I beg your pardon, I never promised you a thorn free Rose garden.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)



My respect for Larken is great - as is it is for many other pioneers also, in this new internet age.
Moving forward and educating people to a different way of thinking is something to be truly applauded.

I hope this critique helps...


I have an aversion to idols.

Here is my response to Larken Rose's piece [ https://steemit.com/anarchy/@larkenrose/race-iq-genetics-and-then-what ].

The 'disciples of Rose' will no doubt attack me, for their idol has been questioned....
...as Yoda would say "Sheep mentality of the individual, strong, it is..",

Which is a very strange posture to adopt, considering the whole ' no leaders' philosophy.. don't ya think?

A challenge to those criticizing ...try to do it in humorous way - so as to dispel my growing concerns that anarchists and voluntarists are more like communists in their process of thought (not ideology), than any other two groups.

No sense of humor is a mental illness.

Don't be ill.
Don't be a communist.

Challenging the status quo is what it is all about, and disrupting present day thinking is the way forward..


Larken excerpt's are in the faded sections. (I can't call him Mr. Rose - we are all friends here..)

This is in no way a passive aggressive slur to suggest he is fading . Please don't be triggered. It's way to differentiate himself and myself in the post.
( link to Larken's full post at the top of the page.)

Here and there I still see people who are very eager to publicly (and incessantly) talk about scientific studies regarding IQ in different demographic groups, such as different races.

Isn't any kind of science a good route to take, when trying to find truths. Objectivity?

Such people insist that they’re only after the truth, and are just being scientific and objective. But so far, every single time I have called them on it, a very different agenda and mindset quickly surfaces.

You haven't called me out on it.

I am an individual, not a group. I hate it when people put you into a group. Label you. It's just so goddamn.. collectivist.

(so as to avoid any passive aggressive insinuations regarding any kind of discrimination, and in the name of full disclosure, I have lived the majority of my adult life as an ethnic minority in foreign countries. I'm causation Caucasian.
My current girlfriend is Asian, my ex girlfriends include - but not limited to - black ex muslim, (African), white Caucasian, black christian, mixed Pakistani Caucasian. I also have gay mates. My actions, not my words, illustrate my position on any perspective regarding 'different agenda's', quite clearly I hope.)

Just to be clear, I absolutely expect there to be different overall statistical patterns related to race (as well as culture, nationality, religion, and so on)..

Ok, but rather than 'expecting' anything, gaining empirical data through science confirms or discounts hypothesis.
Science is good.


'Expectations' enters the realms of 'wishy washy', cultural marxism, and post modernist thinking..

The question is—and what I always ask the people who seem to obsess over this is—so what? Without even getting into their statistics and “facts,” and whether they are accurate, why does it matter to them?

A rather banal question to be asking considering the plethora of really interesting ones you could be asking, concerning IQ's etc.
So what? If by data collection we could work out the why's of things?
So what? If we knew the why's of things, we could alter the environment, to discount the negative why's of things...
.... but each to their own.

Information and facts matter a great deal to people wanting to understand things.
Understanding things is the first step in finding solutions to problems.
NOT wanting to understand new things is more of an indication wanting to maintain a status quo. Nothing changes without new facts coming to light.

If someone was really just curious, being actually scientific just to know more about the world and reality, great.

I am really curious and wish to know more about the world and reality.
So why the derision of people trying to find facts, and assuming all these people having an ulterior motive?

There’s no truth that I’m opposed to people knowing.

If the truth emerged that voluntarism could not be implemented as a social system - empirically - would you be opposed to people knowing that truth?

Are you not guilty of exactly what you argue against?
Suppression of information through the derision of a group?
Not looking at the individual, but putting 'the IQ scientists (for want of a better term) , into a group..?
Is writing negative sweeping statements of this groups character, a form on bullying?

Criticizer of the character, not criticizer of the information ... ?
Does this fall into the arena of aggression?( or non aggression, obviously). I don't know, I'm asking..

However, so far I have never talked to someone who obsessed over the alleged difference in average IQs between races, who didn’t also have an immoral authoritarian agenda they were trying to justify.

I have no immoral authoritarian agenda to justify.

Alleged differences? Are you questioning the data's legitimacy, or further slurring the fact gatherers?
Are arguing that there are not IQ averages, difference? (using IQ as the metric)

You haven't talked to me abut it - Or many others, I would wager.

