Is transparency on Steem block chain MORE than just an ethical issue? ....Growing pains...

in #blog5 years ago

I've been thinking....(yup, I do that sometimes).

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Before I start, I need to clarify my position.
I'm sat on the balcony of my new house, overlooking the fields, with my dog Sophia asleep at me feet.

I have a fresh coffee on the table, along with the laptop and my cancer sticks.(I like to call things as they are).

Oh shit...wrong post.... Bollocks.

Ok....I am writing this now, in the setting that I've just described, and I'm as relaxed and stress free as you can possibly imagine.
Life is very peachy for myself and Luce right now.

That's important to know....before I get started....

I'm not salty about steem(it).

Not anymore, anyway.

Btw, I'm NOT talking about @whatsup , here - I do use the word salty a lot though, ever since she threw it in my direction. (The word, and not sodium chloride, I might add).
I seem to have adopted the word 'salty' off her.
Why? because I love the word when used in this context. I'll try to make a conscious effort use it more, in fact!

I digress...

I am interested in the Stem ecosystem, and wish nothing but everyday moon landings for it.

Any comments suggesting anything to the contrary of this, by others on here, is just their incorrect interpretation of my position.
Stupid people have a knack of misinterpreting reality. It's one of 'qualities' that lends itself to stupid.
They have more disingenuous motives.

I can now look at Steem, and accept the flawed model of DPoS and how it works. (or doesn't, as the case may be).

I can now look at the whole thing quite objectively.
Lack of financial stress, two growing businesses - and a very peachy life - might have something to do with it.

This place is the only excitement I get nowadays!

(while that might be seen as a sad indictment of my life, by some - I can assure you it's the 100%, complete opposite)

Note to self : write a post about my very boring average day

Continuing on.....

My rantings against Steem(it) (inc), previously - was from a place of anger and frustration. I was having a hissy fit essentially.

That being said, the very anger that this place seemed to bring out in me, spurred me to on to get off my arse, come out of semi retirement, and do something!
I know have two new self sustaining projects that deliver dosh into my account everyday 3 days, and now have two properties paid for, from the profits of the new projects - and all due to the steem debacle.

How could I not want whats best for Steem(it)? It's done fantastic things for me and my life , in too many ways to go into here.

But let it be said, my emotionally charged, anger and frustration filled rants, were a mere walk in the park.
When compared to when I'm being focused, logical - and cool headed, that is.

Steminc should be scared, uh? They already are, who are we kidding.
No one can here you scream in cyberspace.....
Be afraid, be very afraid. (yeah, yeah I watched 'Alien/s' recently).

And that is the problem - or should I say the symptom of the problem.

They are afraid of any criticism whatsoever.

They are afraid.
Of constructive criticism.
Of mocking.
Of negative criticism.
It speaks volumes of your fragile position in life, when you can't laugh at yourself, or take negative feedback.

It speak volumes If my TINY voice, and my MINISCULE voting power, draws the ire of 'the powers that be'. Just HOW FRAGILE ARE THEY?

This is rhetorical of course, their actions make it self evident.

When tiny planktons (That'd be me) , who are here, creating nothing but original content(no matter the genre) are attacked by much bigger players- what does that say then, about the attacker?

Strong, courageous, brave people? N0.

Or weak individuals who are scared of what you have to say, and even MORE scared of other people reading it?

So - just for the record:
Any criticisms I have of Steem are not bile spewing emotive explosions - (anymore) they are logical and analytical and very cold.
Expressed through mime oops, humor, lots of the times.
(....did I say 'be afraid, be very afraid', yet?)

Only a spineless, utter dickwad , would ever actually be afraid of a little tiny plankton like me...and it goes without saying that anyone that hides behind alt accounts to speak out and shill for Steem - to 'protect' it, are not only sycophantic spineless dicks, but also stupid, and very pitiful human beings.
(I don't 'do' pity much, btw).
....It makes Tesla drivers look clever and beautiful, in comparison.

Which brings me back to the title of this post...

Ethically speaking, does it not behoove all steemic employees - or anyone receiving any kind of remuneration or benefits from them - do declare it?
Openly, and on the blochchain?
(I mean rewards that are not explicitly through upvoting).

We all 'know' already. There are various alt accounts being used for shilling Steeminc (or paid advocates to communicate the Steem policy and direction), and as such argue openly and try to quieten dissent, with it's users.
(and thus, there's no need to break the 'corporate doublespeak' sham that steem seems to love so much).

A tip about corporate double speak - ... idiots trying to sound intelligent, while being slimy, and disguising it as real talking.

People on Steem(it) already 'know' these type of account exists and...spoiler alert - so does the rest of the world. Shocker!

Transparency in this area would give a whole lot more confidence to people already in the ecosystem, and reassurance to those outside of the ecosystem.

I know of several entrepreneurs that would gamble money on a high risk new project, but none of them who'd put their money into a new project, not _when there's no transparency with the way potential management subterfuge could have an affect on the ecosystem itself.

The only way to rid that particular specter is for steem accounts being used, that connected to Steem inc, are declared and in the open.
It could be argued (I think), that swaying opinions or trying to influence the price - or distribution of steem inflation- using alt accounts (or paid employees/contractors), could be on very shaky, legal territory.

I don't care about the legality of it right now. There are far more important things to address.

Anyone working for Steeminc, or anyone receiving any kind of profit from them - directly or otherwise - would, in my opinion, be better off 'declaring an interest'.

More transparency.

Being evasive or acting shady in your activities on your own platform is not big - nor is it clever - it's acting small, and it's a very weak position.
No serious investor would ever want to invest into weak, and small, people.

