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RE: It has come to my attention that I need to explain things a little more...and this is better!

in #blog6 years ago

Any chance of that happening within the next few months or so in your estimation?


I guess the next step is, what/whose ethics gets used

Ethics based on Universal Preferable Behavior. Objective ethics used for millennia (in the guise of religion ect).

Thou shalt not kill/ steal, blah blah - the big proviso to implement UPB ethical guidelines - is that it all centers around the basic principle of property rights - as it shown not be present in steem...

Hence my view that the ecosystem is fundamentally flawed..


You know what worked for me again and again during my flagwars from Bernie and fryrstiken? Mocking their efforts by likening getting hidden because of flags to having a mystery spell on, and oddly enough, that is exactly what flagging does, it mystified my words and intrigued people to reveal them, and in turn people rewarded me, probably more than if I wouldn't have been flagged.

Posted using Partiko Android

There are no property rights being violated. There is no consent being violated. Hence why you must relate this on your "view" and not on clear logic founded in facts and objective reality. In other words, what objective ethics used for millenia are violated here?

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