And so far, every one began by denying having such an agenda, only to later demonstrate that they did.

I am denying such an agenda.
You are just grouping people together all the time – how does that work in an 'the individual is everything ' philosophy?

Because, you see, the concepts of self-ownership and non-aggression don’t have an IQ threshold.

Totally agree..

Oddly, a lot of people who oppose race-based injustice and victimization still get duped into arguing about statistics and studies, as if that is what matters.

I oppose all injustice, I don't see color.
Statistics and studies are needed in building a picture to the truth.
How do you find the truth otherwise.? (a suggestion spot)

Instead, whether they want to argue about the data or not, anyone who actually values freedom and justice should begin and end such a discussion by pointing out that, when it comes using state coercion, it doesn't matter what the IQ of any group, or any individual, is.

This like saying 'it's proved science' by the global warming lobby.
Nothing to learn here, move on...

Trying to end an open debate by this strategy shows an unwillingness - a fear of opening a specific can of worms.
What fear, is the pertinent question.

When it comes to state coercion, IQ of any groups matters greatly, in respects to:
economic coercion.
social coercion.
political coercion.

This kind of 'IQ information' is already well known by 'the establishment' (state), I'm sure.
To not avail yourself of collating and understanding this data, is to be offered a weapon in helping to stop injustice, and refusing it.

Aggression is wrong, against smart people, against stupid people, against all people. (And how stupid does someone have to be to not understand that?)

Totally agree..
I hope that means I'm not too stupid...


And the agenda might not be something as openly horrendous as genocide or enslavement; it might be something along the lines of, “Well then our immigration policies should favor this group over that group.” But that still means initiating violence based on statistical patterns and probabilities, rather than using force only to defend against actual individual aggressors.

When ideology meets the tarmac....

We are living in a government, nation state system. The reality. The nation state adopts jurisdiction over it's territory and borders.

“Well then our immigration policies should favor this group over that group.”

That is showing good stewardship over an area which they have been given authority to preside over..

But that still means initiating violence..

It is not initiating any violence, of any kind.

The jump from real world discussion to some utopian one world vision (where there are no borders?) is psychologically divisive.... it also has worrying overtones.
If there are no borders - and there is no time in history when authoritarianism hasn't been the default setting - then ALL we would be left with is a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT......
(I'm a gambling man - but the risk of that end result is a bet I would not have the balls to take...just sayin')

I knew I was on track with some kind of correlation between voluntarism and communism!


back in the real world ...

So no, when people harp on IQ as it relates to race, rarely are they “just being scientific.”

I am always " just being scientific."
Who are these 'they' groups that you keep mentioning? I hate being put into groups.
Sweeping generalizations on a very large groups of people, with disparate motivations.

Very authoritarian qualities...

Ironically, these same people are usually the loudest to condemn communism,

That would be me then, correct.

and the most eager to apply the “communist” label to anyone who doesn’t agree with them—despite the fact that they are just one more flavor of authoritarian, collectivist statist, and share a lot in common with communists. (Even the Nazis were, after all, national socialists.)

Scientific data has no political affiliation.
To try and attach some to it, is to be uninformed about logic at best - and downright disingenuous, at worst..

how people use data, is a completely different subject.
Conflating the two is an authoritarian strategy in itself. (even the nazi's were, after all, authoritarian). See how I did that?

Anarchists follow a very similar pattern of behavior in discussions with communist, I have found. – mainly to ignore anything that doesn't fit with ideology. Silence, not dialogue.
Positions so cemented in principle, that they can't actually move. - on anything
I've seen crystal glass, with more robust ego's.

The principles of self-ownership and non-aggression do not change based upon race, or place of birth, or sex, or wealth, or education level, or IQ.

Totally agree.

When it comes to the “political” realm, voluntaryism is (by definition) the only truly tolerant position one can take, and no amount of attempted rationalizations, or appeals to “necessity” or “practicality,” or “scientific studies,” will ever change that.

..... Back in the real world...
....It only works as a political system if everyone else feels the same way. At the same time. .

3000 years of history to draw comparisons from, would suggest that it does not work as a system and people do not feel the same way.

'Or is this another case of reality not conforming to ideology, so we'll just ignore these facts, thank's'?

