Quantico - The Unwritten history... Chapter 1.

in #blog6 years ago

You will never have heard of this episode in The American Civil War.

Why would you? It never happened.
At least that's the official story.
You won't find it written down anywhere in the history books.
The American government made sure this campaign was never documented, and anyone who did know about it, were sworn to secrecy, or given money and land out west in exchange for their silence..
And if too much liquor loosened some unfortunate souls lips one night?
Well, they would finds themselves the victim of a robbery gone wrong , or conveniently had an 'accident' and they would be found drowned in some local creek...

Here is a little history. Real history.

The year, 1863....

The place, Gettysburg. June the 5th...

As General Robert E. Lee looked down on his long column of battered soldiers retreating from the defeat by the Union forces, at the small town called Gettysburg, he smiled.


He was ecstatic, in fact, but he didn't show it.
Everything was going to plan, perfectly.

You see, the defeat he suffered was entirely intentional - but no one except him, President Jefferson, and some European statesmen, knew of this.
It was hard for him to lose such a battle. One that he could have won - but the defeat was essential for the larger strategy to have any chance of success .
He was sure his 'mistake' of 'Picketts Charge' on the third day of the battle, would go down in the annals of history as General Lee's biggest tactical battlefield blunder of the war.

It was the pinnacle of his already brilliant military career, in all reality - but no one would ever get to hear about it.

The 'slaughter' of Picketts Charge was nothing more than a diversion. He still found it offensive to himself that history would look back at him, and judge him on this tactical 'blunder'.
Only a fool would have ever done such a charge across mile of open ground!
With thousands of waiting troops already in a defensive position, it was suicide.
He was no fool.

In reality , the thousands of confederate soldier lying dead upon the field, were not actually dead confederate soldiers .
It had all been an elaborate hoax to fool the Union armies.
They were Europeans in confederate uniforms.
Europeans brought over specifically for this task.
Undocumented, and untraceable, there would be no awkward questions or bereaved families to contend with.
They were destitute's plucked from the back streets of the cities in Europe.
They were offered riches and lands – just to take part in this one part of the battle. The poor wretches had nothing to lose, so willingly marched to their deaths in the face of the Union guns.


The Union armies only saw confederate corpses, nothing more.

The thousands of supposedly 'dead' troops were already marching, unseen, with some very specific orders...


Quantico actually mean's ' A Place of Dance' in native Indian and this place was named for a very specific reason.
This was a place where the whole of humanity had a reason to dance.


An ancient relic was brought over from Europe hundreds of years ago and was hidden away for safety.
If this ancient artifact could be reunited with the ancient bloodlines- humanity would truly dance, once again...

Quantico, Maryland.

(not to be confused with the diversionary place of the same name over 100 miles away -and still faithfully guarded by law enforcement agencies).

As Lee marched south in 'defeat', thousands of his loyal confederate troops marched for the peninsular where Maryland met Delaware.


His soldiers didn't know the reason they were headed their of course, they just obeyed orders and fought like banshees.
The Union troops that were stationed on the peninsular, had absolutely no idea why they were there.
Nothing ever happened here.

'The Powers that be', in Washington D.C. knew exactly why they had their soldiers stationed there.

At the total bemusement of the Union generals, brigades of infantry were littered across the eastern seaboard, defending absolutely nothing. Nothing as far as they could ascertain, that's for sure.. and miles away from the raging civil war...


Wow, if the losers could write the history books....;)

In reality , the thousands of confederate soldier lying dead upon the field, were not actually dead confederate soldiers

It is so unbeliveable it can only be true! 😳

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