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RE: Voluntarists are just the same as communists. ...

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Wow there is a lot packed into this post.
I have been trying to define what the parameters are for Voluntarist.

Communists and socialists typically require order over freedom, typically the order of the state being the primary order. These systems require a social construct upon onset of the ideology.

Voluntarists appear to have voluntary interactions be the primary parameter, which may or may not require the order of a state. There is nothing to prevent a social construct, so one would probably arise for those more on the left. The social construct doesn't have to be formed so a individual republic could form for those more on the right.

Anarchism, of both left and right forms overlap the same political area (as voluntarism). It is difficult to distinguish the differences between anarchism and voluntarism in that sense. They both see freedom as the primary and order as a secondary.

This of course is based on the area of the political compass. If there is empirical objective evidence that the parameters of the compass are incorrect or inaccurate maybe that can be addressed. Otherwise the problem about saying ideology X, is the same as ideology Y has some problems in objective truth.

I would think you would adhere to the ideology of some type of empirical objectivity, or pretty much science and anything provable and repeatable gets ejected from your position.


I'm not saying ideology Y is the same as Ideology X.

  • I'm saying the principle and behaviors of any ideology all follow the same path of
    a) inability to bend.
    b) inability to compromise.
    c) inability to see a wider view outside their specific ideology.

They all suffer from the same problem, and inherent hypocrisies which come from a stand point that can't ever be swayed.

Ideologues live in black and white, but the world is only different colors...

Ah, I see. but even if we take the parameter: a) inability to bend
One ideology may have more degrees of freedom to bend than another. Some ideologies may be very rigid while another is very flexible.

What I propose is that as ideologies increase in the Y axis of the political compass they start suffering more from this particular problem. The ideologies in the upper Y axis are more rigid while the ideologies in the lower Y axis are more flexible in degrees of freedom. So even in the parameters of principle, behaviors, and path dependencies, ideologies vary.

In the end I'm not sure if it matters much. There are some indications that the majority of people rank somewhat close to the center of the compass with some above and some below center. So no matter the behaviors and principles that people claim, few are far from the central core (at least in the US):

(I find it interesting here that the ones farthest from the center are in the lower right)

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