I own me, and you own you. That is, and will always be, the primary and fundamental starting point for a moral, rational society.

Based on the supposition that everyone else is moral, and rational.
This is pure naivety. ( a place often frequented by the ideologue, I have found)

This is not a true reflection of the broad spectrum personalities of people's within any given social group.

People with less morals, or less rationality will want to inflict their will upon others, and will want to decide other people's future, through coercion.
And interestingly , information on on IQ's( in conjunction with understanding personality traits), could actually minimize this effect...just sayin'..

If the fundamental starting point is fundamentally flawed... then entire structure that you then build on it, will be also..

(yet more communist comparisons.... They just keep on poppin' up!... 😂)

Using history as the only tool in which to measure social systems, and societal precedents we know of - , authoritarianism - as an advancement of the human race - has been the most successful social system, in one form or another.

Voluntarism is to be applauded.
Anarchism is to be applauded.
Communism is to be booed. (boooo communists, bad commie's.).

Ideology is to be applied , and not used as a blueprint, as it never works..

And here in lies the disconnect of the ideologue who can pontificate all they want - for they have that luxury.


...And the pragmatist that uses great ideals and looks HOW to apply them in the real world .
....and no amount of attempted ideology implementation , or appeals to “purism” or “principle” or “absolutes”, will ever change that.

New systems can be built, but to discount several thousand years of human behavior, generation after generation, as a 'faulty model' is insulting.
...to all the past generations, and their apparent lack of IQ for starters!
I see far more intelligence in past generations than I do in today's .

Voluntarism and anarchy as social systems
Unattainable - even if it is actually desired by the masses. (which is very debatable).

Which makes it naive whining at best.
Offering no solutions, and allows for lazy, self indulgent intellectual rhetoric, to be the 'plats du jour' .
It's disingenuous, narcissistic platforming, at worst.

Moving forward is the answer, not staying stuck in simple ideologies and staying there.


oh, and this to...this is great. ...Happy Saturday everyone !


The rose is individual liberty, and the thorns are individual responsibility.

Interesting post.
Is there any reason you see that anarchists would want to have a social system?

I have zero problems in recognizing empirical objectivity as we see in science.

The problems I think we will have on this topic vary between social objectivity and empirical objectivity, and each should be parsed clearly.

What is your understanding of what IQ is empirically linked to?

I agree that ideology that assumes an anti-authoritarian realm, doesn't escape the reality of being within an authoritarian realm. This is somewhat a problem that is often ignored.

(Note, when i use the term science here it is in the empirical sense, and not at all related to the social science sense.)

What is your understanding of what IQ is empirically linked to?

Intelligence. The ability to problem solve.
(not intellect. Most definitely not to be confused with intellect!!!!)

I don't think IQ testing is perfect - but it's by far the best (only) tool we have for the job at the moment...

It is the only 'empirical' measurement we have..

Seen as probably over 70% genetic - if not more - and then there are other environmental factors.
I see nutrition as being the number 1 contributor ' to maximizing your intelligence potential'.
You wont see many high IQ groups that have lead or other heavy metals in their drinking water.
You will see IQ's rise in groups from previously under nourished, to then receiving full nutrition.

Whether that causes increased IQ's, or actualizes 'resident' IQ, is still not clear.

In my pinion, it's both, but inter generational.

A genetically inherited IQ - but genes can be changed in a generation - due to nutrition, for example - and then the next generation's IQ's can be increased because of that.

(I'm no expert on IQ, btw )

'to problem solve'
Is it safe to assume that is what you are looking for in the parameter of IQ?

I think there are other parameters involved in problem solving. Specifically incentive and motivation.

For example there could be a high IQ population that have neither incentive or motivation because they have all there needs met and solving problem 'X' would have no value.

So that leads back to solving problem 'X' having subjective value to the person trying to solve it.

I agree with most of the nutritional part of your position. The genetic position varies considerably, because genetics vary considerably.

Incentive and motivation are not correlated with IQ, as such.

You can have lazy IQ people do far less in life than industrious lower IQ people. Absolutely.

For example there could be a high IQ population that have neither incentive or motivation because they have all there needs met and solving problem 'X' would have no value.

I agree, totally.

...but in the same environment with equal motivations, the higher IQ group would generally fare better than the lower IQ group.
(excluding environmental specifics of course which could greatly favor either group)

The main topic I think is 'to problem solve'. Do you agree, or disagree that IQ is only one parameter in that topic?

