Reg and Derek, and Very Rude Fish

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


The dorsal fins glided through the water silently, the two friends looking on as they approached.

Coming to within just a few yards of the Killer whale, they started to circle Derek - but always keeping a respectful distance away from him.

“Reg, let me do the talking, got that?” Derek has said before the sharks had arrived.

"Ok, I'll be quiet," Said Reg, "I won't say a word."

Derek doubted that very much.

" All right, mate, “ One of the sharks suddenly said,
“Wot we got 'ere, then?”

There were four of them in total, swimming lazily around Derek.

"You've got some dead sharks if you don't bugger off” Derek growled back.

Reg had never hear Derek sound like this, and it made him very scared. He also very very safe at the same time.

“Yeah, we're gonna mess you up real good, if you don't leave us alone!,” Reg burst out, puffing his little chest out as best he could.

“Ssssshhhhh Derek said. “ And be quiet!.” Derek whispered.

“Wot's dat on ya bak then,? A bloody pengwin?” One of the sharks said, laughing to his mates.
“He's got a pengwin as a mate,” Laughing even more now...

“It's my snack for later, “ Derek said, “ And it's not yours.”

“Oh! c'mon guv'nor we are right starvin' we are, ain't we boys??” The shark said.

Derek stayed silent, and continued swimming.

“C'mon, gis us ya food,” Another of them said..

“Are you really hungry then?” Derek said “You!” he said, "Come over here and take him off my back, he's all yours..”

Derek started to lower his body into the water...


“Cheers guvnor, you're a gud 'un,” The biggest shark said, approaching closer.

“Derek!” Shouted Reg, "Don't let them eat me!”

Reg's eyes wide open as a massive white shark came gliding over towards him lazily..

He started raising his head out of the water, and just then Derek dipped down even lower, and bit – Hard!

Hard, even for a killer whale.....

“Jeeeeeeeesus christ,!" The shark screamed,

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“There you go boys, have some supper, on me,” Derek said, and moved away silently..

He swam off leaving the other sharks to eat their friend, the red stuff making them totally crazy.

“Thanks Derek, “ Reg said, "I thought you were gonna let them eat me then."

“Not a chance my little feathery friend, I wouldn't do that. We are on an adventure together.”

Derek continued, "I just had to get one on them to come close enough so I could give him a good bite. He then becomes the supper for his friends."

“WOW!” said Reg, they aren't very good friends then, are they?"

“Scum, is what they are, Reg, scum. And they taste awful to,” Derek said. “ And so very stupid. They make penguins look cleve...... ” Trailing his words off.

“Sorry Reggie, no offense.” He said very whalishley. His white cheeks reddened a little.

“Non taken” Reg said cheerfully, as he pecked Derek playfully. “I'm clever enough to hitch a ride on a killer whale!”

“That you are, little buddy, that you are,” said Derek.

“You wont ever eat me, will you Derek “? Reg said to Derek.

“No, not ever...not unless I'm really, really hungry,” Derek said, making whaley chuckling sounds.
They continued on, the two friends together...

"Derek,?" Said Reg,
“ What Reg?,” replied Derek

"I think those sharks must have eaten naked bears too. The one you bit in the balls, he said the same thing as you what you say..jeeesus christ...”

"Yeah, I thought that too Reggie, maybe these naked bears get everywhere..."

“Derek...” Said Reg, after some minutes of silence.

“What now,?” Derek replied,

“Don't call me Reggie, it sounds gay...”

Derek said nothing, smiled, and blew him instead...

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That was a gruesome incident for little Reg to witness!

"I think those sharks must have eaten naked bears too. The one you bit in the balls, he said the same thing as you what you say..jeeesus christ...”


The last sentence is beautiful! :)

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