Is the UK government looking for civil war? Guerilla wars.... part 2

in #blog6 years ago


The best photo I came across when I went google searching! Absolutely perfect...gotta keep smilin', while yer shootin'..

Stand by yer beds!

I'm gonna tell you a little story...A true story.
A story that will ease you gently into the stark, hard, reality of the situation we find ourselves in, today..

Business is war.
That's how I saw it, in my business days..
Gain advantage over the competitor. ...And crush them, so there was no competitor any more.

I liked to see it that way. It made it fun for me. It made it a very aggressive game. I like war games.

You see, my nature is anything but aggressive. I'm a lover, not a fighter, baby.

I only enjoyed doing business when I changed myself, from the 'easy going lover' to the attack minded business shark.
I didn't like that person I was. (and neither did 2 failed, long term relationships, because of who I became).

I consciously withdrew from that arena- because of that change in me.
I was the first casualty in that war....

This is how it played out real life...

I had a backpackers hostel in Hollywood...
I had a network of spies in place, in several other hostels in the area. (spies?- well people I would give free beer and grass, to).
I knew when the other hostels had heating problems, toilet problems, bed bug problems, and an unhappy hostel (the death knell to a backpackers party environment).

No water? - every backpacker coming to LA through transit stops would know all about it.
Unhappy hostel? - I would go party at the nearest bar to their hostel with my friends - and let them know just how happy our hostel was .
When I first opened my backpackers, I had no market presence. zilch. – It was totally unknown - and it wouldn't be in the 'lets go' backpackers bible for over 18 months.

So every day, at 5am, I would get up, and go to the greyhound bus stations, the Amtrak train stations - and in the afternoons zip down to LAX .
My hostel was nearly always full. People slept on the floors waiting for beds, the next day.
My competitors didn't think like that.
Hard work and discipline - and the desire to make it the best I could make it (I mean busiest, it was by far from the best).

My competitors lost out to me because they were too lazy to get up in morning. (and I was partying every night till 2 am, then).

It was illegal to 'tout for business' at these stations, to pick up backpackers.
I didn't care for their laws. So I disregarded them.
Fear of authority kept the other hostels from doing.
....And I got the backpackers.

...I was handcuffed and pushed against the wall - twice - in LAX, by the ever so friendly police.


'Don't come back or you 're gonna get arrested next time' Was their parting words (and they were very rough undoing my handcuffs, I might add).

I was back the day after.
They knew I had a business. They knew there was nothing 'dodgy' going on.
And I wasn't losing my business because of them.
They let me be....eventually...( and after many 'chats' and runs around an airport!). Better the devil you know, and all that.
I carried on doing my thing.
I wasn't scared.
They scared off the other 'touts' though, who came sniffing around for backpackers sometimes.
(They only had to shout at them once, you would never see them again! lol.).

I never had to bribe the officers in question ( in truth there wasn't enough money to do that anyway), but would I have done?
If the finances allowed for it and it was needed to keep doing my business?

Abso – fucking – lutley.

I was at war.
Mindset is everything. There are winners and loser in war.

Lose the moral lines in your head. The enemy have.
If you can't cross them, get off the field, do something else.

Lose the 'playing by rules' idea - The enemy did so - years ago.

This is not a game.

If you are not up for the reality of war, change your fucking mindset!,
(or let the warriors to do it for you).

You don't have to like it, but you DO have to commit to it.

The enemy have been committed - for years.

Why am I telling you all of this? I know myself.

I know what it takes - for me- to get into a place in my head 'to make war'.
And know it will very possibly change you.

You have to find your way to change your mindset - from you as you are now - to that person who can 'make war'.
Niceties are a fading luxury.

(I became 'me' again, luckily - soon after withdrawing from my business battlefield.)


...Back to RIGHT NOW

Our weapons.

Our brains, our industriousness, our tenacity, and our brutality.

Brutality? Yes, its the weapons the enemy have been using for years.
Child protection services – how brutal do you want?
How brutal do you think they will go?
Imprisonment without fair trial, ripping you away from you friends and family - for no reason?
How fucking brutal do you want?

If we are past talking (which is my own perception), then we are in the arena. We must use all the weapons at our disposal.
The enemy are.

Only the stupid loser would not pick up a weapon to fight their enemy. I never fight to lose.

Become a brutal fucker.

I said in my last post about the 'casualties of war'. .....The first casualty is YOU.

