A Festive game .......

in #blog7 years ago


The Christmas race to Santa’s grotto!

Where war gaming, giving gifts, and being really nice to each other, meet...

If you are wish to participate in this, up vote and leave reply saying . .....''I'm In"

(then pick your province by up voting it - details listed how, underneath)

I have experience in running this type of game, (not for quite a while though!) -but not in how I would work out the rewards structure.

( so you will have to bear with me on this- I'll do my best to get it worked out as fast as possible - suggestions welcome. It will depend of number of participants, which is an unknown at the moment)

I have a couple of days to work it out...

I would like it profitable to some degree, for the participants...

If it is successful, and people enjoy playing , I will run these games on a regular basis - I would love it!

(this is a very simple game, to test the waters..)

So lets gets into it a little more....

The place – Lapland

The forces – The families of the steemitian world.

Objective – to help Father Christmas on the day before Christmas eve.

“Ho! Ho! Ho! And welcome to Lapland.

I invite all you good hearted people of the world to help me in my workshop- to help me get ready for the busiest night of the year ...... Christmas Eve.

My grotto is a very secret place, that only the bravest and stout of heart can find Me.

Where only those that give the most, get the most.

Follow my clues, and help in my night of need.

My little house is very small, and will only have room for one family to help me.

So you must all try your best, giving presents and good cheer as you go.

If you want to take part in the quest for finding Santa's Grotto...

Look at this map of lapland.

As you can see, it is divided up into many smaller provinces. The grotto lies in one of them- but which one?

Using the clues next to the map and your deductive skills - choose which province by replying in the relevant reply box, and up voting.( letters A to M)
( You can only up vote one province).


Those picking the correct province-one of those listed underneath- will continue on further into the quest.
(if this is too cryptic a clue -and not enough people get the correct answer - I will adjust accordingly , to get the game moving! This is about playing the game. I'm kinda winging it here a little...)

A) Enontekio
E) Sodankyla

You will then be playing on a more detailed map closer to Santa's hideout, and will continue searching for his Grotto - with further hints and clues as to where he lives.

xmas map 1.jpg

A snow covered wilderness....

Instructions will then be given of how next to proceed..

As you come across other families, you will compete to give as many presents to each other as you can.
Those who give the most, will most likely win.

Those who lose in these encounters may still be in the game - at a disadvantage. (I have no idea of the response in terms of numbers yet, so have to gauge it accordingly).

With skill and strategy, you can be the one to enter the grotto !

How the campaign is played...

Each player will have his/ her steemit logo moving on the map - to represent being head of the family.
Only one family is allowed in the same square.
If two families enter the same square, then so begins the exchange of giving presents.

When two families meet, (by accident or design), they will always attempt to give each other as many presents a possible.

All members of each family carry 'present launchers' (which look conspicuously like guns!!).

As each family launches presents at the other, one the families will have received so many presents, they can no longer return with their own presents - and will have to run away home, present laden, and out of the game..
(depending on the number of people in this game, it may be possible to keep playing -with only some members of their family headed home. I will have to see the response..)

I will be enacting the meeting of two families on the tabletop - each meeting will be photographed, and narrated - each day - with results of the encounter posted.
I will play out the war games ( 'present launching' games, rather) each day. (of any families meeting each other) -ready for the next days moves.. (yes - it might be a lot of hours)

Orders on map moving (the mechanics will be explained later - it is very simple, honestly)

At day beak each morning (7 A.M. central US time) movement orders are sent to me by upvoting. I will use steemnow, and the time received of an up vote, to decide sequence of movement. It is advantageous to move early.

I will explain more, as we go along. I am trying to keep to the basics, right now..

If no orders are received from the head of the family -the family doesn't move. Simple.

Each family will consist of:

3 units.
2 brigades, (including 1 light regiment), and 1 battery of artillery ( to really help in getting those presents sent! lol)

The winner is the family occupying the garden of santa's grotto - the day before Christmas eve. -At 7.p.m us central time on the 23rd of december.

(The game may be concluded before this date, if only one family is left )

If no family occupies the grotto by this time, the nearest family wins.

My role as umpire/gamer will be unbiased in outcomes. (of family encounters.)
I am interested in the dynamics of the campaign, creating the game- not which individual wins.

This is a first experimental game I have tried on here, and hope others can engage and have fun - and think. (plus make some steem!)

This is purposefully kept simple .
Simple - and in the spirit of Christmas!

The game will start at 7am (US central), on the 14th December
(hopefully the prize structure will clear to everyone by then)


E) Sodankyla

Rewards structure... Now, if its all about the giving, then you wish for more than one family to be rewarded, not just a last one standing type scenario, correct?

hugs! lol
Correct - the last family standing to be the most highly rewarded (obviously).........It's hard to work out unless you know how many people are going to get on board?.....or something.

It's getting late here - are you going to be on for the day?- maybe chat on discord or something?(tomorrow my time)
Your help is much appreciated, really!

I went right to sleep after that last message, lol, I had been unable to sleep.

It's 4pm here now. I'll be on Steemit and discord on and off until around midnight.


Unfortunately, I am traveling so I wont be able to participate any further.

Good luck to everyone and happy Santa hunting :)

have good travels!

You haven't missed anything - no one is huntin'! lol(sob , sob)


People are busy making posts to hunt for good ole money, since SBD and steem are getting higher.

By the way, I know you are against upvote bots, but jsut to let you know that minnowbooster is giving 200% after curation, if you wish to up your ROI a bit.

Also feel free to participate in the SBD sharing I make. There is nothing bad in sharing SBD and love with everyone (I know you are against that too!) ;)

thanks for the info.

Ok, I will do. (I don't like to things just for money - it's so...cheap. lol)

When are you back from your travels?-going anywhere good?

LOL! Here I thought you wanted to make 10$/day. Or maybe you are making it already and don't need more ;)

Going to Calgary. Cooking Turkey with my new-found non-religious brother. Nothing as interesting as Chicago but it will be a good change from staying home.

Coming back just before the new year to celebrate it with my cat! LOL!

Remember to leave food for the cat! lol

I wish (re the 10$)! lol - ...although with the new share prices...

Have a good time with your new non religious bro! cool.
(although kinda funny - you are celebrating it at Christmas time, a religious festival. lol )

Have great time!

(although kinda funny - you are celebrating it at Christmas time, a religious festival. lol )

We are cooking Turkey with his friends just for fun. A new experience since both of us don't belong to any religion now.

Thanks! You enjoy your time too :)

A) Enontekio



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