
I always wanted my first child to be a girl. Two girls and a boy was always the dream. Between my three step-sons and the kids at the group home for troubled youth where I used to work as a house mother, I've helped raise about a dozen boys. I NEED a girl. Lol! And now, thanks to adoption, my first child is actually going to be a girl. I just need to get her to agree to change her middle name or add a second one to it, which I've been told she's amenable to, so I can fulfill my dream of naming a girl (besides one of my girl cats, of course).

I have 2 girls and 1 boy, 4 months old. I'm good now lol.

I jumped right into a marriage to a guy 13 years older than me when I was just 22, and he already had a 17 year old girl who was pregnant with her first child, a 12 year old son who lived with him full-time, a 9 year old son, and an 8 year old son. I had a ready-made family, and a full-time kid in my house who was only 10 years younger than me, and I was still in grad school. So, kids of my own weren't an immediate concern. They've become MUCH more important as I've gotten older and those step kids have all grown up and had kids of their own (except the middle step-son). I'm really eager to be a mom. My husband is basically just doing it because I want to, and he wants to make me happy, but he's stated he feels to old too be a dad again, even to a teenager like we're adopting. But, he also said he will do his best, and will love her.

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