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RE: A criticism of the phrase "Poverty is a state of mind"

in #blog5 years ago

I also grew up in a 'having' household, as an only child who's parents were highschool sweethearts who were married for 7 years before even planning to have me, basically they were well established when I came into the world.

I have great work ethic, never worked a job 'flipping burgers' so to speak (not saying McDonalds is a bad thing either) and my resume is very professional and I have a range of experiance under my belt.

Yet, with all this being said, I found out in 2017 that no matter what, no matter who you are or what you have, in an instant and literally overnight it can all be taken away.

No one is immune to homelessness.

Spent over a year sleeping in a tent every night, and even though I now have a roof over my head - I never quite got back on my feet and I can't say at this point if I ever will.

Just wanted to share..


That's terrible, and I may be heading there as well if things don't go as planned. I'm standing over a very weak foundation. My house is breaking down, my country is breaking down, I have $1500 in savings and I can't find a job lol. The minute I need to get out of my house, I have 2 or 3 months before I can't even afford a meal. So in a few months, I wouldn't call it completely unexpected to be in a very similar situation to what you described. I'm working to fix that, though, but nothing is certain, as you say.

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