Do you think more problems (in quantity, not quality) are solved by people below 110 than above 110?

(I agree with the same environment same motivation, that the higher IQ would generally fair better)

Do you agree, or disagree that IQ is only one parameter in that topic?

I think it the most quantifiable one.

Do you think more problems (in quantity, not quality) are solved by people below 110 than above 110?

...that's a good question.

Because the bell curve distribution, you'd have to say 'below'... (pretty sure, actually)
The 'quality' ones are fewer but have more impact (per problem, if that makes sense)

I would propose incentive or motivation to be the most quantifiable, for if these aren't present then the problem doesn't get solved. The measure is solved or unsolved and can be applied to every problem.

I'm glad you see that on the curve distribution. Many problems are solved by people below 110. What if those problems where only solved by people with an IQ over 160? You can see the issue there?

The quality problem solutions, when it creates wide spread positive results, do have a bigger impact. Completely agree there.

Of course a impact whether it be 'good or bad' is somewhat a problem until it can be proven to be empirically 'good', and if science doesn't have an answer for that then it remains a problem of epistemology. That leads to a bigger problem of 'social systems' in that no one person owns social objectivity. The aggregate consensus doesn't appear to align well.

I would propose incentive or motivation to be the most quantifiable.

How? seriously?

Is there any reason you see that anarchists would want to have a social system?

Sorry , I missed that part of your comment.

Systems happen, even if not intended.
Social creatures have social systems. (even non sentient ones)

As sentient, it seem logical to create social system through some kind of thought process. (wether it's good or not isn't the point).

Anarchy as a non system , if you will - can only work if the world suddenly loses all it's psychopaths and sociopaths (4% of any given social group), plus othes that don't fit into that personality type category - but do want to control to some degree.

It's a fantastic vision, that will last about as long as it takes for the next group of warrior minded folk to invade your village...

People lived with very few and limited social constructs for millenia. The family is more a biological construct than a social construct. (you can't choose the family you are born into)

Tribe was probably the one most people identify, then religion. At inception the social constructs only had limited effects on autonomy, as any particular individual could eventually find a circumstance to defect.

Anarchy may not be a social system as much as a individual system. It requires exchange between individuals. That requires recognizing and interfacing with another persons value system.

Sociopaths and psychopaths are a problem. In a socialist model it appears enforcement is a hired task. The fact that enforcement cannot be everywhere all the time leads to enforcement showing up after a conflict.

A socialist will give up their authority to the enforcement construct. There is no reason for a non-socialist to give that authority to a enforcement construct. A anarchist can develop defense/security as a individual construct. Admittedly this will lead to inconsistency in conflicts, but appears to be a pretty good crime deterrent. At least that is what we are seeing as a US statistic as more people become armed and take 'defense' as a individual construct.

Warriors have a hell of a time invading a village that has the ability to kill warriors.

A very good reply, sir!

I see no evidence of the autonomy of the village not being overtaken by a larger more aggressive enemy.
That is my whole premise about anarchism not being able to be the default system, and endure over time.

There is no time that I know of...hence history would dictate that as a way of life, it does not hold up to scrutiny.

I am not sure which frame of references here we are considering as historical.

Speaking in general terms and ways of life, ability based people who see weaponry, combat, geography as an individual construct have had more success in conflicts than armies made of lesser abilities with more social assumptions.

I think it is true that any village can be conquered, but then the next question is 'at what price?'

There is some historical context, when you see bandits or armies avoiding certain areas (or not engaging) on that basis.

....in context of history, early civilizations from the Sumerians onward, (nearly 3000 years), have all been authoritarian - and one that were not as organized, have been over run by the more organized, more authoritarian societies.

It is a dynamic that I see as forever repeating itself, hence my skepticism of the success of anarchy as a system.

There would be some examples of it enduring, by now..?

There is some historical context, when you see bandits or armies avoiding certain areas (or not engaging) on that basis.

....true, but mostly the areas avoided are ones with bigger authoritarian societies...(exceptions do exist I realize that, but in the big picture...

If the exceptions do exist then they should be studied, yes?

It would have been ill advised to wear a Russian uniform near the village of Simo Häyhä.

What does a population of individuals with similar abilities have to fear?

