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RE: What do women really think?..... I dunno, but I can definitely make some money from it.

in #blog5 years ago

Lol, I hear ya.

My first 'real post' in quite q while - and I get downvoted of some twat I don't know.
Don't need the money, so it's fine - but this is a fucking mess, if ever I saw one.

I think I'll do a post on how to retaliate against idiots. There are ways, methinks...
(going off the pain/reward idea, I think I might have an answer..If the pain is too much......)

I'm here for hours, so see what I come up with.
I don't down vote on principal.

This place certainly brings out the warrior in me. Tossers.


Sad though init, but to be completely fair steemit was actually more of an experiment of tech (experiment because it flopped) and I was thinking earlier today, if the dan had made voice, and that also is poo, then it just indicates how long we have to wait until the world actually needs these "decentralized" social media sites.
Libra coin must still come and have its hayday, that will last a couple of years until the inevitable selling of data, withholding peoples money and a few hacks has happened, by which time Fb could be already a social credit system like in china and theeeeeeeeeen how long would that take for people to stop using it?

Even after facebook admitted to selling data, nobody really cares and they just still use it haha!

oooooo when do we get to see our new improved curation rewards then, 2 days still?

.....the world actually needs these "decentralized" social media sites.

I've been thinking the same. 'why'?

....if it all suddenly disappeared offline, it wouldn't exactly change anything.

Maybe its 'the app too far'.

the blockchain is for crypto currency, not social media.

the blockchain is for crypto currency, not social media.

Exactly that! I can imagine anyway that we shall always have it like now, im pritty sure that there will be virtual social media WORLDS by interacting with VR on decentraland for one example..

Blockchain shall only help social media to combat censorshit, and for that, tribes,vp,votes and whales, are just not needed are they!

Its funny also how everyone thinks that communitys work, when they have never experience to live in a community in rl, I have many times and it never works for that long 😊

From reading 'Sapiens' the book, it says that when a group of 100/10 people live in a community, it gets bad and conflicts occur and anything under that amount would work well. Just an interesting aknowledgement and a great book to read by the way

The great conundrum, and one that collectivists/socialists and commie's can't get their heads around...

Communities are not real. They are -concept_. The same as trees are real, but woods are a concept born from trees.

Individuals are real (that then go on to make communities).

The only problem...Communities are not static.
They are forever shifting. Any point in time at looking at a community is just that - a snapshot of a moving picture.

Authoritarians can't accept that the snapshot is just that, and instead try to implement rules from the top down to fit that snapshot that they see as 'what is'. (which it never is).

And then they wonder why 'their social engineering master plan' never actually works out.
Talk about ego...!

I see dead people steemians trying to force a square peg of ideology, into a round hole of reality, all the time.
