Christmas happiness. Strange...

in #blog7 years ago

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With the recent rise in SBD's and steemit, many people are now seeing that it has the potential to be a life changing endevour.

People are now investors in their own future - in a very real way.

People are advocating the free market philosophy.

Embracing it, with every blog they make, every up vote, every comment.

Even the left. Funny that.

Even if you don't fully understand the dynamics of it (like me), you can see the value of your labors.

It will only be matter of time before the SJW virtue signalers who make 100's of dollars here, will soon be sharing it out their wealth around with the rest of steemit....
.....yeah, right.

('but that's different...', I hear them whine.. lol)

Writing a blog (for the first time), about life, experiences, love, traveling, and politics has been a very cathartic experience for me, personally.

And I have discovered my newly found enjoyment of writing fiction! (This is still very much in the baby steps stage, granted - and with more falling than walking at the moment. But, hey)

Several times my frustration with steemit has not exactly made me want to quit the platform, but it has made me question it a lot.

Which is healthy.

I'm still here.

All my rewards here are from a product of steemit itself – I have never been an 'investor' in it, as such.

What a great platform to create on, and to make profit on!
(I now have a whole $20 – Yes $20! - from steemit - sitting in my newly opened exodus wallet!)

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Maybe this a good microcosmic lesson, for some - into the window of real life- for the communists festering on steemit.. (yes, they are here ...)

I wonder - as they take profits for there good quality content - but also knowing that everyone is equal- and deserves a fair share - that it is only moral to share equally among the content writers of not such a good quality?

A morally imperative action to show the world how virtuous they are, no less.....?

Yeah.... right.

Life, truth, and reality, comes at you hard sometimes..

I want to keep my money in steemit as I think it has good potential. (without any real knowledge of it - it's only an intuition..)
It's as simple as that.

The way to increase that potential is to do what you do. Keep trying, keep improving.
Write content.

It is very rewarding to see it build up over time. (especially when you see the share prices jump– what a dopamine hit! Lol)

And so to Christmas.....

I am not a 'Christmassy' person for various reasons. But.....

…..I am sitting here this morning quietly drinking my coffee and listening the jungle wake up as I type this - and looking over at my gorgeous(buddhist) girlfriend .

She is sat on the floor wrapping gifts, and decorating our xmas tree – and yes singing 'jingle bells' (she loves Christmas time!)

After living for over 15 years in predominantly Buddhist countries, the love of yuletide is nearly as enthusiastic here, as it is in western christian cultures!

It's because buddhists like to party and celebrate life - and will find any excuse to do so...!

It is as simple as that.

(There are 'worldly wise' backpackers who come here -rebels without a clue.
Passing idiocy off as wisdom - because they have stamp and a years proof of travel in their passports.
'Tourism, money, spoiled culture, blah, blah, blah'.... They are childishly stupid.
Christmas has nothing to do it, the morons.)

It is about being joyful

I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year! - for the first time in a long time.

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Life is very, very good.


Merry Christmas to you in advance then @lucylin ;D

you are invited to my christmas 'fun' game I'm making (trying to anyway. lol) - sbd's for everyone!
(or steem, or something)
I'll let you now if get it up an running...

Sounds like fun! Looking forward to it :D

there you go (any idea on how to reward structure something like this? lol - I haven't a clue - yet)

Well I will also wish you a Merry Christmas although this comes from the typing fingers of a Bah-Humbug curmudgeon. In all Christmas time favorites: books, poems or movies, it wasn't Christmas-time that caused the happy endings... it was love and as you said... joyfulness.

I'm well acquainted with bah humbug, don't worry!

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