The system I see most compatible with individual anarchy is a individualist republic. A republic not built as a social construct but more as a individual construct, one that recognizes individual sovereignty.

It is wise to be skeptical, as the ideas that are being brought forward are fairly new in a historical sense, and there is not much history that would be recorded of such occurrences in the past.

I am not sure if the conflict is forever, but I do see it being a problem for several more generations (unless technology some how speeds up the process).

...blockchain and the internet are two unquantifiables-it has nothing to compare against..

That is showing good stewardship over an area which they have been given authority to preside over.

That authority wasn't ever given. Other than that I'd wager that the people wanted Anarchy or NO Rulers, when they said consent of the governed and based their system on Self-Rule. The constitution has nothing about immigration in it, and naturalization (citizenship application) and securing the borders from invasion aren't powers given to regulate or subjugate migrating people with. Clearly nobody has the Right to restrict the people right to movement and travel on public lands and roads and in between states or within the states equally.

...and here is where ideology and reality conflict.

History give me odds of 3000 years to 0 who wins this conflict.

....this is my whole point mate. Good ideology, applied...

your comments always engage. (well, mostly)

Which history, did you forget that the declaration of independence resulted in 1 for self-rule and zero for divine right of kings ?

still authoritarian rule - in some form- has been the default setting for societies through ages.
It has been the most successful system. (for success of the species)
...not nice, but true.

Again Declaration of independence = Anarchy-1 and authoritarian-0. Now what followed, or the Constitution(s) didn't invalidate The Declaration or the Articles but it created a monstrous behemoth as it was intended me thinks, and despite that, the truths the declaration re-established haven't been upturned or shelved. 3000 years? More like 7000 years, the Sumerians knew about sovereignty and it wasn't for anything other than submitting to the rule of a king for the cohesion that naturally comes with it to defend against others that they gave it up, defending against others who had done the same trade off but for plundering and pillaging. As always, sovereignty is the other side of the coin to Divine Right of Kings, as defending against invaders is the other side of aggression, as much as they exist in contrast to one another they are inseparable like the Federation is from it's Citizens, and success of authoritarian rule has an odd way of explaining the Pyramids or how the Sumerians developed advanced calculus, and prospered not from authoritarian rule or structure but because of individualism itself, indeed it might seem that authoritarianism mostly managed to plunder and pillage and during those times enact revenge, much more than establishing common sense and logic, so despite all that Theft from the individualistic societies that weren't cohesive enough to defend successfully against their not nice neighbors, the plunderers dissolved into obscurity or were assimilated into the next conquerors society with the Macedonians, the Persians and the Greeks and finally the roman's and the multitudes of different flavor empires of Europe built directly from the Roman legions left behind, and the same story with the Sumerians and their conquerors, who hadn't developed much of anything they "succeeded " to grasp from the Sumerians and were only using what a mostly individualistic society had uncovered and learned as real wisdom isn't in copying but actually creating, innovating and deconstructing while the authoritarian structure sought to establish class warfare and a cross between individual revenge and state approved revenge.

Success of the species is a stretch, I agree there's certain benefits to be enjoyed from structure, but with so much redundancy built in and lack of cohesion between the different classes it's no wonder that even Sumerians revolted against the brute authoritarian rule when it started infringement on their individualistic values, the world's first recorded revolt and the successive world's first reform.

It's always about trade off between the two ideologies that succeed with the sound foundation being clearly individualism and trade off which I'm not saying it was completely needless or unnecessary, despite the redundancy of dissent and inherent divisive nature of Rule Makers and Not Rule Makers, it did give a much more united society but which was necessary only because of the lack of a valuable education of the lower classes, while generally the rule makers played with absurdity and nonsense like a scatophile and their favorite artistic material and by and large had about as much wisdom and sense as their eclectic counterpart.

so despite all that Theft from the individualistic societies that weren't cohesive enough to defend successfully against their not nice neighbors, the plunderers dissolved into obscurity or were assimilated into the next conquerors society with the Macedonians

yup - and there are always gonna be some not nice neighbors it seems....

Excellent post mate. truly.

( difficult to fully comprehend on first read, with a hangover!)

I aim to lolz, lulsec is life.

Authoritarian rule has been so successful that the species can be nuclear blasted out of existence.

So we may have some issues with terms on what success of the species is supposed to look like.


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