Random thoughts and a reason to post something.

in #blog6 years ago

Forgive me Steemit for I have sinned. It's been almost a week now since I last posted. I keep meaning to post something, anything, once a day, so I can claim my little piece of the reward pool pie, but I don't. This is mainly because I'm lazy but also because a little part of me doesn't want to pollute people's timelines with inane rubbish on a daily basis. To put it simply, my life just isn't interesting enough and I don't have the skill, dedication or drive to publish regular good quality posts.

As the price of Steem has risen over the past month and with it the value of the daily rewards pool, I've started to think about how much potential income I am missing out on by not posting every day, and although I don't make much on my posts I still do better than the majority of users on Steemit by earning a $1+ a post pretty much guaranteed even if the price of Steem dropped back to pre March levels. This is due to a 250SP delegation which guarantees me a 5% (or 8% I can't remember exactly) upvote from an account with 100,000SP plus a few upvotes from users on Steemit that I have built a relationship with over the past 18+ months.

If prices remain the way they are now and if I had posted every day, I reckon I would have earned around $2 a day minimum which works out to $14 a week, $56 a month and $672 for the year. I know this is obvious and most people, judging by the number of new posts being submitted every day at the moment, are already doing this so why aren't I?

I was thinking of starting a daily Vlog because I always have something to say and it would be far easier and quicker for me to just spent 5 minutes a day ranting/talking about the latest attack on our liberties, false flag attacks, slaughter of innocents in Gaza, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc, geo-engineered skies, social engineering...... the list goes on and on.

I could have recorded a rant lasting at least 30 minutes this week just talking about the Alfie Evans case where the British state murdered a baby just before his second birthday so that vaccine compensation could not be claimed, and another 30 mins talking about the latest murder of Palestinians who dared to get to close to a fence that has been built on stolen land, but I didn't, but perhaps I should have.

Anyway, I'll leave it there until tomorrow when I just might get round to posting something else interesting

Until then.

Stay safe



Very few of the people who post everyday post decent content.
I think it’s best to write when you feel like it and when you have something worthwhile to say.
I know it can be a rat race when you first start on steeemit trying to stand out in the ever increasing crowd however I still believe quality over quantity is the best way to go.
With that being said I’ve gone from 1-3 posts a week to nothing in the last 2 months, comments only 😂 I guess I have nothing to say right now.

Thanks for the comment TP.

I tend to only post when something happens or there is a news item that triggers me but as the value of Steem increases and I see people with less SP than me earning far more simply because they post every day I am starting to reconsider my position.

I find it hard to convert my thoughts into written word but very easy to convert them into spoken word as anyone who knows me will testify. That's why I was considering doing a 5 minute daily Vlog off the cuff, unrehearsed, just putting my views out there mixed with a little bit of inevitable rage.

I'm going to try to do one today to see how it is received.

Give it a go buddy, what’s the worse that could happen?

I hear you my friend. I also ran out of something to post. Most stuff I had to say I already did. Now I realize that even only commenting on other people's posts get's harder for me. Somehow the interesting posts are disappearing, what's left is hardly worth commenting on. At least for me :)

Everything I have to say or write has almost always been said/written already by someone else far more capable than me. I often think I will write about a particular topic only to do a quick search of Steemit to find it has been done already. I lack motivation anyway so I don't really need much of an excuse not to write.

I am going to try to record a Vlog today to see how it does as I find it reasonably easy to get my thoughts and feeling out of my clogged up brain into my mouth than on paper but we'll see how it goes. I'm not convinced that Steemit has a particularly bright future thanks to voting bots and the fact that Steemit is a reflection of the bullshit system we live in where those at the top take most of the rewards, but right now, while the price of Steem is high and I can make more from posting than the majority of users I feel like I am wasting my stake by not at least posting something. Whatever I post can't be much worse than some of the shit I see on here.

Thanks for taking the time to comment.


I totally agree with you. My main purpose for posting is to interact with other people, have a bit of a distraction in my life and possibly learn something from time to time. I think actually it does not matter if something has already been said. Who reads old posts? And who cares? Only new posts are being read anyway. So, it's more about having some fun. I don't think that my posts make a big difference for other people, I get maybe 20 votes average. But sometimes it just feels good to rant a bit, or find out that there are more people who think like I do. And the money? Screw it. I will never get rich off steemit. So, blowing off some steam occasionally and making a few pennies is better than getting drunk or depressed :)

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Hey my friend, whilst I wouldn't recommend posting everyday .. I think three posts a week would be great. You're always at the forefront of any discussions/debates we have on discord and you make some great and very valid points .. I really feel you could transfer some of that infectious energy over here and make some money .. whilst at the same time showng your opinions and knowledge are as valuable as anyone elses. As always @jimbobbill .. big respect to you.

Thanks for the kind and generous comment. It is very much appreciated. Big respect right back at you my friend.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Hey mate, really enjoyed reading this. I hadn't posted on Steemit in months until today aswell, and struggled with knowing what to write. I ended just opening a word document and typing out what was going through my brain. It was quite fun and something i'm going to try do regularly, to take the pressure off trying to come up with new content all the time, and hopefully to try raise some interesting thoughts

Thanks for the comment. I know what you mean about just writing what comes into your brain. My best (both from a personal point of view and often in rewards too) posts usually happen like that. People seem to like honesty and rawness. I wish you good luck with your writing. I will check out your blog in a moment.

Thanks again.


Thanks appreciate the reply :)

Omg YESSSS!!! Please start vlogging!!!! I enjoyed the one vlog of yours that I watched and I would love to see that photo you sent me for our last song, come to LIFE!!!! You have a lot to say, and I want to hear it.

Thanks Lynds, your words of encouragement are greatly appreciated. I am going to try to do a vlog later today. I've got a couple of topics in mind already with one of them being the latest warmongering lies by Bibi about Iran. I'll drop you a link on Discord if I manage to do it as planned.


Yes, please do send me the link because I don't always check my news feed! xoxo

My friend, do as it pleases you. I write a daily article about my coin collection. I have material for several months. When it is over, I will not post daily, only if I have something to say. Good luck.

I've got plenty of material in my head and the people I work with would probably love it if I committed it to the blockchain rather than their ears. It's high quality stuff that I am lacking. Thanks for taking the time to read/reply.

I stopped working so had time to post each day to get my SSG return. But with the weather becoming sunnier I am not sure if I can keep this up.

My delegation to SSG is one of the reasons I think I should blog more. I am quite happy to support SSG as I think it is a fantastic community but it seems silly not posting at least every day or two when I am guaranteed an upvote that I am in effect paying for by delegating. Thanks for the comment.


Keep your spirit and keep trying to make you successful in steemit. Hopefully the vlogs you create will work and be useful for everyone. Thanks and good luck @jimbobbill

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