Blog #64: When we haven’t grown up yet - Khi ta còn trẻ [VN-ENG] 💋💋💋

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


That was the youth days, we all were young and thoughtless, didnt know what would happen beforehand. We kept having fun carefreely, welcoming everything readily.

In that beautiful time, we just saw the broad expanse of heaven was extremely blue, the sunshine was also greatly brilliant. We were gathering together no matter what kind of storm or tempest was coming to our lives. It was to know the comfort that whatever storms came our way, we would always be able to face them, together.

It was expected to be but turn out not.

Raising the eyes to the sky above us - it now is still same the extremely blue sky as before. But the change is we are straggling along, straying from our common path to follow each own dream and get into all the corners of the world.

It is called growth.

Summer 2016


Đó là những ngày rất trẻ, chúng ta đều ngô nghê không biết chuyện gì sẽ đến với mình, cứ vô tư chơi bời, vô tư đón nhận. Bầu trời khi ấy rất xanh, ánh dương cũng rất rạng rỡ. Mấy mái đầu chụm lại một chỗ.
Gió thì sao chứ?
Nắng thì sao chứ?
Không lo.
Cảm giác như thể sẽ luôn có những người cùng mình gồng gánh cả bầu trời bao la.

Tưởng vậy.
Giờ ngước lên vẫn một màu xanh như thế.
Chỉ là chúng ta đã chia ra khắp các phương trời.

Mùa hè 2016.


Stay alone in Toronto Airport and all of a sudden, I feel like missing them.

The English part is translated from my facebook status which I wrote 2 years ago. And it now totally fits with our situation.

By: @hanggggbeeee


Girl Beautiful

I'm still a small level, need help brother .. hihi

Looking wonderful....

Thank you 😊

Jin qua Peru đợi m à?

=))) chuẩn chuẩn

Hahaaa. Sai rồi. Chile mới chuẩn 😂

Hai thánh. Nói như đúng rồi. :))) @a-alice @kemice

T nói đúng r

Em đi mạnh khỏe, chân cứng đá mềm nhé cô gái! Hồi đó còn có vẻ mũm mĩm hơn giờ nhỉ!

Càng ngày càng gầy chị ơi. Sau chuyến này còn gầy nữa :))

such a good photos as well as you are talented when it comes to writing

I just translate it from my vietnamese post. Haha. It may be beacause my writing in vietnamese was so good. I’m not gonna deny about it. Hahaa. It took really long time to me translate to english competely what I meant and wrote in Vietnamese. 😊

What a great inspirational story! Thank you for sharing it with us!

Thank you 😊

we are still young :)

A fine little post, which says a lot. It's has a relevant message for all youth and in fact for all people.

I wonder ... will you become one of "The voices of your generation"? I believe that many people will read what you are writing. Keep posting on this platform, and more young ladies, more youth, more adults will come to read your interesting insights into life.

p.s. I like the photo of the "jumpers." And I'd really like to see it in "enlarged" mode. ☺

p.p.s. In my "Lou Reed Lyrics" series, there's a quote by Lou Reed that is almost exactly the same as one short quote in your post above! Really!! That is quite a coincidence.

I won't tell you his quote yet. It's in Lou post #54. Keep an eye out for it.

HAha. Thank you for your compliment. I think I neeed to improve more to deserve with it. :))
I keep wondering what quote you are mentioning about and take a look in your blog. But turn out it is a coming post. Right? Haha
You really good at making curiosity. Looking forward to your Lou post 54. 😘

I hope you did not spend your valuable vacation time looking for a "future quote."

Hope you can wait. It's a great and meaningful quote, which applies to everybody's life ... just like yours!!

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