Meeting at No10 Downing st. ..Silly saturday.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


The figures sat glumly, around the large table at No. 10
The mood was very sombre, and no one was smiling.
One person was looking intently at something on the table, avoiding looking up.

They watched the figure walking around them, waiting for her to speak.
She walked, agitated.


"What the hell are we going to do,?" She said finally, looking pointedly at one of the seated figures.

"Who the hell came up with 'Novichok', anyway?," She continued.

"Er...well....that was my idea," Said the scruffy blond haired man. "You've go to admit - it does sound very Russian,"

"Russian? Russian,?" She said, raising her voice "It has a patent in the bloody United States!"

"I didn't think anyone would check, did I? I most certainly didn't." Came the reply from Boris. He looked down intently at a pile of cigarette matches he was playing with, avoiding her glare.

"What little credibility this government did have left after people realized we had conned them out of Brexit , has now completely gone now. We are screwed," She paused,
"And I'll tell you one thing, if I get fired, all you tossers are coming with me."


"Theresa?" Boris said, timidly "Can't we just blame someone else?"

"For what?, we said everything ourselves!" Theresa replied, exasperated.
"Just how dumb are you, Boris? Novochok has no cure. No cure, do you hear? And then you go and authorize a press release telling people to stay safe by 'washing your clothes as normal in a washing machine and wipe down your phones'- with bloody baby wipes. Baby wipes!??"

"Yeah, but I got the OPCW to check some stuff we sent over to them, and they've told everyone there's a pure Novochok in the sample"

"Jesus Christ," Theresa shouted, "It's over a month ago since we staged the attack, and Novochok degrades very quickly. It's highly unstable. Don't you get it? The sample you gave them was pure and not degraded! People notice these things, you idiot!"


"Well, I didn't want to give them a weak sample, did I? They might not have spotted it. The Swiss aren't exactly known for the their precision, are they?" Boris replied defensively.

"This has been one gigantic clusterfuck against the Russians from the beginning to end," Theresa said in a resigned voice.

"Oh no, Theresa, Boris said gravely, "That's definitely not a good idea . Cluster bombing the Russians wouldn't make us look good at all..."

Teresa stared at Boris and said nothing.

Boris continued to play jenga with his matches. 'Bloody complicated game', He thought to himself, oblivious...



Soooo out of the loop and happy to be so.

But, guessed as much!

Dangerous twats.


This UK gov. debacle really takes the biscuit for sheer idiocy.

They want to have a war, but nobody wants to fight.

red coats

Very funny read. Who doesn't love infotainment? You seem to be ahead of the curve, @lucylin, but I just mentioned a way to get the truth out to another on this platform:
Put that shit in everything!

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