to get away from this prison of Paris, forever,' She thought to herself.

Returning to her room, her body unsatisfied with Alex's exertions upon her earlier, her thoughts drifted again to the carnal.
They always did.

While Alex was more engaging in bed, than her ex husband she thought, he would never drive her wild with the desires that she needed, that she hungered for.

It would never be quenched with him between her legs, she knew that. He had no spirit in the bedroom.
No matter.

She was sure she would find plenty of entertaining young Russian men to fulfill those desires, once was she was safely in her new residence...

The carriage went into the night, and Alex was in his own thoughts, about his dearest Josephine.

He didn't feel anything about his dearest Josephine.

She was obviously infatuated with him. Most women were, he knew this.
No matter he thought, it wasn’t important.
It was good she was so smitten with him though, as it made things much easier.

This wasn't about her in the least.

This was all about her daughter.
And that impudent fucker from Corsica.

But he was clever, that Corsican. Very, very clever.

Did He know who he really was? Not some Russian Nobleman at all?... but something much greater...

He thought back to the meeting.
Meeting in the tents - on a river- on the running water - to sign the treaty of Tilsit.

This divested Him him of any future influence over the Corsican.
Did he know this, or was it just good fortune for the French Emperor?

No, it was not just coincidence, something was afoot. He had underestimated him, that was for sure.
This had moved his plans back years.

'That fucking Corsican,' He thought, 'May his soul be ripped to shreds every single day. Remade nightly, and ripped to shreds again, the day after.'

It will be soon enough, and He smiled to himself.

He tapped twice loudly with a his cane against the roof, signalling to the driver.

"Yes, Boss," The driver shouted back, not referring to him as a person of higher station, of nobility,but as an employee of a common merchant...

The driver knew what this meant. To go directly to a house of ill repute near the river Seine. A very specific one.

The driver knew it was one of his favorites bordello's, and always the one he went to after visiting Josephine...

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(images google search.)

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