Full Moon Gathering! Spiritual loving experience! Lake Atitlan, Guatemala! (Original)

in #blog7 years ago

On April 2017, I was working at a hostel in San Marcos la Laguna, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala...
Beautiful town full of yoga, meditation and a lot of other alternative therapies and spiritual things... pretty hippie place...
I heard about this "full moon thing" from a friend and felt that may be something interesting to experience... I was right... It was maybe the best "party" i've ever went to...

This was drawn through the night by many different souls

I'm gonna describe the whole thing from start to end:

The meeting point was at the hostel by the lake... people started getting here, nice music, amazing good vibes... After maybe 30 minutes waiting there the boat arrived....


Some bubble magic...

This is the biggest boat on this lake... Djs playing, costumes, lots of hugs, crazy people... I think the boat ride around the lake toke about an hour and after sunset it headed to the gathering site...


It was a "secret" location. A place called "El Mirador"... getting close to the site we can tell where is going to be because the spinning fire was easy to spot from the distance... Amazing spinning fire lady there, just attracting the boat to her magic...
Getting down from the boat we all when eyes closed, one by one, through a group of maybe 10 people whose task was just to give love to everyone, touching and chanting a blessing song... so much love in the air...
The site is beautiful, right by the lake, a lot of different levels with different chilling areas, a fireplace, a dancing area with djs playing what i call trival spiritual music, another area with massages and aromatic therapies, a tea room...
Around 9pm we all came together around the fireplace for a "setting intention" ceremony... everyone candle in hand, a few speeches, most of us saying out loud our intention... beautiful view and vibes...


After all the intentions were set and the speeches were done. One by one we placed our candles on the fire place and the never ending fire started... (it ended next morning)



Part of the ceremony was that everyone had "medicine" included on the ticket price... little papers that go under your tongue...
You can't really understand the level of love and harmony that was in the air... it was a alcohol free night (no alcohol) everyone flowing on their own beautiful way, no conflicts at all... people dancing, people laughing, people drinking tea, people sleeping under the stars...
I was with my girlfriend, just starting our relation and i swear i´ve never before danced and enjoyed a party as much as a did this one...

I don't have good pictures during the night but this was the dancing area...

we ware there surrounded mainly by people we new in some degree but we had one special friend that we both love... this girl was awesome, she simply let her full inner child come out, she danced all night with a feather... next morning she said to us "tonight i made love to the fire, i made love to water, i made love to the wind and to the earth.... I´m a whore!!!"



So many painted faces, beautiful clothes... tantric energies...


It went through all the night and after watching the sunrise and doing some qigong finally we were ready to go back home...



I wish all my friends could have this experience...

Hope you enjoyed my story! :) for sure i did!

***** All text and photos are originals *****


Sounds like blessed bliss <3 love the last picture of the bubble and sun, perfect way to sum up that feeling of fragile awesomeness at the end of an amazing experience like this.

Much love - Carl "Totally Not A Bot" Gnash

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Thanks for reading Carl! Feels good to know that someone is actually paying attention to the posts :)

haha that's the way to treat a bot, I did have a few moments on steemit when I was reading a bit too much every day, thinking I was an AI or something :D

thanks for sharing and I hope the time was productive jk again, great scenery, still those experiences usually stick around for a long time, so I'm sure it was productive.

Thanks for the Deadpost forgot to mention it :)

hahhaa we should treat bot with respect and love!
thanks for reading :)

Well i am biased as I know these parties well....you really caught the feeling of this day and night. I remember that particular gathering well...and i see our friend david in the back ground of one of your photos...haha the clock spins quick. Consider yourself double badge'd!
Badge of Originality BUTTBADGE.jpg
'The Butt believes you have demonstrated #proofofpost '

hahahhaa!!! nice badge!!! yep i just saw our friend in the back...
BTW... that tag proofofpost does something? sorry for my ignorance...

It invokes The Butt

I was like :O do you know The Butt?!?!?! And there yiu are lol. ;) hope spain is treating yall well!!

The Butt is a real good friend on the tangible world... :)
I'm actually taking care of his place in Guatemala now!

Hey brother @lavidaesunviaje! Such a beautiful post! You make me wish I had been there and long for the next such magical gathering!

We miss you already buddy, both you and your lovely lady. May you both continue you bring love & light wherever you go on all your travels!
(and also win a lot of poker hands, of course! jaja ;~)


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