The Secret (Hiding in Plain Sight) that Opens the Box of Success and Riches

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


(IJCH) The Secret (Hiding in Plain Sight) that Opens the Box of Success and Riches

IJCH - Inside JaiChai's Head (meaning: My warped, personal opinions and musings)

From the Author


I am JaiChai.

And if I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you before, I'm delighted to make your acquaintance now.

Ability or Passion? Which one for Becoming Super-Wealthy?"

(A conversation between JaiChai and a billionaire named Yu)

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“What job, vocation, or business should I venture into? Which path or direction is best to rapidly manifest and enjoy a life of happiness and riches?” I said, with a genuine seriousness clearly on my face.

Yu scratched his chin and said, “ JaiChai, the Original Substance (GOD, the Universe, Gaya, Infinite Intelligence, etc.) let’s you, and only you, decide. This is not a cop out.

It’s called personal choice. But the Original Substance doesn’t leave you stranded in the land of decision making.

The Original Substance has endowed you with innate skills and individual obsessions.

This is a natural ability versus personal passion situation. Sometimes they coincide, sometimes they don’t. Either one, done in a certain way, will make you rich.

Let’s examine both choices in detail:

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First, to be a success in any endeavor you must have the ability to do that activity.

This is a no brainer.

You can’t be a good speaker without the ability to express yourself in front of an audience.

In the same vein, you can’t be a successful actor if you do not have the ability to perform in front of a critical audience.

You can’t be a mathematician or physicist without superior intelligence and analytical skills.

You can’t be a good artist without creativity.

And so on.

For example, I know that since my vertical leap sucks, there's a slim chance I'd ever be a pro basketball player.

The fastest way to get rich is to do something you’re naturally equipped for.

Many people are innately better at something than the rest of the general public.

"Born Naturals" from the beginning, these people seem to easily do things that the rest of the world finds very difficult (e.g, "born athletes", mathematicians, musicians, etc.).

These are the prodigies of the world. The academic, musical, athletic, and artistic fields all have their fair share of prodigies.

But what is the most common outcome of child prodigies?

If they’re doing what they’re naturally good at to satisfy someone else’s passion , they eventually burnout or walk away from the activity.

It is the child prodigies that do their craft for their own satisfaction that successfully transition into adult stardom.

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Think of abilities as just the beginning.

Appropriate tools and equipment are necessary to accomplish any task, especially if you want to do it in a standout, excellent way.

You can’t build a solid, modern house without good construction equipment or make a computer application without a programming device.

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But just because you have special tools doesn’t automatically guarantee success. You must know how to use them.

Think of it this way.

Just because I have a garage full of expensive woodworking machines doesn’t mean I can produce fine furniture.

Just because I own a piano doesn’t automatically make me a concert pianist.

And just because I own a computer doesn’t mean I can write the next killer app or multi-million dollar computer game.

You must learn how to use the tools in the most effective way (called "expertise") to be good at anything.

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Finally, you also must be motivated to employ your abilities and use your tools effectively to be successful enough to get rich.

For example, let’s say I have all the advanced skills and tools, and fully know how to utilize them, but simply aren’t motivated to do the task.

This is common.

Some people, no matter how good they are at something, choose to do something else instead.

Lastly, and most importantly, you must be persistent (This is called "tenacity").

Too many people lose heart and give up way too quickly.

You must have these four elements to be successful and manifest riches:

1 - Superior skills/abilities
2 - The correct tools/expertise
3 - The will to do the task (Motivation)
4 - Persistence (Tenacity)

The lack of any of these elements results in mediocrity or failure.

What is "It" You’re After the Most?

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Do you want to get rich easier and faster by employing the special, natural skills you were born with?

What if you were great at doing something, but felt no joy doing it? Would you still do it?

Would the fact that it provided the money to enjoy other aspects of your life be enough for you to keep doing it?

For some, this situation is okay. They work long enough at what they’re naturally good at; then go on extended vacations to enjoy the activities they really love. Then they return refreshed and ready to work to fund their next adventures.

Besides, since they’re naturally good at the activity, it’s easy for them to do it, not much of a hassle.

But if they really hated doing it, they would continue long enough to be able to abandon it; meaning, earning enough to retire from it.

Then they usually move onto an enjoyable activity with less or no monetary rewards.

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Or do you want to do something that you’ve always wanted to do, but have never tried before?

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This option, although more immediately satisfying than doing a non-passion activity that you’re naturally equipped for, it does take much longer to make you rich.

You must accept this.

Since you may not have been born with the natural skills to excel in your passion activity, you might have to start from scratch and develop them.

In this case, the activity must be such a personally gratifying obsession, an overriding life passion, that the journey toward riches is as enjoyable as the riches themselves.

So, the simple answer to your original question is this:

Choosing which path to follow, which vocation, business, or activity to pursue depends on you, only you.

It’s your natural ability versus pursuing your passion.

Few people have the best of both worlds; that is, their abilities and passions align.

The rest of us don't have that luxury and have to make our own decisions.

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There are many pro’s and con’s resulting from each choice.

And who knows?

Along the way of either path, you might find some delightful surprises, some latent passions, and dormant, natural abilities.

It really is an individual preference.


Think hard and look into your soul.

Listen to your intuition.

The Secret (Hiding in Plain Sight) that Opens the Box of Success and Riches

Here's the pervasive, "hiding in plain sight" secret:

With motivation and persistence, superior skills can be developed, tools can be obtained, and expertise can be learned.

The inverse is also true.

Without motivation and persistence, your next high-tech, high-quality tool will end up being just another expensive paper weight - and neither your skills, nor your expertise will become one iota better!

In other words, the elements of success that count the most ARE TOTALLY UNDER YOUR CONTROL.

And armed with this knowledge, what will YOU CHOOSE now?

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Namaste (I recognize the divine in you, my friend)

By JaiChai

(Article originally published as

Thanks for stopping by.


About the Author

Believing that school was too boring, he dropped out of High School early; only to earn an AA, BS and MBA in less than 4 years much later in life – while working full-time as a Navy/Marine Corps Medic.

In spite of a fear of heights and deep water, he performed high altitude, free-fall parachute jumps and hazardous diving ops in deep, open ocean water.

After 24 years of active duty, he retired in Asia.

Since then, he's been a full-time, single papa and actively pursuing his varied passions (Writing, Disruptive Technology, Computer Science and Cryptocurrency - plus more hobbies too boring or bizarre for most folk).

He lives on an island paradise with his teenage daughter, longtime girlfriend and three dogs.



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"I appreciate all your support."

"My mind was a terrible thing to waste..." - JaiChai


It is true - everything is inside you.
With every breathe you are reaching the depths of a soul letting the things you want out. And yeah, it's under your control. Do what you love and love what you do.


Thank you for visiting and commenting with those wise words.



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