YOU have to change your mindset, and lose some of 'you' in doing so.
Maybe you can get 'you' back later.
And maybe not - and will be changed forever by it.
That's for the luxury of later.
NOW is what matters.

YOU are the first casualty my friend. Reading this makes you a casualty.

Having to even discuss this, makes you a casualty of this war.


And that should piss you off, and make you angry.
Being forced to do things that you wouldn't normally have to do. Ever do.
Forced by wankers to change who you are!
This should be getting you so pissed off.
This should be the fire in your belly to be industrious, to be brutal, to be disciplined... to be bad.

Many people can follow instructions but not make the hard decisions. The majority in fact. You?
Put ego aside.
Find someone who can make the decisions, and follow orders – there is no shame or weakness in that. Quite the opposite.
We are all different, but we are all in this war together.

Know your strengths – and your weaknesses.

Know your enemies weaknesses.

These are the leverage points. These are the weak points in their lines.

These are the places where we get results from action.

They are the professionals and the corrupt, and never lose sight of that.
We are the in the right.

And know this - before you get into this fight - you will be causing pain on the innocent.
(how do you say sorry to a 5yr old child, whose family you have just destroyed because her dad liked hookers and blow and you used it to get all the leverage you could to cause damage?.)

Deal with it. It happens. It WILL happen.
This is not a game.

In part 1, I said there were three areas that we need to make our presence felt, to disrupt the enemy.
Media, Law enforcement, Judiciary.

The same principles apply to all three. The approach to them has to be some what different for each one. Some strategies overlap of course.


This is the soft underbelly of the three. Why?
The people involved. The personalities in that industry. They are weak.

Ego and vanity can be exploited and fear is a useful weapon to use on these people.
Fear of exposure being a big one.
How do we expose people in the media?

Let me give you just one scenario for now .
Facts, not fiction. (hypothetically, lol).

A 'high ranking' media personality likes to 'party'. Drugs and hookers, you know the kind of thing. ( I do, very well).
This media personality has family, respectability, and social circles.
This media personality has recordings and photographs of him partying.
This media personality can write editorials which will most probably get him fired.

This media personality would prefer to write an editorial supporting 'the cause'- and be fired - than be exposed and destroy his life...
This media personality is real. And they exist in their hundreds....


IF I was to embark on such an operation - I would befriend a good looking hooker - or even better - your partner. I would then set up a high class independent escort website.
(An 'escort couple' sounds soooo respectable).

I would then go fishing....And from my own experience (hypothetically of course) I would imagine 2 months into the operation, you would have a fish....depending on the quality of the marketing.( Hypothetically of course) - I found the subtle tweaking of website wording, making all the difference.

You would be looking for only one kind of fish...but who knows what you might catch...?
....Hypothetically speaking, I could imagine catching several high media types, policemen, judiciary, stockbrokers, and lawyers... for sure....over a 12 month period.
(Top end, high priced lawyers can come in very handy..)

All hypothetically, of course.

Hows yer stomach?
Sick. Queasy?

Just how many french girls spread their legs, in WW2 - for the nazi's ? mmmm?- for just this kind of leverage, uh?

This is not a game.

And this can be 'the peaceful' war. The alternatives are much worse.

Change your mindset.

I'll do part 3 later on...this is going to end up being a lot longer than I thought. There is a lot of ground to cover..

....None if it is nice, I thought I'd lead you in gently with this post. This is as fluffy as it gets....

..keep upvoting on this stuff -and resteem, whatever....just so I know if people are ready to hear this. I don't know without feedback.
Do people want to hear to practical realities and ideas in this PEACEFUL war... or not..?

I ain't going through this mud, if there is no one listening...
I'm not doing it just for the pleasure of it, believe me.
It gives me a barometer of the mood, more importantly.
I'm still deliberating of going back to a country that I don't want to be in, to fight in a war I don't want to fight in - to 'do my bit'.
I'm very good at causing mayhem. It's a talent I seem to have. lol
...reality bites...

This is not a game.


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It's all getting crazier...

Yes it is. Your post made me think of this scene from bsg where the resistance was going to detonate a bomb that would kill many innocent people. The chief was against it, this clip was Tye's response.

It is very true though. The job of the resistance is to spread fear and chaos through the ranks of the enemy. Collaborators must be punished. Working for the enemy has to become expensive. There will be casualties. The resistance can not care, because the enemy doesn't give a damn.

Working for the enemy has to become TOO expensive.

...this is the crux of it....

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