A quick scan around steemit...

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Just a quick post really..
I've been busy today editing my new video! Wooohooo.

screenshot of the vid I'm doing at the moment..

As I tired, I started screwing things up, and decided to have wander around steemit, (come back to it tomorrow.)...something I don't seem to do so much of nowadays.

I was shocked!

Shocked I tell ya!

When I first came onto steemit, I didn't have enough hours in the day to go through all the quality posts in this place.

Not so much anymore. The quality - as an overview, has gone radically down....
People leaving, the game being played on people whims, @ned backing out...

I have a bad feeling about this place right now, and the eternally optimistic are sounding more delusional by the day...


I had such positive vibes when I first landed here, 18 months ago... but nearly all the people I knew back then, are no longer here..

A bad feeling.

That's it, I'm done for the day, had to get a least one post in...


I expect I'll ride this horse until it dies.
then maybe beat it a bit.
My plan is to stay powered down at a low level.
If I lose it I don't lose much.

and i am going to write a post about beating the horse.

... and maybe a follow up one about glue.

If you stick two horse together with glue, then what does that make you....

You get two asses?

stop spanking your donkey!

Yeah, me too, strangely. (I DO like this place, even though it's getting very quiet)

But I'll keep saying my shit..

Everyone is so frigging negative, all we need to do is visualize a positive outcome and keep working together

Everyone is so frigging negative, all we need to do is visualize a positive outcome and keep working together

ohhhhhhhhhhhh!, I never realized.

Let me go get my positive beads, and I'll get right on it..

This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

@ned is already in his bug-out location stockpiling on coke and cash . they are now framing that new boss to be blamed for collapse . what a scam

Why are you sticking around. Lol

What a quack.

Posted using Partiko Android

need to expose tyrannical fraudsters , you ?

You call that exposing tyrannical fraudsters? Lol
What's it seem like I'm here for? Questioning quack and FUD, if you hadn't noticed.

Posted using Partiko Android

how about you start questioning bot-flagging instead , without that crap you would not see my 'FUD'

Why would I? That would be exactly questioning people policing the network against all kinds of things they don't believe ought to be rewarded and ought to be punished even. I see a legitimate reason many of these things are in place and if some are malicious that doesn't make steem a scam, it only means there are certain malicious actors. Calling this a scam and spreading bullshit about Exposing Tyrannical leadership ought to be rewarded with a flag and I'd be tempted myself to do that had someone not done so already.

I'll give you some advice, don't take what others rate you as on the internet as a measure of who you are. It is only a measure of what certain people think of you and of course what they consider you as might be valid or completely inconsiderate or outright malicious, but how you respond to that says something about you. I say that to say this, if you responded to abuse with ire is completely valid but not effective at being taken seriously and might discredit you as hysterical.

Posted using Partiko Android

you asked me why am I still talking about fraud , I gave you the answer . if they stop , I'll stop . the end of discussion

No, you asked why don't I question bot flagging.


If they stop you will stop literally spells out with as long as they continue you will continue to spread FUD and make bullshit accusations, which is why you don't want to be made to look like you're reacting to them with FUD, but because it is FUD it demands to be flagged, it's an impasse and if you think it's worth it then you probably haven't really considered what it is you're interested in: resolution or refusal to compromise.

You can rage quit the conversation all day long, next time I question your FUD I'll point out to this moment. I can bring it back to the beginning of your whack theory of people flagging to profit.

Posted using Partiko Android

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