My incredibly non eventful days.....Getting naked with @lucylin.

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

I try not to do too much nowadays. Well, I should say, I try not do things that society tells me that I'm supposed to do.

You know, things like chasing the dollar and working out strategies on how to best get myself into debt -at the same time convincing myself that 'it's a really good idea'.
Because somehow, increasing your debts will make you happy, and will not put any added stress into your life at all .
....yeah....right, and I've got a unicorn to sell.

One of the reasons for writing this mind numbingly boring post - is to give people inspiration. Hope. As opposed to hopium.

Definitely not hopium.
That's the drug of choice for hodlers - and a drug I have no wish to ever partake in.

Hopium addicts remind me of several heroin addicts that I've have known over the years.
No moving or adapting, to the world - and in a state of fear. They blankly watching themselves descend into apathy and desperation, and in doing so let the world dictate to them, and their life.
Letting other people decide their own fate for them.
Fuck, that's depressing.
Opium hopium addicts seem to have no concept of getting into the driving seat themselves, and creating a change of circumstances, through their own movement.
Nope, fearful apathy seems to reign in both groups. But hey.... that's just my perspective.

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That was a depressing segue.
Sorry, people.

Back on track...

One of the reasons for writing this mind numbingly boring post - is to give people inspiration.

....Some possible light at the end of some very dark tunnels that I see being written about. On here.

I would never condone breaking the law. (honest).
I would always condone doing what you need to do, to be free, as long as you don't hurt others.
Note : Corporations are not living entities, no matter what the law says.
Getting out of debt is the biggy. Always.
No one is ever even remotely free, while in debt.
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If you can kid yourself otherwise, then research some clinics to knock the fucking Stockholm syndrome crap, outta ya!, because you ARE suffering from it .... even if you can't see it, sat in that prison cell that you've been quietly making for yourself .

(@lucylin now descends from the self righteous pulpit, to join the rest of the world, and continue with the post...)

My life has been pretty easy, I cannot lie. But it's easy because I've made it that way.

I'm basically a lazy twat. This is an essential part to being successful, (not financially rich).
I'm talking about real wealth in life.
Real success.

So rich in fact, that now all of your time -YOU OWN.

The only asset that you can ever really own, is your time - and you can own it. And yourself.

Cool, uh?

So...back to being a lazy twat.....It's the lazy twats that are the most efficient .
More efficiency means less effort.

If you haven't 'figured this out' by the time your 35, you might be in trouble.

Working smart , and not hard is the lesson, here.
...And when you've worked smart and not hard, and now have more than enough, to fill your rice bowl? Then what?
You stop.

Staying on the 'work train' when you don't need to, is not proof brain, but proof of idiocy.....

Being a martyr to work is being a slave to the system. (only dressed up in drag, so that you don't recognize it).

If you're over 35?

Be careful!
You might be in a very real danger of becoming a victim to the brainwashing program that the establishment has been trying on you, from childhood, (they call it school).
It can become hardwired into your brain. And once implanted, it becomes very difficult to rewire the ol' grey matter, as you get older.
(Luckily,I sussed it before I'd hit 23).

The establishment - 'the powers that be' want you to think that more work is a good thing.
A noble pursuit.
(did I mention a unicorn for sale?).

Heaven forbid that you suss out that working smart is the way to go.
That's what 'they' do, and 'they' don't want you sussing that little gem out, no sir.

Keep working, keep sweating, keep getting into debt, keep increasing your stress levels, and that way, the pension that you were promised - the pension that 'they' promised to you for all your hard work slavery - will never have to be paid back, ....because your worn out, and nearly fucking dead.

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I semi retired years ago (I'm not too sure I ever really started, truth be told...)

My recent 'anger fueled' new project(s)- whose fuel was supplied by the Steem train crash (as I saw/see it).
is now pretty completed, and they/it looks after themselves nicely - with only 3 or four hours a week of overseeing, required from me.
(I would never have done the project(s) if it wasn't for Steem - to which I give immense thanks.
You supplied the fuel, guys - the driving and destination? I can manage that all by myself. Thanks again).

