
this is what I got in my wallet:
3 hours ago Receive 0.099 STEEM from tippy Tip from @klye via @tippy memo: Text to Tip Service - 1.00% Fee: 0.001

This works!

Can you make the command like this? "@tippy edje 0.1"?

This makes it more simple. Tip will then always by Steem, so not possible to tip with SBD, but that should be fine, or? You could consider to put @ sign in front of recipient, this is what Steemit user are accustomed to, but not sure if that works for your application. Ohw, also note the . and , are in USA different to eg Europe. Not sure if possible, but if both can be accepted as the same ie 0.1 = 0,1 would cause maybe some less errors.

In text messaging and especially USSD (not sure of you know that from your mobile) they usually use some extra markers in from of the text message to identify it is a command. It will complicate things a bit, but may also become more recognisable as a command rather than a comment. Characters like # * are used, but I guess this may be not wise with Steemit's markdown editor and different meaning to those symbols.

I could implement that command structure if you'd like. Anything is possible.

Could use a $ in front of the integer to tell the bot to send SBD... Will have to play with it a bit.

Got powerups working now too. You can use your steem balance to power up others via tippy now. :)

I'm still working on functions then going to attempt to integrate STEEM blockchain backups and whatnot. Then I need to tackle the queue / post limit evasion and get the restart block checker going and we should be good for some insanity testing. :D

I would not include to many functions at launch, these will be better determined by the feedback you'll getting from the users. More functions also makes it more complex. Better to spend time on making the backend work in a resilient manner :) But that is just my 2cents :)

I could implement that command structure if you'd like. Anything is possible.

You may keep what you have now, but be prepared to change it. All depends on how many mistakes that users are gonna make. An idea could be to create some browser plugin that helps creating the command; ie a little menu to include recipient, value and currency. But this has there own challenges + more work to create, so keep that as a possible extension sometime after launch, ie candidate roadmap feature. I would start with only Steem, keep it simple, see how the users like it. It also drives demand for Steem since post are payed out in SBD when selecting the 50/50% :)

I've basically got the beast tipping SBD / STEEM / Powering up STEEM / Handling Deposits / Balances / Fee forwarding and a handful of other things.

It's not actually that difficult to build a fully feautured tip bot. The hard part will come with bullet proofing it and integrating with the STEEM blockchain.

I can always allow both styles of tipping.. Not a big deal. Functionality is already built just need to change the triggers around a bit.

It's not actually that difficult to build a fully feautured tip bot. The hard part will come with bullet proofing it and integrating with the STEEM blockchain.

Correct! That I know of software engineering, features are usually easy, in my line of business we call this marketing stuff. The real stuff, stability, resilience, scalability, integrations with other system are the difficult parts. When done that right, with top level performance vs hardware resources, you enter the game of high value IT software for which millions of $ are requested from customers.

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