I haven't got a title...snippets, part 1

in #blog6 years ago

My enthusiasm has returned, and I'm starting my book - today!... and I will include some excerpts in steemit as I write.
(or maybe a lot more than excerpts...)

Firstly, I still want to make some small money from here, as I go.. (I am now - officially - the struggling artist! lmao).

Secondly, I hope the snippets will get people interest to read my finished work. (it's a 'work' - now that I'm a struggling artist)

Thirdly, there is no thirdly - that's pretty much it.

It's all very exciting daunting.


I haven't got a title part 1

....the day the phone call arrived...

Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored.

Did I mention I was bored?

I was so damn unenthusiastic about my lot. And I couldn't for the life of me, work out why exactly.
I couldn't even drum up the mental energy to work out why I was bored - I was that bored.

'Zombie' is a good characterization for my emotional state at that precise moment.
A very passive zombie though.
Not the kind that try to get all 'eaty' with you.

I had nothing to be bored about, that was the thing. Nothing at all.

I was 20 years old at the time.
I had a 20 years old girlfriend who was great, and very gorgeous.
And she had a body to die for. (I was 20 yrs old, and it was important, then, ok?)

I had 'everything'. I really did.
A great girlfriend, a great job, a great house, a great future.
A fantastic sports car. (I was 20 years old, and it was important, then, ok?)

Oh, and plenty of money.

I was still bored though.

Always being one to examine my inner feelings and motivations , I did eventually pin down the reason for my lack of get up and go. Why wasn't my 'mojo' just wasn't rising at that specific moment in my life?
My mojo was rising actually.
(I'm not 20 years old anymore, and that's still important, ok?)

Anyway, that particular bolt of 'wisdom lightning' that pertained to the reason of my discontent, suddenly hit me!
...about 2 years later it hit me.
When I was squatting in a police station in France, of all places.
I was munching on some green olives from a jar that I had 'acquired' from the gendarme's private larders in the basement of the same said police station.
(that's a whole chapter unto itself, which I'll tell you about later).
I like olives now, but I didn't' before that week...
....a week of eating nothing but different colored olives, kinda gets you hooked on the little buggers.


I digress. Which I do a lot, by the way.
A lot.
I digress more than someone suffering from autism and who also happens to be pumped up on amphetamines and crack cocaine at the same time...

... but back to my Zombie boredom on that fateful day...

The phone rang.
"Hello, mate," My brother said. "Fancy a trip to Ireland for few days, and a rock festival?"

Now this sounded interesting. I was piqued!

Mainly because my brother never called me. Ever. Not unless he wanted something.

But the thought of going to a rock festival sounded interesting.
I had never been to full blown 'festival before', so the thought of it was a bit if a thrill.
It was something new.
(if you are already connecting the dots, my 'lighting bolts of wisdom' can travel very slowly).

"Er, yeah, sure," I replied, wondering what he really wanted. "When?"

"Next weekend" He said, "And Chris wants to come to."

Chris was a friend of his and a pretty funny guy. It sounded fun!

"Ok, cool, yeah, I'm up for it." I said, still wondering what his motives were for the call..
Something wasn't right with this chat.
You see, we weren't exactly close, not as far as brother's go.

The same way the Sun and Jupiter aren't exactly close.

People liked my brother..
I could never quite work out why people liked him so much.
He was a dick.
He had a natural, easy charm with everyone.
Charisma I suppose you could call it. Wanker was my preferred term.

I tend not to like psychopaths that much.
Hence my bewilderment as to why other people did seem to like my bro'.

I never quantified to myself in those terms - not for another 20 odd years...Those 'wisdom bolts of lighting' just never stop coming...

.... my trip to Ireland, and the event that changed my life forever...



Ireland, you say? Sounds interesting. Stories are awesome. Also have a few projects in the launch-bay. One just happens to be in the zombie-military niche. Cross promotion?

Send me the links to your story progression, if you can remember...and I'll share em for ya, and drop a steem-penny in the hat.

Good start.

oh, my Ireland trip changed everything .

I'll keep a list of links as I write each one, in the post, so you can keep track.

Thanks for your support!

And here we go .... :)

Oh, by the way, if you ever wondered how wild I am, there is an episode in my life that might give you a hint: I, once, od'd on olives 😎

I am so glad to see this !!!

I know how wild you are by your beer drinking challenge, and the enjoyment experienced..! lolol

I'm not wild, just enthusiastic to try anything and everything once. ...Or more than once, if it's nice..


And we're off!

The beginning is often the hardest part. Or so I'm told. I have about 13 unfinished manuscripts sitting on my hard drive. I always started in the middle and wrote backwards and forwards.

Ireland, huh?

I always started in the middle and wrote backwards and forwards.

Jesus Christ!... don't confuse me! lol

Best of luck! You are a good writer. Your book will be a success.

cheers for the support!

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