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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/12/18> I would like a different room please…

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Thank goodness something like that's never happened to me mr Papper! I've seen shadows hovering over me a couple of times on waking up, funnily enough I was not afraid and would go right back to sleep. This happened each time I lost close family members unexpectedly; my dad, 2 brothers and my dearest uncle who was more like a brother to me. My dearest sweetest uncle whose tragic story I will share one day, when I'm ready, often had encounters with restless spirits, very disturbing of course.
One story he told, was about their neighbour, an elderly lady who suddenly out of character used to call him to the fence every afternoon when they would have long chats. This went on for about a week. She fell ill and was taken to hospital. Apparently he became extremely agitated one evening for no reason, went to his room and the neighbour's face appeared, he said it was like there was a haze around her. Of course granny and his sisters had quite a job calming him down and said he must have imagined it. A little later they received a call from the hospital (the neighbours did not have a telephone), the old lady had just passed away!
But I do agree with @simplylizelle, when bad things happen in a place, I do believe bad vibes get trapped and the place needs a thorough cleansing physically and spiritually. Well that's my belief in any case! I'm such a ninny, would not want to stay in room 111 ever mr Papper!


I think there is a lot more going on below our level of consciousness, that being the subconscious mind. It is quite possible that things slip back and forth between them more frequently than we realize too. This just happened to hit me hard enough to notice and take action by moving rooms. I also agree with @simplylizelle, I think vibrations can be embedded in physical objects and then they resonate when we get within a certain distance of the object, we may not all be in tune with it, but it doesn't mean it isn't happening.
Your uncles story is a fascinating one as well with the neighbor lady, no way could someone say that was a coincidence.

For sure mr Papper! My uncle was an artist at heart, and super attuned to good and bad in the physical world and obviously in the world beyond as well, he said it was a curse when he was younger but he learnt how to deal with it in his latter years. Sadly this instinct (and his kindness) let him down when he trusted the wrong person and this cost him his life!

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