
You see all kinds of evidence for this.
The alternative was that evil won and all life on earth was irradiated.
(as in past tense, earth would be a lifeless blob, right now, floating around the sun, just as all those meteor apocalypse movies)

But really, to all that are participating, all that we have seen is just a small uptick in the light quotient. 51%. But, as darkness can do nothing to a candle, the darkness will fade.

Some examples.
The pope is starting to reform the catholic church
NK agreed to talks.

Other examples are that we are starting to see the pedophilia and the child trafficking. If the dark was winning, none of this would show.
Drain the swamp wouldn't be a thing. The MSM would have whitewashed the whole swamp making all the public think the area is so pristine they could eat off the ground.

I see these things as evidence of the battle, not that 'we' have won...

Like i said, it will take a couple hundred years to clean all the evil that we wrought to this planet.

All i can say is that there is no longer any armageddon in our future. If the dark had won, than it was a very quick spiral into oblivion.

The road upward is not a quick spiral.
In fact, i would say it will be a lot of :

S low
U ncomfortable
C hange

The road upward is not a quick spiral.
In fact, i would say it will be a lot of :

I'm totally with you on that one, but like I said, the evidence of the victory (not the war) is not obvious to me, right now...

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