Blogging Around Day 50: Doug Polk Allows Mob Mentality to Control $100,000!
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Urban Dictionary Word of the Day:
Monies paid even though you are no longer living with a former roommate/lover.
I broke up with that skeezer Lisa and moved out. But I'm a good guy so I'm still paying her apartimony.

====== Doug Polk Bets $100,000 into Crypto Through Survey Decisions ====

Yesterday, Feb 25 2018, Doug Polk (@dougpolkcrypto) got tired of people enterring his comments section to shit talk about his crypto portfolio, so he made a bet against his audience. He set aside $100,000 for a publiclly managed portfolio. He plans to compare his personal portfolio to the public portfolio as shown to the right.

After a month of trading, he wants to A. See if his investments outbeat the public portfolio in order to crush the critics and B. See if the public portfolio profits, in which he intends on sharing 10% of profits with his audience. He allowed the public portfolio to hold 5 coins each of which had a nomination process and a voting period. The first coin had to be a top 10 coin, the last coin couldn't be a top 100 coin.

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The end starring Eminem?
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Cool tunes @jpederson96 thanks for the upload.
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