Voluntarists are just the same as communists. ...

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


'Tis a dark day when you see voluntarism and communist as the same animal, isn't it?
(communism is obviously the really ugly strain of the species. The laughing hyena, but without the sense of humor)

What do they all have in common?
What unites them, and makes them all the one ?

They are all ideologies.

To support an ideology makes you aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

idiot Ideologue

.....An Ideologue, eh?

Here's what someone said about idiots, people with no sense of humor,

...ideologues! ....that's the one...

" I'm not a fan of ideologies, and I don't care if they are on the left or the right.

To adopt a group organized view of the world is a mistake, and I don think this does those people any good, not usually.
And it also allows them to adopt an unearned sense of moral superiority and also on omniscient knowledge because an ideology offers you that, and there is just nothing in that, that's helpful.
It just fragments people.
All it ever is , is a battle of opinions, and there is nothing underneath it. And that is not an appropriate way of looking at he world.."

Now who said that, do you think...?
Someone who has shed more brain cells than I will ever possess, that's for sure...
Someone I see as having real wisdom and an immense depth of intelligence...

.....(drum roll)


Would you prefer to be Peterson, or a Marx?
A Peterson or an angry idiot ideologue.

Or are you an Ideologue with an omniscience that give you more insight that Dr. Jordon Peterson?

(please feel free to answer here. Please, please. Then I can use the tag 'comedy')

Are you an ideologue? Which one? Does it matter, really?
Do you have an unearned sense of morale superiority?
Does omniscient knowledge reside, due to your belief system?

Personally I adhere to no ideology, and see the world pragmatically instead - as tends to be the way quite a lot of the time- with people who have lived a life...



To subscribe to no ideology is equivalent to an ideology.

Having an opinion or code which guides our views of the World helps not just our actions, but gives us the zeal to bring those ideals to reality.

A pragmatic approach means you simply wait and see what works, then decide on the best ideology at a given time. Isn't that still embracing not one, but several ideologies?

What i believe is that we are all entitled to our codes, opinions and visions of the World, we should all pursue the realization of those goals while we let pragmatism determine the best.

I hope I don't get flagged or unfollowed for this...lol

I hope I don't get flagged or unfollowed for this...lol

😂😂...this is not a snowflake zone ! lol
I have never flagged a comment or unfollowed because of people saying things...

A pragmatic approach means you simply wait and see what works,

..not always, there many aspect of voluntarism that I can see as potentially
working (but have not seen it at work).
...more so in this new age of blockchain and crypto - there is nothing to compare this to

...then decide on the best ideology at a given time. Isn't that still embracing not one, but several ideologies?

not really - an ideology of voluntarism for example, is in direct conflict of any authority (government).
To adopt parts of voluntarism, but accepting some form of government is not compatible.
Pragmatism allows you to adapt and change.
Ideologies do not, from how i see it.

What i believe is that we are all entitled to our codes, opinions and visions of the World, we should all pursue the realization of those goals while we let pragmatism determine the best.

Me too!

Ideologues don't do compromise, which is why I see it all as a bit juvenile..

not really - an ideology of voluntarism for example, is in direct conflict of any authority (government).
To adopt parts of voluntarism, but accepting some form of government is not compatible.

I’m gonna specify “government authority” for the record here, there is no issue with hierarchy. But what voluntarists are you speaking to who say they’re voluntarists while at the same time accepting ‘some’ form of government?

I don’t know any. And if they are saying this, then they’re not voluntarists to begin with.

Are you sure your definition of government is in line with most voluntarists and anarchists viewpoint?


Wow there is a lot packed into this post.
I have been trying to define what the parameters are for Voluntarist.

Communists and socialists typically require order over freedom, typically the order of the state being the primary order. These systems require a social construct upon onset of the ideology.

Voluntarists appear to have voluntary interactions be the primary parameter, which may or may not require the order of a state. There is nothing to prevent a social construct, so one would probably arise for those more on the left. The social construct doesn't have to be formed so a individual republic could form for those more on the right.

Anarchism, of both left and right forms overlap the same political area (as voluntarism). It is difficult to distinguish the differences between anarchism and voluntarism in that sense. They both see freedom as the primary and order as a secondary.

This of course is based on the area of the political compass. If there is empirical objective evidence that the parameters of the compass are incorrect or inaccurate maybe that can be addressed. Otherwise the problem about saying ideology X, is the same as ideology Y has some problems in objective truth.

I would think you would adhere to the ideology of some type of empirical objectivity, or pretty much science and anything provable and repeatable gets ejected from your position.

I'm not saying ideology Y is the same as Ideology X.

  • I'm saying the principle and behaviors of any ideology all follow the same path of
    a) inability to bend.
    b) inability to compromise.
    c) inability to see a wider view outside their specific ideology.

They all suffer from the same problem, and inherent hypocrisies which come from a stand point that can't ever be swayed.

Ideologues live in black and white, but the world is only different colors...

Ah, I see. but even if we take the parameter: a) inability to bend
One ideology may have more degrees of freedom to bend than another. Some ideologies may be very rigid while another is very flexible.

What I propose is that as ideologies increase in the Y axis of the political compass they start suffering more from this particular problem. The ideologies in the upper Y axis are more rigid while the ideologies in the lower Y axis are more flexible in degrees of freedom. So even in the parameters of principle, behaviors, and path dependencies, ideologies vary.

In the end I'm not sure if it matters much. There are some indications that the majority of people rank somewhat close to the center of the compass with some above and some below center. So no matter the behaviors and principles that people claim, few are far from the central core (at least in the US):


(I find it interesting here that the ones farthest from the center are in the lower right)

dude why are you so oppressed with things you never experienced ?
you keep writing all these anti communism/socialism articles like your life depend on it .
what's up with that ?

what up with your interest in what I choose to do?

what's up with that?


whats up with that?
You have zero knowledge at my experiences.

I have traveled around this globe for over 2 decades and 30 countries. Worked all the way. Spent time in eastern Germany and Poland, and Czechoslovakia, in europe, and ex communist countries in the east..

Still curious?
What about you?

still curious , what makes you so oppressed with other people's choices of political system ?

If I thought your system is good idea I would adopt it without you telling me what is good or bad .

You should focus on fixing your own shit before you tell other people how to live

link to me you next in depth post about something. Anything.
Give us your thoughts...

Oh you don't, that's right.
Socialism and laziness go hand in hand.

You seem obsessed with telling people .
Socialism and telling goes hand in hand to.

I am not telling you anything , I am questioning your intentions .
Don't forget that most of the world have very bad experience with your empire and when something comes from Brits everybody is very skeptical .
World sees you as looters and criminals , when are you going to return all the treasures your ancestors stole from all around the world ?

World wants justice first my friend , you have to stop current looting and return stolen goodies . Then we can talk about other things

you are just young. I hope.

you say more in that gif than you normally do

Yeah, maximizing individual liberty is such a horrible ideology to have! /sarc I'm not going to "drop my ideology" either. Either you are for maximized liberty, or you are my enemy.

This shit isn't complicated. Remove double standards and special protections, and make everyone equal under the law. Anyone against those ideas is a TYRANT. I don't care what your excuse is.

The ends do not justify the means. Period.


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