At the end of the day, it can only ever make for a weak company.

I'm putting this post on here as a matter of record.

I do not know of any connections categorically between certain accounts and Steem.
That's right, I don't KNOW.
But I do have my suspicions on more than 20 accounts and their behaviors.

My 'suspicions' count as diddly squat - I'm a mere plankton.

But do you think these same suspicions and worries, would count as 'diddly squat', to someone with over £12 million dollars to spend?

MMMmmm...maybe not so diddly, now...

Isn't it time for the user base of steem(it), the 99% - to ask other users- directly- these questions.

Questions with a 'yes' or 'no' answer, ones that can't be wriggled out of not without downright lying?)



I'm not a lawyer - but you get the gist of the idea, I'm sure.

I want Steem to be a success story.

A want to tell you a true story...

My first position 'of power', back in the day, was as sales manager of a very small company (less than 6 million dollars turnover, per annum, in today's money).

When I took the job, there was 'brown noser' accountant in the company. He was a 'yes' man to the core, and quite an intelligent manipulator.
He'd prefer to agree with the managing directors wrong decisions for the company, rather than say 'no, that's a bad idea'.

I wasn't quite like that in my manner! (surprised?)

After calling him 'a fucking company cancer' in the office one day....

..., the MD (who was as slow as fuck, and only there because of inheritance), started to see his poor decision to trust this accountant.
He was ousted, quite soon after...

After he'd gone the company went on to make the most profit, in thirty five years of doing business.
(much of it was down to me taking over - but 'me blowing my own trumpet' is not for this post - I'll do an 'ego special' for that one).

The point being, it takes a certain kind of person to stand up and say - 'you're a fucking cancer for the company'.
The rest are 'yes men, morons'.

As time goes on, (and I've been here on Steemit long enough, now) , the people I see 'at the top of' of the organization, and the directions they choose to go - are more reminiscent of a child suddenly being put in charge of a vehicle without any clue as to what do with it.

Grow the fuck up.

Or get out of the way and let the grown up's get to work.

The crypto world is watching.

... and right now they are choosing to walk away from something what could have been revolutionary.
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(ok, 'revolutionary' is a bit hyperbolic - but I was feeling all enthusiastic -and also a little sad- for a second, there).

Has s anyone at Steem ever actually take any responsibility for this state of affairs?
(or will it be more double speak to ensure a shirking of any responsibility, and instead, try to make everything look rosy?)

........Grow...the fuck... up.

'Declaration of interest' re alt user names - is one small way to help people to think about not walking away, and instead look at this ecosytem seriously.

Speaking of 'seriously'.....

You can expect LOTS of very 'non serious criticisms' - i.e taking the piss - through using my own version of SMT's
(see previous post/video to find out about my SMT launch - it's all very exciting!)

I'll be doing a whole piss take on 'corporate double speak', concerning Steemit.
For corporate double speak, read ' not so bright, weak people, trying to sound intelligent' (and failing).

I'm doing this because I see an office who needs their cancers pointing out.

I care.

I want success for this place, and not hear some sycophantic warbling, as they carry the coffin and lower Steeminc into the ground.

Or put to put it another way....Hows everything working out so far, for this place? Time for change, maybe? A possible shake up in attitudes and perspectives?

SMT's? How in the world will this help add value?

Seriously, one other layer, pasted on top of a failing system, ain't gonna do squat - except kick the inevitable down the road for a while.

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@andrarchy ..... (@steem), IF YOU WANT TO PUT THIS POST ON THE 'FEATURED' section, thingy FEEL FREE!

Just imagine THAT!
How refreshing would that be?
A #newsteem 's perspective.
Rather than attacking anyone that says anything in a critical fashion about Steem, face reality head on - and deal with it.
And have a a laugh at your own idiocy. (I do it to myself, on a daily basis)

i.e ........Time to grow the fuck , up.

I ain't dropping the mic on this - I have a whole show to do.
Fuck that, I have a whole world tour to go on!

Buckle up, and lets have a laugh, while being honest.

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I find different points interesting.

I think I am proof that a regular person can gain visibility and votes and also as soon as I say something unpopular or earn more than a couple of people like I can also be downvoted.

So what?

I don't care what others do. I do what I do.

I post... I talk about my vision of Steem. I say what I want and I don't let others upset me.

My real life, with friends and family is where I find my comfort. Popularity on Steem comes and goes like a sprinkler. :)

I think I am proof that a regular person

I very much doubt that you come into that category, mademoiselle.
(I know it's madam, but mademoiselle just looks so much nicer, doesn't it?)

Activate Super Powers, she screams...

Dang nothing happened. ;)

...the things I do with a 6 am coffee, and a ciggy...

30 minute on demand gif for hire! lol


lol - this is really clever.

Each time I decide I don't like you much, you impress me in little ways.

I am glad you are less salty, but not completely flavorless



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Have you ever been an employee of Tesla?

It's where I met lucy!
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There it is! The problem of my lack of success.
i have no anger.

Thus, no fire.

The problem with full transparency is that steemit has a lot of skeletons in their closets.... under the floor boards, in the attic, some in the well out back...

and so, to them, being even a little open is terrifying.
However, because of those "things" we can sell STEEM on the open market and it is considered a real crypto.

They should put you on the front page:P
The people involved in this venture are far too crafty to be suffering cognitive dissonance so this pretense of espousing steemit/steem as an experiment in pure capitalism while being one of the most top-down controlled sites on the net is laughable and the epitome of hypocrisy...

Yeah, it would be a massive eye opener for them to do that.
What a breath of fresh air, also!

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