So....taking away the four hours 'work' a week. (I use the term 'work' as things I have to do), the rest of my time is for me to do with, as I please.

My daily schedule.

Between 4:30 and 6:00 Am, I get jump out of bed.

(first coffee and ciggy) Check Steem for adoration, or arguments, while sitoing out on my balcony- at the same time, watching Sophia (my doggy ) rolling around in the grass, trying to cover herself in cow shit.
(She does seem to have an exceptional talent for it, I might add. Quiet exceptional).
That's the exciting part of my day.
I then wash her off in the shower (if needed), and drink some more coffee, and inhale some more cancer stick.

Right now, due to my reignited interest in war gaming, I do some daily research into the dark ages.
(It's not a historical period that I'm that familiar with, tbh).
And now I know why!

There's really bugger all (or only fragments of), real, tangible, records of this time.

While it's fascinating to realize how little we know about this period, it gives great latitude to making up some fun war gaming rules.
...I then continue to attempt to make my armies from scratch for a while - which is becoming better - but it's a hard slog.
'forget the destination, just enjoy the journey', is a line I mutter to myself, between clenched teeth, as I throw away yet another human figurine.
(Some of them look more like Dali's depiction of a person, and when he was in a particularly flamboyant mood at that , rather than resemble any homo sapiens that I've ever come across).

I will be photographing my finished 'first batch of barbarians', before I show you the step by step tutorial that took them to that point (although why anyone else would be interested in it, is beyond me).
....during this time of throwing deformed beings into the trash bin, I keep glancing at Steem activity, to feed the understand, I'm sure.

....and that's it really - My day is pottering around in the garden, exercise, eating, making homemade bread. (oh, and a 15-30 minute snooze every day, around 1pm - to recharge the batteries).

And throw in some video editing to ! - I forgot about that.
And some 'work' too - I also forgot about that.

I have to do 15 minutes and 35 seconds a day, of 'work'. (it's spread over 12 hours - so nothing too strenuous or distracting).
This covers all our overheads on month to month living basis, including rents.

Reading in the afternoons for an hour or two had also become a very regular habit, and a good habit to get back into.

(I'm currently reading 1Q84 - a trilogy by some Japanese author...errr.... Murakami ...and well worth the read).

And that, my friends, is my non event filled life. Pretty much everyday.
I love it. We love it.
After nothing but 'wild life', event filled, years - this is perfect for me. For Lucy also- who's had more' events' in her life, than I care to mention.

We normally wind down from this hectic existence of hours, by chilling on the balcony with a smoke, and maybe watching an hour of two something on you tube, or a film.

We're normally in bed by 10 pm, sleeping very soundly.

Except for when Sophia wakes us up.

She waits until we are asleep, and then tries to get on the bed . She's ever so gentle, and ever so quiet....She knows she's not allowed on the bed- strictly speaking.
(note:I'm shit with strictness).

On the odd occasion, when we are not disturbed by her - I wake up with her head on my pillow, looking straight at me, from 6 inches away - wagging her tail wildly.
She's a bugger.
Oh -She also hates it when she's awake, and we are still in bed. (I don't need an alarm clock to jump out of bed - but if I did...)
She whines incessantly, with her head resting on the side of the bed. She doesn't stop until we're both up and out of bed.
Then she lies down and goes to sleep, happy in the fact that she thinks she's done something...or something.
The idiosyncrasies of our dog, are now the important observations in my life...

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A barometer of your life: Mine...

When having naked adult fun with a stunning 28 year old, is now more 'work' than 'fun' - then you know you've had your fill of 'the wild times'.
We prefer our morning life, nowadays - way more than the nightlife we've both lived, for a decade or three.

Hows your own barometer working?
Are things that were once fun and easy, now more work, and tedious effort?

Listen to your own barometer, 'cos only you can read it accurately.

Smart, not hard...

If you're not living you life on your terms, you're not living....


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