Beating the psychology of irrelevance...Guerilla wars ...part 3

in #blog6 years ago


Having the feeling of getting caught in the headlights - or even worse, -having the spotlight turned onto you is a scary thought, right?

The eye of Sauron from 'the lord of the rings' was a warning.
The eye of Sauron is the gaze of disapproving governments.

And this is exactly what the government want you to feel.

The cost of suffering the glare can be frightening, and have real long term consequences.
Just see Tommy Robinson and Melanie Shaw for two examples of what can happen when the eye fixes it's putrid gaze on dissenters.

Guerilla warfare means avoiding that stare, evading that glare. Peaceful wars means staying small and unseen.
For now.

These wars are not won in one gigantic battle. These wars are fought and won, using 'a war of attrition' strategy.

We nibble away until the whole edifice comes crashing down. A million tiny teeth gnawing away from a multitude of
The government is the dinosaur.
We are the emerging small mammals.

What can I do, I'm only one person?
Whatever I do won't make difference...
This is pointless...
The enemy is just too large..

We have all had these kind of thoughts crossing our minds at some time or other.
It is a debilitating feeling. It is meant to be this way.

The threat of Sauron's eye...

The fear of something that may - or may not- happen... It is a concept.

That is conditioning, not thinking.

Unless you are a clairvoyant (and even if you are,), no one knows the future.
No one knows how your apparently inconsequential actions will affect events in the future.
No one. Including you.

What you DO know, is that doing nothing will affect no change. This you do know.

So if one choice is guaranteeing the slide into hell , and the other one is a possibility of a bright new world, why would you even be deliberating you choices?
The fear of Sauron.
Don't be scared - it's what they want. They depend on it to maintain their control over you.

Logically - there is no choice if you are not a coward.
This is not a game.
Change your mindset. Toughen up.
Being scared is fine, but being a coward is soul crushing.

Do something - or surrender your future and purchase your kid's ticket into the gulags.

And that's down to you, and you alone. ...

Here a couple of historical events that highlight perfectly what I am saying.

Nothing glamorous, nothing dramatic. But no less real. Small bites...
Everyone can contribute.


Who knows what your actions will help support ? Next week, next month, next year, or even next decade...

It will be you playing your part in an cause in which you may never see the result of your labors. So what? It doesn't make it less important. It's not an ego trip.
It doesn't matter... but YOU will be forever an intrinsic part of the total contribution.
So...are you gonna contribute..?

Never forget that fence sitting is just queuing for the gulag ticket.
The luxury of indifference has gone.

You never know what your efforts may mean in the future, but you do know 100% that no effort will lend nothing to making the future a better place.
The time of lazy is gone.

This is not a game.


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Take Heart, Incremental Constant Change Works
Our Purpose

I totally agree with you, but the problem of the whole nations and their governments lies on this simple phenomenon am about postulate. When we the followers tend to be outside the game I.e not in the government, they all tend to be so wisdom filled and innovative, but when they are elected or appointed they are all the same corrupted leaders, so where do we start helping the Future, please @lucylin what do you think.

Start, by stopping what we have in place at the moment.

Change mindsets and get brutal...

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