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in #blog6 years ago

I really can't expressed how grateful I am for those words I just read. You're God sent. I patiently went through your reply and I'm glad that I met you. I will make 100% do with all your advice. And I hope that I can know you more than I've known you. Thanks do much ma'am. I'm really grateful.
I never know about most of the things you talked about not until now. Thank you very much


I am glad that you appreciate my very long reply. Technically, that is just very short because there are so many thing to learn here on Steemit. I myself have a lot to learn. It is a continuous learning process... Let me know if you have any questions. I may not have all the answers but I will do my best to help.

Good new ma'am, I just got a 50 delegation from @steemjet. And I'm glad. But how can I make the best out of it? It's going to last for the next one month

Go apply whatever you learned from my lengthy comment. Post, comment and engage as much as you can every day. While you are doing that, remember to keep good quality posts and comments. Seek attention through engagement in a good way. Engage, engage, engage! 😉

hi @lollybella fantastic advice given by @macoolette and I am so glad that you have responded to it in a positive way. There is also some really good advice in the other comments too ( and what an amazing amount of comments you have received)

I'm going to be very honest, steem is not easy. Like any other online business at the end of the day, to really make a lot of $$$$ takes hours and hours of work each day, and believe me I know as I have worked online for the last 10 years.

if you want to make a living from steem, you need to treat it like any other business and you will get out what you put in. However if you remove the money and re-think, steem becomes a place where you can be social online, make friends and network. So I guess it really depends on your goals, on what it is you want and expect from steem. And what every you decide it is that you want, put your heart into it, and you will get it.

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