Seeking Grace (A short story part 2)

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

 Part 1

They lay there a little longer silently chewing over what they had recalled and then Helena picked up the piece of paper Marcus was writing on. "What do you think happened to the other ring, and did this Angel you saw even speak." She rolled over looking at him.
Marcus shook his head. "He didn't say a word, and I only saw him in that moment and then he was gone."

 "Do you think he has the ring?"

Marcus shrugged. "It's possible. But where do we even start looking for it, and if we find, will it help?"
Helena entwined her fingers in his and gave his hand a little squeeze. "It's an adventure, and something to do." She nibbled his ear. "You know how you love adventures."
Her nibbling made him smile again. "Yeah, I suppose you are right."
"Lets explore the idea that this is nothing to do with our betrayal, but more about that we are a threat... At the moment we are not a threat to him..." 

Marcus rolled over and kissed her smack on the lips. "You bring out the genius in me..."

"You mean I give you all the tools and then as usual, you put them all together and claim it was your brilliant idea?"

He winked. "We are such a brilliant team."
"Go on then, tell me what our plan is?"
"We need to get ourselves back in the game. Maybe we could convince someone else to make a new deal with us. Maybe the other side offer is still on the table, maybe the second ring might hold enough Grace to put us back? We have options Helena, we just need to find away to explore them."
"Oh just the fact we have options, might just make us a threat and Lucifer might also come back to the table..."
"Exactly my little dove.."
Helena jaw dropped as a great idea came into her head. "I want my wings back." She pointed to the piece of paper. "Put that down on our list of demands."
Marcus smiled and rolled his eyes. "I think you are getting a bit ahead of yourself Helena." But he wrote it down anyway."  

Neither of them had any need to learn to cook when they were demon. A click of the fingers and a feast could be laid out in a matter of minutes. Now stuck as human they had to rely on the left overs in the fridge.

 As they were eating breakfast of cold pizza in the kitchen Marcus admitted. "I don't know why I never asked it before. But which of your daughter is the one you carried when we made the deal?"
Helena looked ashamed. "The child was a he, and until last night I had forgotten about him." She looked up sad. "That is so bad..."

Marcus patted her hand. "It's not my Dove, the more we dig into all this the more I believe Big bro took it all from us, including the memory of our child." Marcus smiled. "A son, figures when you aren't allowed to meddle then I always win."
She throw a crust of pizza at him, that hit him square in the eye. He let out a gasp of pain. "Shit Helena, that might leave a mark." he chuckled.
"Good." She said justified as she took a bit of her strange breakfast. "I wonder what happened to him?" She looked up. "Lucifer took him away, said it was human and wouldn't survive. I believe it then, but now! I am sure it was for another reason."
"The child signified we loved each other." Marcus whispered. "He had to get rid of it."  

Finding the conversation uncomfortable Helena decided to change the subject from her failings and turn it back on him.

"So what crazy adventure have you got planned for us today my Love." She asked with a grin.
"Well we have to sacrifice a few more blood offerings and then I have a idea I would like to test out."
"Oh, that sounds fun. Tell me more..."

 "We are going to summon an Angel."

Helena looked a little bit sceptical. "Which one? I have never been able to find a calling card for one, they just don't hand them out."
Marcus chewed his cheek. "Why I said 'AN' it a bit of broad spectrum summoning spell, just pot luck who you get." Then he looked uncomfortable. "And it has to be done on holy ground." He mumbled.
"What! oh this just get better and better. Now I have to go to church... I am not sure my black soul will be able to pass the gate to the grave yard."
Marcus swallows a mouthful of rubbery pizza, not the kind of breakfast he was accustomed to. "Well it's all I got. Either we sit around here all day, paranoid of our own shadows, or we set too have do something productive."
Helena stood up. "Well let go, call up an Angel, my boy." She said with a laugh.

To be continued.... 


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